Brad's Quantum Leap

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Brad's Quantum Leap is an event that the took the scientific world by storm, with its breakthroughs in the field of string theory and quantum mechanics.

Primary Account

The following is a transcript from Bus 14 on October 21, 2005:

Brad: Ive got2go Dr.D: Where you going Brad: Suicide attempt Brad: See yalls Dr.D: Soo then bannus

-Joey and Bannus glance back at Brad

Bannus: OMG OMG DID YOU JUST SEE THAT Dr.D: OMG I DID- AAAAAAAH! AHHHHHHHH! :? IM so confused liek srsly Bannus: lets folllow him

-Bannus and Joe run off the bus

Dr.D: OMG OMG OMG hes gone hes gone Bannus: Thats sooooo wierd OMG Dr.D: Lets ask them Dr.D: have you seen brad Kristen: O RLY? Dr.D: you dindt see a quantum laep or anythign//?? Mo: what'r you talking about????//? Dr.D: LOL Dr.D: Srry bye Dr.D: they must think were so wierd Bannus: YA RLY

Other Quantum Leaps

Brad had been known to take part in at least 2 other quantum leaps observed by Blank Club members in a similar setting. Adititionally, a group of 1942 Japanese schoolboys claim to have seen Brad prancing through the fields with Mr B Natural while fighting off space aliens with his ninja mind control during the filming of Invasion of the Neptune Men in Konichiwa City during a recess of the Aicher v Pryzant Tribunal in 2004.

Future Quantum Leaps

In 2009 Brad made a quantum leap to 2036 Vermont, where flannel-clad terrorists had taken over the post-apocolyptic government. He only narrowly escaped his doom by tricking a bearded old man into telling him where his time machine was. In an alternate timeline, brad visited a 2036 Vermont that closely resembled 1986 Vermont, except buildings were made out of recycled material and Gay Fuel was the drink of choice. This quantum leap's connections to Time Chasers is still disputed to this day.

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