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Do i really need World of Warcraft Cataclysm eaixnspon?Right now i only have vanilla wow and i intend to get BC and WoTLK when i hit the appropriate level because i understand they have outland and northrend and also allows flying mounts etc. But i heard cataclysm is only good for the flight master license which lets u fly in vanilla continents? What are the places, raid instances which are unlocked with cataclysm besides the level 85 cap? thank you
KFGuides' Cataclysm Guide is the best I have found. For one guide, you get both Alliance and Horde leveling geduis. Plus, you will also get detailed geduis for dungeons and raids, classes, professions, achievements, and how to make gold.They are 100% legit and offer very detailed step-by-step geduis. No thinking or further researching required. Below is someone else's review for their guide that I found and a link to their guide. Hope this helps.

Revision as of 19:27, 21 March 2013

KFGuides' Cataclysm Guide is the best I have found. For one guide, you get both Alliance and Horde leveling geduis. Plus, you will also get detailed geduis for dungeons and raids, classes, professions, achievements, and how to make gold.They are 100% legit and offer very detailed step-by-step geduis. No thinking or further researching required. Below is someone else's review for their guide that I found and a link to their guide. Hope this helps.

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