
From Blankclubencyclopedia

Revision as of 23:30, 21 March 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

For Evan's birthday we have a special poll:


<form method=post action=http://poll.pollhost.com/vote.cgi>
How bad is Evan's spelling?
<input type=radio name=answer value=1>Exelent
<input type=radio name=answer value=2>Not to badd
<input type=radio name=answer value=3>Meedioker
<input type=radio name=answer value=4>Prety Awefull
<input type=radio name=answer value=5>Just Plane Atroshous
<input type=hidden name=config value="TGV2ZW5icmVlY2gJMTE0Mjk4MzU4MAlGRkZGRkYJMDAwMDAwCUFyaWFsCUFzc29ydGVk">
<input type=submit value=Vote>  <input type=submit name=view value=View>


Thank you to Bannus for this idea.

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