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Revision as of 10:09, 11 March 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

WARNING: WALL OF TEXT. You are about to read the longest profile in existence. Seriously. The faint of heart should turn back. Nao.

Break (real name Mike, last name withheld. Absolutely abhors being called Michael) was born on September 25, 1989, and currently acts as the second admin of Azure Chaotic. He (yes, he, even though the female avatar would suggest otherwise) is half-Filipino, and half-white (though tends to deny the latter). Has been "diagnosed" by old friends as to having a split personality, with his crazy-but-friendly attitude in real life, compared to his relatively calm, more serious demeanor online.

For more of a dose of ZOMG REALITY, this very divided youth is currently seventeen years old, and resides in Long Beach, California. He goes to the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, otherwise known as CAMS to most, or "that damn nerd school" to others. He tends to wear darker colors, ranging from royal blue, to a more normal midnight blue, to jet black.



Break, Man or Myth? Either Way, Some Info About This Dude

Besides acting as an admin at AC, Break has other hobbies, such as making electronica music, writing, playing video games, and drawing. As a musician, he makes trance, techno, and ambient music, but wants to delve into other categories such as big beat/breakbeats, drum'n'bass, smooth jazz, hardcore, chill out, IDM, and art core. As a video gamer, he loves to play mostly RPGs, but will settle for most types of games as long as they aren't sports sims. He's a cata-level DDR player, who plays for fun and not to count the amount of Perfects scored (though competition is still within his bounds).

To the future...

I am considering studying computer science and the arts at an (as of yet) undecided college. Future careers that I am considering are - musician, video game programmer/designer, writer/author/poet, and web designer. Or perhaps all of those at once. But that'd actually take effort....

Origins of the Name

Break is one of the main characters of the underdog of the Phantasy Star Online series, Episode III. Acting as someone that mixed the best of both sides of combat, Break was a strong character in Ep. III, as he was strong physically and technically. Thinking that this is some badass dude, Break claimed the name for himself, and uses it almost all the time when he needs an alias, be it in his songs or online. The "Miyama" sometimes added to the name is the name of a sword style practiced by some Hunters in PSO (storywise).

Aliases Used in the Past

  • Break (current)
  • Angelforce
  • Shadowforce
  • Phoenix
  • Eternal
  • Noirlab

Most of these aliases (from Phoenix down) are musical aliases only, and are only there for a bit of variation.

The Yin-Yang of It All


  • making music, and music in general
  • anime and manga
  • video games, and video game theory
  • drama class (he takes an after school drama class with Moritsune and Tydraad)
  • informal debate
  • studying random things of interest, such as the Magic color matrix....and video game theory
  • reading
  • making theories and quotable quotes
  • pretty much anything creative
  • knowledge
  • strategy and tactics
  • rain
  • being alone
  • ....but also being with friends
  • writing poems and stories (not quite always fan fiction)
  • when things go, for the most part, according to plan
  • RPGs in general, whether they be tabletop, pen and paper, or video game


  • having nothing to do for extended periods of time
  • Sudoku
  • illogic and ignorance without a point....and the resulting contradictions
  • peanut butter
  • Battle Royale
  • too much noise and chaos
  • when his plans go horribly wrong
  • too much sunshine
  • doing one thing for way too long - moderation, after all

Favorites in General

Video Games

  • Tales series
  • Final Fantasy series
  • Star Ocean series
  • Super Smash Brothers Melee
  • Tekken series
  • Soul Calibur series
  • Shadow Hearts: Covenant (the first is too bloody for my tastes)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog games
  • Phantasy Star series (both the old-skool ones and the Online series - Universe, as well)
  • StarCraft and WarCraft (following Blizzard games since WC1)
  • Age of Wonders series (Great, GREAT turn based strategy game)
  • Neverwinter Nights series (awesome D&D style RPGs)
  • Dead or Alive series (honestly, the fighting system is good)
  • Guilty Gear series
  • Kingdom Hearts series

Book Genres

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction

Game Genres

  • RPG
  • Nontraditional Fighting Games (3D)
  • Action/Adventure/Platformer
  • Odd MMOs
  • Strategy (real time or turn based is fine)
  • Card games (once they've lived past their popularity so only the cool people are left playing...and MTG is overrated)

Musical Instruments

  • Piano/keyboard*
  • Flute
  • Ocarina*
  • Drums*

Those marked with a star are instruments he can actually play.

Game Companies

  • Nintendo
  • Sega/Sonic Team
  • Namco
  • Konami/Bemani
  • BioWare
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Square-Enix

Artistic Influences in Music/Favorite Artists

  • Onoken
  • TaQ
  • dj.TAKA
  • dj nagureo
  • BT
  • Nobuo Uematsu
  • Yasunori Mitsuda

As you can see, this list consists mostly of Japanese artists, and video game composers (BT is the only exception to both - the others ARE both). You may now proceed to call him a techno-nerd.

Other Favorite Artists, Composers, etc.

  • Motoi Sakuraba
  • qurter
  • Evolution
  • Sota Fujimori
  • L.E.D.
  • Mitsuto Suzuki
  • Michiru Yamane
  • Yoko Shimamura
  • Thievery Corporation

Demeanor and Personality

Break has two modes of personality, one when in direct contact with others, and the other when indirect contact is made. In direct contact (real life), Break is an easygoing, lighthearted individual with an eye for random quotes and humor, and sometimes resorts to physical comedy (much to the dismay of all of his friends, and anyone within eyeshot). In indirect contect, such as online, through writing, and forums, he's much more critical and serious, though still retains a degree of a light air, for sometimes he's called to act as a mediator or peacekeeper of sorts, and might often have to debate, defend, and justify.

Random, Utterly Useless Facts and Other Such Trivia

  • Break is semi-ambidextrous, or as someone has termed it, a "southpaw reject". He writes and eats with his left hand, but can write with some difficulty, as well as do anything else, with his right.
  • Break currently holds the highest post count at AC, but starts relatively few topics compared to other active members.
  • Break's post per day count is currently hovering at about 9. This is an accomplishment because this factors in the several months that the AC forums were left inactive since they were created in August 2005.
  • Break uses FL Studio 6 XXL Producer Edition, Reason 3.0.4, a YAMAHA PSR-295 keyboard synthesizer, GoldWave digital audio editor, Sonic Foundry Acid Pro 4 (will upgrade to 6.0), MTV Music Generator (when he's bored), and various Winamp plugins to make his music. Eventually, he wants to move on to other software such as Cakewalk Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo, Orion Platinum, and the mother of them all, Logic Pro.

Online Life


Break first got his start as an active online community member at rocketlauncher's CRNet, a website dedicated to the mecha battle game for the GameCube, Custom Robo. He held the highest post count there as Shadowforce until UltraDefender (currently Grimlock) joined. Break's record was shattered within weeks due to his being absent for a weekend, but still contributed by starting the CRNet battle guide, which, like the wiki, any member could contribute to. And even though UltraDefender and Shadowforce were rivals in terms of post count, they eventually became good friends.

As a token of how much he enjoyed CRNet, the latest update of the Shadowforce CR Battle Guide sits on his hard drive to this day.

Comic Realm

Many months later, Brappy, former admin of the now-defunct CRNet, started a forum for his website, Comic Realm. Break agreed to join, and hung out with the small, but close-knit community. This marked the first time he used Break as an alias around his friends at CRNet, and again held the highest post count until UltraDefender joined. It was here where Break decided that a website should be made, one with a greater focus than Comic Realm. He pulled a few ideas from Comic Realm - Random Insanity, RP forums, and such - and collaborated with UltraDefender to make Azure Chaotic.

The Seeds Planted Give Rise to the Blue Disorder

UltraDefender, now Grimlock, was able to secure a server at his house and put an Invision Power Board forum on it. This new site was to be called Azure Chaotic, to represent both halves of this project - Break's love of blue, and Grimlock's chaotic nature. (To this day, even the admins do not know why they chose to use the adjective form 'chaotic' instead of the noun 'chaos'.)

Unfortunately, the forums were set up, and left to rot.

For months the forums were left in disuse, until eventually Break decided to add all of the forum delineations you see today, as well as properly skin it. With the aesthetics covered and the permissions set, AC was now open to the public in August of 2005, with the official opening announcement made in Comic Realm's forums. The majority of users are either CRNet refugees (ddog13 as devildog13, primary admin rocketlauncher, and second admin Brappy) or Break's friends online and offline (Redman, Kame, Moritsune, Tydraad, rancidstp, teh1337caper, and Akira are all schoolmates, and Arcana and Nel were friends of his online). From there, AC was considered a soft-invite system - you had to hear about it by word-of-mouth, and be invited in by a member. It was not necessary, but it was a "code of honor" that some members hold.

Break has only a single family member on AC, who goes by the moniker ShadowEternity. This is his cousin on his mother's side, and lives in Texas.

AC Life


As well as acting as a laptop musician, Break is also writes alternate universe and original stories (so, technically, the former might not exactly be fan fiction). As a lover of an evolving story, Break also loves RPing, but nothing that allows all involved to go wild - structure is important to him, too.

Break started a project for a webcomic to be called "A Lesson in Psychological Massacre", but is on hold as he searches for an artist.


"Look, I'm not sure if having an orgasm will provoke an attack of opportunity..."

"(insert object here)...en fuego!"

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