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Fics written by Blank Club/affiliates/contacts

Fics not ""

DOOM: Repercussions of Evil (Peter Chimaera)

  • "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS" (Dad, in response to John Stalvern's dream of being on the ships)
  • "'This is Joson' the radio crackered. 'You must fight the demons!'" (Cernel Joson, giving orders to engage demons)
  • "HE GOING TO KILL US" (The demons, in response to th threat of John Stalvern plasmaeing them)
  • "No, John. You are the demons" (faux-mysterioso line to add suspense to the story)

School of Video Games (CrashRules33)

  • “I’m sorry, Bye.” (Cindy Jones, after learning about Roy's mother's death)
  • “Is my tongue still red?” (Mysterious line delivered by Wakko)
  • “My brother sucks out loud! Awesome!” (Link in reference to Young Link, his supposed "brother")
  • “You should decide, first, rather you want to stay with Cindy or not. If so, then stay with her. But if not, you should dump her. Then you’ll know what to do.” (Marth, with the worst advise ever given)
  • “You all know that I’m about to go into Event Match fifty-one, the final showdown, and, let me tell you, that it has been quite a week of preparation. You know, someone once told me that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. I found out that that’s not true. It takes more then pure determination. It takes more then work. It takes understanding. And understanding isn’t something you wake up with one morning. I wasn’t ready for the last Event Match, by a long short. Hell knows that I’m probably not ready now, but I know I’ve gotten closer. You see, all the different things that have happened this week have helped me to prepare for the match. I learned a lot. I learned to understand… well… girls. I learned how to battle an advanced fighter, such as Vader, and I finally beat my friend, Marth, in a match. Sorry, Marth, but I did. Giga Bowser, folks, is no pleasant guy, either. He’s merciless and cruel. Not to mention big. He’s so big that he’s out of this world. See, you have to know what you’re up against when you do stuff like this. It’s not an easy cakewalk, and I can’t believe I’m almost there. But, hey… congratulations to you guys. All of you. The first day you won a match was the day you qualified to fight through all the Event Matches. You’re on the road, now just follow it all the way through." (Speech given the night before attempting Event Match 51)

School of Video Games 2 (Fire-Emblem-Fan-6, formerly CrashRules33)

  • “Crazy! Crazy! Hah! You’re the one who’s crazy! And, speaking of crazy, say hello to Crazy Hand!” (Gannonforf is crazy)
  • " “It was an excellent excuse to stab someone. I wish it could’ve been Pichu, the little brat.” (Flawed logic)
  • "“This just in, Ganondorf, Mewtwo, and Pikachu, a trio of trouble has just broken out of prison and were last sighted with a gigantic, robotic dinosaur, and two flying, white gloves.” ("News" report, conviently seconds after Principal Iwata cites the need for one)
  • “Welcome to the machine. Like Ecco the Dolphin.” (Quizzical rock? reference, followed by Jenny remarking "And Pink Floyd")
  • “Go to hell,” said the principal. “Mr. Ganondorf, you are expelled! The judge will be very interested to hear about all this. I’m afraid, the Hand Bros., Misters Pikachu and Metwo will have to do some hard time too, but at least they learned something. Giga Bowser will be reprogrammed and have his memory wiped.” (Principal Iwata adressing the mutineed Ganondorf)
  • "Within the course of one year, Mewtwo, Pikachu, and the Hand Bros. received full pardon, Giga Bowser was reprogrammed, and Roy turned eighteen. The party had been the wildest that the school had ever seen, and Katie’s transfer into Roy’s room was finally permanent and official. That night, though, Katie hadn’t cared rather it was official or not, she still stayed in Roy’s room. Shadow was made official instructor of the weapons course. Marth and Jenny weren’t around too much, but Red X was often seen bothering the Simpson family. After Roy’s classes, he and Katie had a tendency to disappear into their room and not come out till dinner. Yep, life was good, for then… but Ganondorf was plotting his escape. Fortunately, he never managed it. However, the guards had a time shutting him up. He liked to bellow at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, the judge let him off with a full pardon, keeping a close eye on him, should he try anything else. It had, however, been revealed that the way they had suddenly appeared in Ganondorf's lair was because they had been stolen in their sleep and put in there. Now, Ganondorf's new cronies became none other then Bart Simpson and Young Link. Only god knew what he could do with them, but Roy didn’t care… much." (Epilogue to School of Video Games 2)

Sora's Little Sister (Frodo007)

  • “It’s simple; Sora didn’t wear any type of metal. If she wore jewelry she would have died” (Sora's Father giving a weak explination of how his daughter didn't die from high-voltage)


fire-emblem-fan-6 (formerly CrashRules33)

  • "Sorry I've not been doing anything lately. I'm working on The School of Video Games 3 currently and helping my mom (hermionestargazer) edit her first story. Hope you like it. I did. Be sure to leave reviews for her if you can." (o_0)
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