
From Azuwiki

Anayo (pronounced: uh-NIGH-oh) is a Caucasian human male, dwelling presently on the East Coast of the United States of America. Anayo's name is synonymous with “new”, as it was procured for the purpose of replacing an older screen name which he once held years ago, “Seo.” While Anayo prefers to maintain a singular user name for his wide area network-based aliases, (almost invariably he goes by the name “Anayo”), some of his side screen names for insignificant and obligatory sign-ons of various websites include the likes of “Thataiatus”, “Rere-Valorden”, and even the once-used “Isotope.”

Anayo is an avid reader and (attempting) writer of science fiction. Novels which Anayo has read for enrichment and further understanding of the genre include Larry Niven's “Ringworld Engineers”; Isaac Asimov's “I, Robot”; some material by Alan Dean Foster; “War of the Worlds”, “The Invisible Man”, “The Island of Doctor Moreau”, all by H.G. Wells; and numerous books from the “Animorphs” series, by K.A. Applegate. Anayo appreciates science fiction in popular culture as well, typically in the form of movies or television shows, although generally he finds science fiction in the written form to be more well-thought-out and insightful.

Anayo has attempted to write numerous science fiction novels. The titles of several past attempts or otherwise pending ideas may be as listed:

“My Name is Zero”
“Rosatherus Expadotheus”
“The Aralyte Valorden”
“Futility” (short story)

“The Experiment”

Anayo is a strong disliker of clichés. It is for this reason that Anayo claims personal disassociation with subcultures such as anime otakuism, furry fandom, derivative and generic high fantasy as a whole (especially those which emulate J.R.R. Tolkein's “Lord of the Rings”), and all stereotypes or otherwise clichés. It is Anayo's brilliant and naïve desire to be transcendent of cliché. We'll see how he does at this, as he is still pending for the completion of his life goals.

Anayo has artistic inclinations, having tendencies since toddlerhood towards the production of renderings in various mediums. Early mediums of interest included crayons and washable markers. More recent mediums include prismacolor colored pencils, rapidograph pens, and 3D computer graphics. Anayo desires to someday obtain a professional level of artistic skill for the sake of rendering the hypothetical fantasy-themed ideas he tends to exhibit.

Anayo's musical tastes border on shallow to bizarre. In all actuality he scarcely understands them himself. Current favorite musical production groups include the likes of “Das Modul”, “2 Unlimited”, “Illona Metrecey”, and “Nightwish.” Anayo has an affinity for foreign pop, electronica, epic music, and anything catchy and pleasant sounding. Sadly, however, it must be noted that this criteria does not accurately capture the constitution of his musical tastes, as he sometimes exhibits liking for musical pieces from entirely different genres for no observable reason at all.

Regrettably, Anayo never undertook the discipline of a musical instrument early enough in life to provide him the necessary head start for any form of musically-oriented mastery.

Anayo possesses a hobbyist appreciation for video games, chiefly those of the plug-into-TV console nature ranging from the 16 to 128-bit eras between 1990 up to the present. Presently Anayo owns a Sega Genesis, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo Gamecube, and a Gameboy Advance.

Matters which Anayo prefers to be divulged on an emergent basis rather than a recorded biographical resource:

Real name
Geographical location (specifically: province, city)


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