Space RP Info
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- | Haars effect - A phenomenon that is caused by applying both creation and dimensional energy onto matter, essentially keeping said matter in between two dimensions. Because of this, matter under the Haars effect can be affected in the alternate dimension but not on the one in which we exist - however, the matter itself can affect things in this dimension but not on the alternate dimension. (Using this concept, one can power a machine under the Haars effect with dimensional energy.) The most common application of the Haars effect is for Observers (which must be large enough to carry all of the equipment to sustain the effect), and gun satellites applied to Katana-class ships (these satellites are smaller because they do not have to carry the equipment necessary for the Haars effect - this effect is instead radiated by the ship the gun satellite belongs to). It is not feasible nor possible to put an entire starship under the Haars effect, due to the following problems - the amount of energy needed to sustain the effect goes up exponentially with the amount of matter, and that organic matter has extreme difficulty going under the Haars effect. | + | Haars effect - A phenomenon that is caused by applying both creation and dimensional energy onto matter, essentially keeping said matter in between two dimensions. Because of this, matter under the Haars effect can be affected in the alternate dimension but not on the one in which we exist - however, the matter itself can affect things in this dimension but not on the alternate dimension. (Using this concept, one can power a machine under the Haars effect with dimensional energy.) Matter under this effect can travel very quickly, because technically, it no longer has any mass in this dimension while under the effect. The most common application of the Haars effect is for Observers (which must be large enough to carry all of the equipment to sustain the effect), and gun satellites applied to Katana-class ships (these satellites are smaller because they do not have to carry the equipment necessary for the Haars effect - this effect is instead radiated by the ship the gun satellite belongs to). It is not feasible nor possible to put an entire starship under the Haars effect, due to the following problems - the amount of energy needed to sustain the effect goes up exponentially with the amount of matter, and that organic matter has extreme difficulty going under the Haars effect. The Haars effect was named for the Federation scientist that discovered it, Dr. Joachim Haars. |
Brother Haemus - A member of the Brotherhood of the Maggot, he captains a Despoiler class warship and considerable land forces. | Brother Haemus - A member of the Brotherhood of the Maggot, he captains a Despoiler class warship and considerable land forces. |
Revision as of 03:03, 4 August 2006
This is the page for the Space RP going on in AC. You may add a piece of information sorted by correct letter (last name first for characters). You an also request a definition or clarification of a term by adding it to the proper section, and perhaps specifying who would know the specifics. If you want to know what something is or how it works, you should refer here. Please add definitions that could be helpful, and add requests. Feel free to add to or clarify existing definitions as well.
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Info on the Executioners
Astronomical unit - Commonly referred to as an AU, this is the distance from Sol III to its sun. One AU is equal to approximately 0.5 lancyrds.
Asuka - The Asuka (Katana-class, named for the ship's rough shape) is the pride and joy of Veinslay, boasting simply awesome power and defenses. The amount of weaponry loaded on the Asuka at any one time is more than enough to deal with ten standard Federation battlecruisers. Some of the many systems equipped on the Asuka are four Phoenix Invisible-class creation cannons, seven Kodachi gun-satellites, a high-power dimensional shielding system, Shredder ULR pulse lasers (used in the sterilization of Sol IV, or Mars), and a Shadowstalker full-cloaking system with counterdata modules. The Asuka was named for Break's first love, who was killed in an assault on Thanes IV.
Autocannon - A large automatic cannon that fires rapidly and accurately. Fires various kinds of shells, including depleted-uranium, Inferno shells, Frag shells, etc. Usually uses armor-piercing rounds. Is good for both tread-fething and meat-grinding. [see Warhammer 40K Jargon]
Brotherhood of the Maggot - A group of religious zealots much like the Chaos Space Marines, they worship the ancient Babylonian gods, with an emphasis on Nergal. Their organization originates from a region called the Eye of Terror, at the center of the galaxy. Their purpose is to serve their gods by crusading against non-believers and securing tactical warp-points, where they construct temples to their gods on captured worlds. They wish to preserve the basic integrity of the universe so that certain unnamed horrors imprisoned by their gods will not escape and wreak greater havoc, but they still wish to increase the influence of their gods. Due to the outward appearance of their ships (which is deceiving) and their tactics, they are often mistaken for Executioners.
Creation energy - Energy gotten by drawing upon another dimension. Perhaps the most famous use of creation energy is Veinslay's creation cannons, capable of penetrating dimensional shielding by virtue of its dimensional energy and sheer power. Creation energy is nmed the way it is because when originally discovered, it was looked at from a single-dimensional perspective - it seemed to violate the laws of mass and energy, as the resulting energy seemed to have come from nowhere - or "created".
Dark matter cannon - A weapon that's standard on most higher-end starships. The name is actually slightly misleading - it does initially fire a ball of dark matter (not unlike a gravitic cannon). However, once it reaches its detonation point, it inverts itself into white matter, and essentially creates a reverse gravitic that will quickly and forcefully push everything out from the epicenter. If it manages to penetrate shielding and get into the interior of a ship, the effects can be devastating.
Dimensional energy - Similar to creation energy in reverse, but used for different purposes. One is dimensional shielding, which will take the energy of whatever strikes it and effectively sends it to another dimension. (Dimensional shielding may be penetrated by using a weapon that harnesses dimensional energy such as a creation cannon, or by using an attack with enough energy to overload the shielding systems so it cannot keep up with the massive amount of energy.) The other common application is dimensional warp, by using a dimensional gate to proceed at speeds exceeding fifty times the speed of light, with a fifteen kilometer margin of error. The distinction between creation energy and dimensional energy is that creation energy draws upon energy from another dimension for use in this one in which we exist, whereas dimensional energy sends matter/energy from one dimension (this one) to another.
Despoiler class starship - The third highest rank of starship among Executioners, pirates, and the Brotherhood of the Maggot. Heavily armed and armored, with a high carrying capacity. Often relatively slow, but can slip in and out of warp at will.
Elyse, Tifa - Twenty year old human female, and member of Veinslay. She acts as the navigator of the Asuka, Veinslay's best ship, as well as the best-equipped ship in the Federation (while it was still part of the Federation fleet). She's usually placed as the second captain whenever Break is away. Has a boyfriend, Break.
Federation - Nothing fancy - not the Federation of Something, or the Something Federation. Just the Federation will do. They are a large intergalactic organization apparently dedicated to 'keeping the peace', but most citizens are able to see through this veil. In reality, they pressure other planets (neutral, underdeveloped, or otherwise) to join in their perfect vision of the universe, or else face military action. Because of this and more, there are a few anti-Federation organizations (such as Break's Veinslay) out to stop the Federation.
Federation standard - Used in reference to the energy output cap the Federation has put on their weaponry in order to avoid tearing apart the seams of space-time, and the universe itself. The Federation has admitted to having neither the technology nor the brainpower to be able to safely pass the standard, and so have prohibited their RnD system from taking any risks in that respect. Those outside of the Federation most likely have the technology to surpass the Federation standard quite safely, however, as they are not bound by the Federation's rules. Because of this, outsiders are likely to express the output of their weaponry in terms of the Federation standard (i.e., the Mar Sara's Phoenix creation cannons are three times the Federation standard). This standard was recently done away with due to the discovery of anti-Federation organizations roaming through Federation space. However, the Federation has not done any research to be able to pass this standard safely, which may spell trouble for the stability of the universe...
Federation test weapon - Referring to the (as of yet) unnamed Federation test weapon. Never before has any organization put together a weapon of such power. Inital runs reported an output of one-thousand times the Federation standard - and later reports showed that it had the energy to destabilize the Thanes system and destroy it from within. Among its features are its near-impenetrable dimensional-creation shielding, over fifty gravitics, and ten separate creation cannons. The second most feared aspect of this weapon - second only to the sheer power of the weapon itself - is its replicator, which is able to create an exact copy of the weapon using dimensional energy alone. The process takes five hours, and its only restraints are that only one existence of the weapon can replicate itself at a time, and that the replication can only be done once per day.
Feds - Perjorative term referring to members of the Federation. Commonly uttered by space pirates and anti-Federation organization members. More likely than not used with the word "bastards".
Felys System - Pronounced FAY-liss, this system is the core of anti-Federation activity. It is home to three of the most successful anti-Federation organizations, as well as a healthy amount of space pirates. As a neutral sector of space, this system is safe for any space pirates or anti-Federation organization to pass through (even the hierarchy in the Felys system condones these activities). Has eight planets, which are all inhabited. The Federation does not know about the existence of the Felys system at all, since it is so far from Federation space. The entirety of the forces in the Felys system number to about a twelfth of the Federation's force, but what they lack in numbers, they make up for in strength, as Felys system ships are significantly higher in effectiveness and technological strength than Federation ships due to their equipment being able to safely pass the Federation standard. Of course, this is due to the Felys system's scientific and technological advancement, greatly exceeding that of the Federation.
Felysian - A humanoid that lives within the Felys system. While they may look completely human at first, they in fact are three times as dextrous and agile as the average human due to the conditions on their homeworld. Reilina Sylpheed, the gunner of the Asuka, and Elisa "Elly" Rosiel are both examples of Felysians.
Gravitic cannon - A cannon that fires a densely packed piece of dark matter at lightspeed. Due to the properties of dark matter, it can be imbued with several wave-cancelling systems made to disable certain parts of the ship such as the weaponry, life support, etc. It also creates a gravitic sphere which, at low power, will cause all objects a certain distance away to be rapidly drawn into the center of the gravitic sphere. At high power, the dark matter will create a small black hole that is almost guaranteed to lock an enemy ship in place regardless of shielding. Ships with gravitics have a resonance effect with the cannons, and so are immune to the effects. A ship may send the frequency of the gravitic to other allied ships in order ot make them immune. The frequency must be extremely precise in order to be immune to the effects - hence, an enemy ship has only a 1-in-537-trillion chance of guessing the correct frequency in order to be immune to any given gravitic. (It should be noted that gravitics can affect the path, or even suck in, weapon fire, from missiles to most forms of energy (even creation cannons), essentially rendering said weapon fire basically harmless. When the gravitic dissapates, the weapon fire usually no longer has the energy to travel at a speed that can harm ships. This was a tactic frequently used by Veinslay when they wanted to go into a defensive position.)
Haars effect - A phenomenon that is caused by applying both creation and dimensional energy onto matter, essentially keeping said matter in between two dimensions. Because of this, matter under the Haars effect can be affected in the alternate dimension but not on the one in which we exist - however, the matter itself can affect things in this dimension but not on the alternate dimension. (Using this concept, one can power a machine under the Haars effect with dimensional energy.) Matter under this effect can travel very quickly, because technically, it no longer has any mass in this dimension while under the effect. The most common application of the Haars effect is for Observers (which must be large enough to carry all of the equipment to sustain the effect), and gun satellites applied to Katana-class ships (these satellites are smaller because they do not have to carry the equipment necessary for the Haars effect - this effect is instead radiated by the ship the gun satellite belongs to). It is not feasible nor possible to put an entire starship under the Haars effect, due to the following problems - the amount of energy needed to sustain the effect goes up exponentially with the amount of matter, and that organic matter has extreme difficulty going under the Haars effect. The Haars effect was named for the Federation scientist that discovered it, Dr. Joachim Haars.
Brother Haemus - A member of the Brotherhood of the Maggot, he captains a Despoiler class warship and considerable land forces.
Karyuudo, Tydraad - Ex-Federation captain, Tydraad's actual physical age is unknown due to overexposure to the warp. Most of Tydraad's files from his 15 (official) cycles of military service (though it can be disputed that he deserted much earlier than reported, and his connections in the Fed higher ups are the only thing that kept him under the radar) are under lock-and-key following his betrayal. Released information reveals his impressive combat histroy in the piloting of assault frigates, and dozens of instances of his acts of space piracy. A tad unstable, egocentric, and violently against any authoritative figure that would reign over him, he can now be found flying for the Veinslay organization.
Katana-class starship - One of the most powerful classes of starships before the construction of the Federation's weapon. It is the only class of ship to be equipped with gun satellites under the Haars effect, keeping their existence between dimensions. (Currently, no system exists that can place an entire starship under the Haars effect.) The results of this Haars effect allows the gun satellites to be immune to conventional weaponry, and allows them to move in conventional space at speeds rivaling that of dimensional warp. Veinslay has two Katana-class ships - the Masamune, and the Asuka, which had both undergone refitting into the Seraph-class after it was deemed necessary.
Kougenjin - An organization that have been known to be the "laughing stock of the galaxy". Current amount of ships unknown and growing little by little, even as you are reading this. While trying not associating themselves with any organization or group; actually has ties to the Federation High Council, as informers of the outer rim and most neutral zones. They are currently led by an enigma named "Zero", and had a homebase and complete control of the Sol system, and have fled the Argui system after releasing the "Reaper". While they are a bit behind Veinslay's technology, they are catching up bit by bit. Their ships include Archangel, Minerva, Absolution, Evangelion, and other class ships that are currently being upgraded; not much is known about the flagship Tatsumasa, and is constantly under upgrades. Recently released a monster from it's prison in the Warp using experimental weapons, and accidentally opened the way for more monsters.
Lacus - Twenty-one year old human female, and is the backup navigator and communications officer of the Tatsumasa. Also is a very able engineer and head of the refitting team.
Lancyrd - Units of measure for expressing distance. One lancyrd is equivalent to approximately two AU.
Logical armor - New type of dimensional armor developed by the Federation, but the plans for it were stolen by both Kougenjin and Veinslay. It acts as normal dimensional armor, but with one key difference - if the energy type of the attack is low enough or if the energy types between the attack and the defending ship's systems are compatible, the logical armor will send the energy of the attack to the ship's systems for later use, or to immediately improve the output of the defending ship. If the logical armor cannot do this, it will functional as a normal dimensional shield.
Mar Sara - Eagle-class assault frigate of the Veinslay organization primarily noted for its remarkable speed, the ship has a frightening arsenal of four small missile launchers, a "webber," warp disruptors, a mass of laser turrets, and two incredibly powerful Pheonix-class creation cannons. The truly remarkable aspect of the Mar Sara is the built in RFS system, capable of making warp jumps with near flawless accuracy within 1 AU, making the fastest and most maneuverable ship in the Veinslay arsenal, and perfect for a variety of tactical maneuvers.
Matsumoto - Twenty-five year old human female, and lead communications officer for Kougenjin's Tatsumasa.
Miyama, Break - Twenty-one year old human male, and leader of the anti-Federation organization Veinslay. He stands at 5'11", has brown hair, blue eyes, and a constant look of observation on his face. He's always seen wearing a black longcoat with a patterned navy blue headband over his forehead. Commands ten ships, five of which were formerly in the Federation fleet before his position was exposed by Zero of the Kougenjin. He was formerly a Federation commodore, using his high position to make surgical strikes on the Federation without them noticing anything, or even spreading misinformation and calling off attacks made by the Federation on his allies. While not the best gunner or navigator in the galaxy, he was rather well known as a great Federation diplomat during his time there - and a shrewd, effective tactician amongst space pirates and anti-Federation organizations. He's able to see things on a more mathematical plateau, and draw up interesting plans and efficiency diagrams in his head. Has a girlfriend, Tifa Elyse.
Nergal - A deity in Babylonia with the main seat of his cult at Cuthah represented by the mound of Tell-Ibrahim. Nergal is mentioned in the Hebrew bible as the deity of the city of Cuth (Cuthah): "And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal" (2 Kings, 17:30). Nergal actually seems to be in part a solar deity, sometimes identified with Shamash, but only a representative of a certain phase of the sun. Portrayed in hymns and myths as a god of war and pestilence, Nergal seems to represent the sun of noontime and of the summer solstice that brings destruction, high summer being the dead season in the Mesopotamian annual cycle. Nergal was also the deity who presides over the netherworld, and who stands at the head of the special pantheon assigned to the government of the dead (supposed to be gathered in a large subterranean cave known as Aralu or Irkalla). In this capacity he has associated with him a goddess Allatu or Ereshkigal, though at one time Allatu may have functioned as the sole mistress of Aralu, ruling in her own person. In some texts the god Ninazu is the son of Nergal by Allatu/Ereshkigal. Ordinarily Nergal pairs with his consort Laz. Standard iconography pictured Nergal as a lion, and boundary-stone monuments symbolise him with a mace surmounted by the head of a lion. Nergal's fiery aspect appears in names or epithets such as Lugalgira, Sharrapu ("the burner," perhaps a mere epithet), Erra, Gibil (though this name more properly belongs to Nusku), and Sibitti. A certain confusion exists in cuneiform literature between Ninurta and Nergal. Nergal has epithets such as the "raging king," the "furious one," and the like. A play upon his name -- separated into three elements as Ne-uru-gal (lord of the great dwelling) -- expresses his position at the head of the nether-world pantheon. In the late Babylonian astral-theological system Nergal is related to the planet Mars. As a fiery god of destruction and war, Nergal doubtless seemed an appropriate choice for the red planet, and he was equated by the Greeks either to the combative demigod Heracles (Latin Hercules) or to the war-god Ares (Latin Mars) -- hence the current name of the planet. In Babylonian ecclesiastical art the great lion-headed colossi serving as guardians to the temples and palaces seem to symbolise Nergal, just as the bull-headed colossi probably typify Ninurta. Nergal is now worshipped by the Brotherhood of the Maggot.
Piercer lasers - Usually referred to as simply 'piercers'; these were recently installed on most Veinslay ships during their refits (as Raychaser-class Piercers). These are usually installed in numbers over several hundred on large starships. Each individual laser does not do much damage to simple matter like hull armor, but works wonders on energy shielding if a focused assault is used. This is because the total energy output on a focused assault of piercers is greater than most other weapons if used on energy shielding (such massive putput is general enough to disable, or at least severely damage, even most dimensional shielding). Piercer lasers generally have above-average homing capabilities, and can also be used well enough when a split attack is necessary.
Reality Fractured System - Commonly referred to as the RFS, this system was developed by two of the best minds in Veinslay's RnD, Moritsune and 'Sandman'. Essentially, a system that allows for limited teleportation of a ship, but Tydraad has been able to use it to teleport anything within a two-thousand meter radius (or even area of effect). It does this by catalyzing a dimensional warp - instead of manually opening a dimensional gate for warp, the RFS keeps a small one open within the system at all times, ready to be used. However, this gate is extremely short range, but with its lack of range comes great accuracy and speed - it is able to warp the ship or anything within two kilometers of it anywhere in a 1 AU (~0.5 lancyrds) radius with a five millimeter margin of error, and this process happens almost instantaneously, making the RFS perfect for ship takeovers and evasive maneuvers.
"Reaper" - An unknown entity made with the Federation's knowledge 3 years ago. The only person still alive from the team that made this creature is Zero. No information has been released on its capabilities or its intelligence.
Relena - Twenty-two year old human female who is in charge of weapons division of Kougenjin's Tatsumasa. Enjoys acting as gunner.
Rosiel, Elisa - Usually referred to her nickname, 'Elly', she is a nineteen year old female Felysian. Acts as the navigator for the Elysium. She is about 5'7" and has long, mid-back length light brown hair. She also acts as the manager of RnD and Engineering, managing all the ship's current equipment and supplies, and making sure everything is on schedule.
Saffire - An Observational-class android who works for Veinslay, named for the light blue color of her eyes and hair. She specializes in simulation, allowing her to give a rough chance of operation success. She stands at 5'5" (5'7" with her heels on), and is fully installed with emotive vectors, giving her the look and (at times) part of the emotional levels of an eighteen-year-old Felysian woman. She acts as the second-in-command of Veinslay's Realis-class (now Lightstrike-class) Silvance.
Security Ranking(Galactic Standard System Security Rating) - A system rating solar systems by how secure the area is in terms of government control, it's mainly of concern to the vast number of pilots. It is rated on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 being total anarchy and 1.0 being all but impenetrable Federation strongholds. The slang term "lowsec" is often used by the less sophisticated of pilots to refer to the 0.0-0.4 regions, where bandits and pirating organizations have the majority of control over a system. Due to the Federation's incredible size following decades of incredibly successful military ventures, nearly half of "Federation" space is "lowsec" owned in name alone. 0.5-1.0 space is typically safe to fly through, with any pirate in the systems having to be suicidal to even attempt direct action against other ships.
Sigmar V - A planet recently conquered by Brother Haemus of the Brotherhood of the Maggot.
Sol System - Formerly known as the simply the solar system, the Sol System has nine planets. You people should be familiar with this system, as you live in it - put simply, Sol III is Earth, the Sol IV that Tydraad's first ship crashed into was Mars, and the Sol V that Flamuck's ship was nearly launched into was Jupiter.
Sylpheed, Reilina - (name pronounced ray-LEE-nuh, as most who see the name do not notice the first 'i') Nineteen year old Felysian female. Acts as the extremely skilled gunner for the Asuka (her dexterity allows her to make sniping shots from seemingly impossible distances). She is agile even in Felysian terms, and prefers unarmed combat in a man-to-man situation. She is strikingly beautiful, and stands at 5'8", with deep blue eyes. Her hair is raven black, and runs down to her waist.
Tatsumasa - Flagship of the Kougenjin fleet, current class is unknown, armed with dimensional warp and dimensional weaponry, logical armor, and is being upgraded to: five ragnarok cannons (preiously creation cannons), eight modified triple aether-class satellite type pulse Tannhäuser cannons, also carries thirteen EVA's, dark matter weaponry, and antimatter weaponry (a.k.a. white hole weaponry).
Triela - Newest addition to the Tatsumasa's crew, ninteen year old human female, and is the gunner of the Tatsumasa.
ULR - Short for 'ultra long-range', a class of weaponry with ranges going outside half an AU (approximately 0.25 lancyrds).
Veinslay - Small anti-Federation group based in the Felys system, led by Bureiku "Break" Miyama. They are currently sponsored by the Felysian government, and have their main base in Felys III. Veinslay's race spread is 56% human, 3% Felysian, 11% Klausian, 10% android with emotive vectors, 7% Newmen, and 13% other races, spanning the entire gamut. Currently Veinslay has ten ships - five for use within Federation space (the Masamune, Ragnarok, Astrid, Silvance, and Asuka), and five for use outside of Federation space (the Syzygy, Elysium, Athena, Mar Sara, and the Hawkwind). This group was the one who had developed many now-popular ship systems such as the creation cannon and dimensional shielding, and almost never fails to come up with a creative, effective system or tool when they need to. The group was named for the legendary sword said to have slain several cruel lords in medieval times, and even had the power to destroy negative emotions.
Warhammer 40K Jargon - Words used by Warhammer 40K players. Includes "treadfething" (vehicle destruction), "Meat-grinding" (infantry slaughter), and "Dakka-dakka" (firing of automatic/semiautomatic firearms, derived from Ork onomotopaeia).
Zero - age unknown, not much is known about this human, while he is the leader of Kougenjin, he has proven to know how to piss off people who have pissd him off. Linked to the Federation through a pact he formed for unknown causes, also knows quite a bit about the Federation's operations. He has divulged to his crew that in fact, he was a part of the Federation's R&D, and personally designed and built the weapon that the Federation is using to terrize the universe. Although they have modified his original weapon, he left the Federation 3 to 4 years ago. He also was a part of the team that has created the "Reaper".