
From Bloo Toons

Revision as of 04:44, 20 March 2013 by (Talk)
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Gold:I wouldn't worry about it too muchProfessions:Get them to the hsihegt level.You may want to start collecting them, since new ones will be coming out, because people will get lazy and will rather buy them via auction house then go farm for them.Achievements:Get the Explorer' titleClassic DungeonmasterClassic RaiderLoremaster title (You may not have time for this one, though)Mounts:Deathcharger's Reins Swift Razzashi RaptorSwift Zulian TigerFiery Warhorse's ReinsWinterspring FrostsaberLeveling:Level up one of every race you haven't played yet to witness the lore quests before they're changedI would also farm heirlooms, and get as many heirlooms as you can.

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