CWF Alabama

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(Redirected from Apw)
Acronym CWF
Established 2007
Management Alfred Russel
Style Trampoline Wrestling
Wrestling base
Location Mobile, Alabama
Formerly Action Packed Wrestling
External links Official Myspace
YouTube Channel [http://cwfdestruction.piczo.

com/ Official Website]

CWF (Formerly APW) Is a Backyard Trampoline Federation based in Mobile, Alabama




Alfred Russell started APW in 2007. APW/CWF has been known virtually over the feuds including Alfred Russell/Rock N Roll Machine, Brian Russell/Alfred Russell Steven Woods/Adam Clarke And Steven Woods/Brian Russell. In early 2009 they changed their federation name to Championship Wrestling Federation (Not to be confused with Championship Wrestling Entertainment )

Rivalry with THWF

On April 13, 2009 THWF's Lil A, Speed, And Rattlesnake Kevin Would make challenges to CWF. And the announcement of the upcoming show When The World's Collide Or,CWF VS THWF Lil A helped Alfred retain his title against Rock N Roll Machine at No Remorse. Lil A, Avenger, And Warlord have all respectfully made appearances in CWF. Lil A, Sonic Steven Woods, Matt Taylor, And Alfred Russel Currently Are In A Group Names The Honest Men


Here is the current CWF Roster

  • Rock 'n' Roll Machine
  • "The Best Of The Best" Brian Russell (Currently On Suspension)
  • 'Sonic' Steven Woods
  • Corey Banks
  • Adam Clarke
  • 'The Incredible' Kendrick Payton
  • 'Highlight' Matt Taylor
  • 'HeartBreakKid' Dan Hedgeman
  • Dawayne Lewis
  • The Amazing Kid
  • 'Marvelous' Anthony Blackmon

Current Champions

Championships Current champion(s) Date Won Event
CWF Triple Crowned World Heavyweight Championship
Rock N Roll Machine
July 25th 2009
CWF Middleweight Championship
"Sonic" Steven Woods
August 1st, 2009
CWF Destruction
CWF International Championship
Corey Banks
June 14, 2009
CWF No Remorse
CWF Tag Team Championships

Defunct Championships

Championships Final Champion(s) Date Won Event
CWF Championship
Rock N Roll Machine
July 5th 2009
CWF Expiration Date
CWF World Heavyweight Championship
"Sonic" Steven Woods
June 28, 2009
CWF Destruction
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