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Sir - 3rd level Cleric


[edit] Stats

|Name: Vukal | Race: Human | Alignment: Lawful Good | Deity: Pelor |

| Size: M | Age: 23 | Gender: M |

| Height: 6’1” | Weight: 145 lbs. | Eyes: Bright Blue | Hair: Black | Skin: Dark brown |

| HP: 13| AC: 15 | SPD: 30 ft. |

| Stats |

STR: 13 (+1)

DEX: 13 (+1)

CON: 13 (+1)

INT: 12 (+1)

WIS: 16 (+3)

CHA: 13 (+1)

Fort: +3

Refl: +1

Will: +3

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Actual Attack Bonus: +3


[edit] Skills, Feats, Abilities

| Skills |

Heal (wis) 6 Ranks +3

Concentration (con) 6 Ranks

Spellcraft (int) 6 Ranks

Knowledge (Religion) (int) 6 Ranks

  • armor check penalty applies

| Feats |

Eschew Materials

Self Sufficient

Skill Focus: Heal

| Special Abilities |



Bless Water


Protection from Evil


Death Knell


Cure Serious Wounds

| Language |


[edit] Possessions

| Weapons |

Morningstar (1d6 v. S, 1d8 v. L, crit= X2)

| Armor |

Scale Mail (+4)

Light Steel Shield

| Possessions |


Three Waterskins

Silver Holy Symbol

Cleric's Vestments

20 Poor Meals

| Money |

GP - 19

[edit] Bio

My Cleric, Vukal (Though he prefers to be called "Sir" or "Brother") is your stereotypical, goody-two-shoes Lawful Good Cleric. My character has a relatively simple history. He was born in a war, and his parents did die during that war, but they had named him. However, he had no place to live, so a group of monks 'adopted' him. He spent his entire life in a monastery, living a simple life that involved hours of prayer and such. While living in the monastery he was taught how to become a cleric. He learned how to heal people two ways: using medicine and using magic. Of course, nobody ever used the word magic. None of them believed in it. Instead they said that He had been given a gift by Pelor. Outside of his Clerical duties, he rarely ever talks. The other people that lived at the monastery were very similar to him. Either they only talked when they were praying, or they never spoke at all.

The monks named him Vukal, but all his life he has been referred to as 'Brother'. He accepts all races, and avoids unnecessary fighting. He dislikes other religions, (because he's a frickin lawful good cleric) but he tends to keep his opinions to himself. Vukal likes to eat well-cooked meat, raw vegetables and soup. He is used to drinking wine, but will also drink water if there is no alternative (Duh). Most people that meet Vukal either really like him or hate him.

Recently, the monks at the Monastery decided to send Vukal on a 'mission'. They decided that he had lived in containment for too long (they do not allow any of the residents to leave unless they are not coming back) and that he should have a chance to use his gift to make the world better. They sent him to join the party in this campaign because they were sure that it would be full of evil-doers that should be taught to be better people. Those silly monks thought that sending their best Lawful-Good Cleric would change some of the people. They had no idea how wrong they were.

I'm expecting that during his time in this campaign Vukal will be constantly sliding towards the evil side. Though he is currently devoted to healing the wounded and curing the ill, he has a very malleable personality, that is likely to change when he spends too much time with these adventurers. Maybe in the future he will go completely Lawful-Evil and launch an attack on the Monastery that he grew up in. But that's only if he survives long enough to become that strong and evil.

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