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Salut Rolfoui e7a va depuis le temps… et toi ?je viens tous juste de rteemtre des thunes sur les comptes apre8s 2 mois d’abs…tu as surement trouve9 le lien vers Orbona ab La GUILDE of9 il faut eatre ! bbe0 tre8s bientf4t vieux…
World of Warcraft cataclysm taenlts help?so i used to play WoW but i stopped and havent played for about 7 months and i think im going to start playing again. I have an orc hunter level 74 and i had his taenlts mostly in marksmanship and the taenlts are reset and im just wondering what you think the best talent set is. i have heard beast mastery gives you the best dps and is good for pvp but idk. i run alot of dungeons and i need a good dps, i pvp too sometimes. and also when i get it i will probably make a goblin and im just wondering you guys think is the best class to make it and what you guys have made and like. one more question, i know im at 3, but what is the cheapest graphics card that can play it at full settings with good FPS?

Revision as of 13:41, 19 March 2013

World of Warcraft cataclysm taenlts help?so i used to play WoW but i stopped and havent played for about 7 months and i think im going to start playing again. I have an orc hunter level 74 and i had his taenlts mostly in marksmanship and the taenlts are reset and im just wondering what you think the best talent set is. i have heard beast mastery gives you the best dps and is good for pvp but idk. i run alot of dungeons and i need a good dps, i pvp too sometimes. and also when i get it i will probably make a goblin and im just wondering you guys think is the best class to make it and what you guys have made and like. one more question, i know im at 3, but what is the cheapest graphics card that can play it at full settings with good FPS?

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