Request Hacks

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==Undiscussed Requests==
==Undiscussed Requests==
===Hide Posts From Homepage And Archive Pages===
I want to hide certain posts from the home page and the archive pages, but I still want to show the post on its own page. Eg:
Hide Post:
Hide Post:
Show Post:
I don't know very much about how Blogger's special template markup works, but I saw some stuff that looks like it is possible to do if/then logic.
Maybe have if/then logic saying
    if on home page
        if post has label [name of hidden label]
            then don't show post
I think that may be possible but I'm not sure just how.
===Have The Last Word===
===Have The Last Word===

Revision as of 14:48, 3 January 2007

Main Page | Add a Hack | Hacks by Type | Request Hacks

Looking for a section that used to be here? Solved hacks are moved to the Solved Requests page, along with links to the solutions. Feel free to move your own requests there when solved.

Do you want a particular feature for your blog? Are you pretty sure that it is possible? Add a new section to this page describing your requirements in detail and linking to examples, or to the site that you'd like to edit. I can't promise that your need will be met, but I hope to guarantee that it will be seen by people who can help.

To help the community to understand what you're looking for, please include:

  1. A full description of the feature that you're looking for.
  2. An explanation of the purpose.
  3. A link to your blog, or to any other resources / examples that you want to use.

The more detail you are able to provide, the more likely it is that another user will be able to assist you.


Undiscussed Requests

Hide Posts From Homepage And Archive Pages

I want to hide certain posts from the home page and the archive pages, but I still want to show the post on its own page. Eg:

Hide Post:

Hide Post:

Show Post:

I don't know very much about how Blogger's special template markup works, but I saw some stuff that looks like it is possible to do if/then logic.

Maybe have if/then logic saying

   if on home page
       if post has label [name of hidden label]
           then don't show post

I think that may be possible but I'm not sure just how.

Have The Last Word

As a blogger, I welcome a large number of comments on my controversial posts. Being opinionated, I like to have the last word too. While I monitor discussions, keeping track of whether or not each post is "open" (ie I haven't had the final say) is difficult.

I'd like a tool that will provide me with a list of my posts that have comments where the last one wasn't written by me, along with the contents of the last comment and a link to the appropriate comment editing page for that post.

I imagine I could go to a page, enter a URL and my blogger name, then click a button. The results page would consist of a list of links and comments. Dates might be nice too. It wouldn't need to be integrated into my blog, be very stylish or even reliable, since it's just a tool I could check periodically when feeling bored.

It might have an option to show only posts where I have commented but I am not the last commenter. This would be handy for blogs that I don't own, but comment on frequently.

The building blocks for such a solution might include:

Any takers?


Hide sidebar previous posts on some recent posts

Description: As I use the Blogger navigation in my sidebar myself a lot, so I have added the 'previous' Blogger template code to the main archive and both a 'previous' and 'recent'(using Social bookmarks javascript linkroll) section to item pages sidebars so I'm sure I can access all my posts easily.

Problem: This works fine on old posts but on the first newer posts (item pages) they both show nearly the same links, so I would like to hide the 'recent' sidebar block, on say, the the first 3 new posts.

Link: The blog in question.

Any idea how I could do that?

Thanks, it's a great idea this wiki! Ycc2106 07:04, 24 July 2006 (EDT)

Merge blogs

Basically, I have 6 personal blogs on my Blogger dashboard. That's because I wanted categorization before Blogger Beta introduced labels. For a number of reasons, I want to merge my blogs into one. If there is a way to import all the posts from one blog into another, that would be an ideal solution. Please advise or create a hack to do this, thanks in advance. My blog is here at

Blogsend: No Linkback to Main Blog

I have a Blogger Blog that I've been updating since the Dawn of time, but my friends are all on LiveJournal. Using the Blogsend function, I'm able to update the LiveJournal without actually ever stepping foot on LJ, BUT the issue becomes that BlogSend automatically adds a footer with a linkback to the main Blog. I need to figure out a way to circumvent that, for privacy reasons on my main blog and to protect my guestbloggers. Any ideas? Thanks!!

Tag Hack for Qumana

I want to use Qumana for my post editing for Blogger. It works much better with Blogger than Performancing. But I want to change the tagging option from Technocratii to RawSugar (as exists with the great BlogThis/Tag hack.)

My guess it's a simple business of changing the urlsoemnwhere in the Qunama script. Where? How?

Way to Add The Digg Button To a Beta Blogger Blog Hack

This tutorial for the digg button for a blogger blog doesn't work in the new beta blogger. I would appreciate it if someone made a digg button code for the new beta blogger. If you'd liek to know what kind of template I use, if that will help you, check All About Google Adsense.Thank You in advance.

Specify the Number of Labels Displayed

I recently switched to Blogger Beta and have edited all my posts to remove technorati tags and add labels. This, however, generated a very long list of labels in my sidebar. I would like to be able to specify how many labels I want displayed, such as the top ten for instance.

I have looked at Hackosphere, phydeaux3, and Hoctor's Place. All of the code there, however, does a lot more than I need. So I was hoping there would be a simpler hack for this.

My blog is located at, and thank you very much in advance!

Archives: drop-down menu with titles

I can't find a way to make the blogger(beta) drop-down menu show titles of the post, instead of the date. I think it'd be extremely helpful, especially for blogs which are not updated very often.

Or maybe do you have an idea how to make this a stand-alone widget? Probably using the site's feed?

Discussed Requests

fixed blog index page (kind of a blog home page)

Description: i'm trying to make a blog for my phd research and i want to make it like a webpage but with the perks of the blogger. so i'd like to have a fixed intro page with a description of my research and then use the labels to divide the blog into relevant areas similar to a webpage. right now i've added the tab label hack from hackosphere.

Problem: i just need a simple way to have one post permanently displayed when someone loads the blog and then they can click on the labels/tabs to see the rest of the blog like a webpage.

Link: The blog in question.



at least a possible solution.... Check out Caramuel's category hack. This hack allows you to categorise your content, but also allows you to force the display of a given category when your main page loads.... So, put your intro / sticky post in its own category, then force that category to load as the default....

Hide the labels field from the main page and post pages

Labels are nice and all, but they take too much space off the main page and post pages. I still want to label my posts, but I don't want to display them after each post...


A possible solution courtesy of Michael and Hoctro, both of whom have played with Blogger Beta's new "if / then" logic to create the conditional display of content on certain kinds of page. I'd recommend that you leave your labels on your post pages, so that readers can see how you've categorised a post, & follow the link to a category that they're interested in,... but hey, it's your blog! This will probably work w/ minimal customisation.

Want Visitors List at bottom of each post, in Blogger Beta

I'd like to have a list, at the end of each post, that gives the name of all the people who left a comment, and links that name to the website URL they left in the comment form. You can see what I mean here: At the end of each post is a 'Visitors List'.

Can someone tell me how to implement this for Blogger Beta? Thanks.

  • Commentor names / links to their comments would be entirely possible modding my peek-a-boo hack, commentor URL would require hugely more scraping (and may not be possible at all). If anyone finds a way please let me know, though, it would be nice in my hack! - Singpolyma 09:39, 7 November 2006 (EST)

Solved Requests

Personal tools