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You need to define what qlatiuy of print you want, if you want inkjet, laser etc. It is tantamount to asking How much does of a car cost, also how much does a truck cost, a small one I'll go with what I know. Inkjets are your best bet. A printer even worth purchasing would cost around 100 dollars US. I would no recommend a cheaper one than this, otherwise you know the saying You get what you pay for will come true. A small color one, well in this case you are in luck because the injet that I bought prints in BOTH black and in color. Unless you are referring to a printer that is both black and white in color, to which i would have to respond that I haven't yet seen one. Yes you can connect two computers to one printer, you would have to buy a switch which shouldn't be too expensive, or you could go high tech and get a wireless printer server / router of course it would cost more.

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