Blank Club Members and Affiliates

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Over the years, Blank Club members and affiliates have made various notable quotes.


Current Blank Club Members

Brad Barbour

  • "Two orphans were walking down the cold Portland streets. They asked me for food. And forgiveness." (fragmented selections from 8th grade speech)
  • "I'm the Whitney's are there I mean NO offense to you." (Brad just being Ted Stevens)
  • "You were talking about... Hillary..." (Clever lie said after Joey lost his train of thought when talking about a French test which Joey actually believed)

Luke Barbour

  • "He wiggled. And he giggled." (in reference to Eric Whitney on Snakes on a Plane Day)

Evan Pryzant

  • "That's what they all say. Right after they die." (Timeless Quote)
  • "celled but joey is not hoing with mo" (AIM message that mutated horribly due to poor spelling, grammer, and logic)
  • "Prostituion is the world's oldest religion" (Famous misquote)

Jesse Aicher

  • "...and that's why corn is my favorite vegetable..." (Jesse's subject changing skills at work when Joey walked in on a conversation about his annoying habits)

Bannus Van der Kloot

  • "I am a poet because I wrap myself in misery." (Bannus' version of the first line of a cliche poem looked at in English II)

Former Blank Club Members

Doug MacGillivrey

Honored Affiliates

REid PrYzaNt(the awsome)

  • "Its just that, when ever Joey talks...I...feel bad"(Reid commenting about arguing with joey)
  • "I may be obnoxious, but I grow on you. I'm like a mole." (After Evan claimed that Reid was one of the most obnoxious people he knows)
  • "Just come up to them at every second of the day and go "OOOOOOHHHHH" and slip them a couple of bills and you'll have multiple girlfriends in no time" (Ried's one-step guide to getting a girlfriend)"

Joe Horgan

  • "Hey, Hill. What's Killin' Bill?" (Awful Joey pick- up line in the Old Flame era)
  • "I like to call people by their first names" (Joey asserting his values)
  • "It's a big pair of shoes to fill and I believe that my size 14 feet are the right size" (Selections from the 8th Grade speech)
  • "Are any of you familliar with U2? Back in the early nineties they had a song called Zoo Station that went; 'I'm ready. Ready for the laughing gas. I'm ready. Ready for what's next.' I think this reflects the situation." (Selections from the 8th Grade speech)
  • "Tim, my face is NOT waterproof!" (Exclaimation after being hit in the face with water)
  • "Evan! I'm being psychotic!"
  • "Mix it up a little. Like say that you were running the FDA Cyberterrorism Unit and you tripped over a hose!" (upon learning how Zach broke his ankle by tripping on a garden hose)
  • "They're trying to save the children!" (Joey commenting on a group of ants carrying larva away from the menacing Bannus, who lifted up the rock in which they lived under)
  • "Tea is naturally decaffinated!"

Tim Myers

Other Affiliates

John Cameron

Zach Connerty-Marin

  • "Oh my..." (Timeless quote)

Calvin Holt

  • (insert casual conversation here, followed by random denouncement of the Nintendo Wii) Example: "So, what I think what the reading was really trying to say... WII SUCKS!"
  • "This is an amazing tent." (Delivered at Relay for Life '06, after making clear that it wasn't his tent in the least... but his friends were just chilling... sketchy.....)
  • "It's an amazing (insert noun here)" (frequently said declaration concerning products which Calvin likes)
  • "I'd probably kill myself.'" (Blunt statement made by Calvin if anything that happens to other people ever goes wrong)
  • "KARRRENNNNNNN" (Calvin resorts to puerile behavior after failing to attract Karen Francosie's attention)

Ben Tweed

  • "You're probably going to smack me for saying this, but this line would fit great into the anti-time present: 'We must find a ride to Babylon.'" (Unprecedented/unexplained line)
  • "Audiodiary entry, Friday, August 6, 2004, 12:54 PM. I just realized I'm running out of time, fast. I've got all of a week and a half to do something. And by something I mean something--you know what I mean by something. If you're me anyway. Then again, some of you might overstate it, it's not the kind of something you probably have in mind....and it's not exactly the next level down, either, but...I hope I--I hope I am understood. End of entry." (Mysteriouso?)
  • "I'm not lifeless--come over here and I'll show you!" (Quite possibly his biggest faux-pas ever)
  • "Don't worry Mo, I'll protect you." (To M.C. after randomly putting his arm around her during the haunted hayride freshman year--or so he is told [he doesn't remember it])
  • "He's the president! Get him! Not me! GET HIM!" (Frantically yelled at the haunters while they were pretending to pull him off aforementioned hayride)
  • "for far too long have we suffered, for lack of that which we once had, but was cruelly wrested from us by forces. forces beyond our control. these forces made themselves to be all-powerful, all-consuming. they have kept us from that which we desire. and we have suffered. but no longer. for we have seen that the true power rests with us. and that when the time is right, we must strike. that time is rapidly approaching. and when it comes, we shall be prepared to do what is necessary to regain that which we have lost.

for far too long have we bent before the hatred and fear belonging to those who would take from us what we cannot go on without. but no longer." (Frickin' creepy away message)

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