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Hit Die: d8

Proficiencies: Templars are only considered proficient with their energy weapon

and unarmed strikes (and are considered to have the Improved Unarmed Strike

feat). Templars are not allowed to use armor of any kind, but may use a light


The Energy Weapon: The energy weapon, which is the main weapon of the Templar,

can be any type of simple or martial weapon (decided at the character's creation,

or whenever a new energy weapon is constructed) The Templars are considered to

have the Weapon Finesse feat for their energy weapon, and do not apply a Strength

bonus for damage upon a successful hit. Otherwise, the energy weapon has all of

the properties of the weapon type chosen.

Class Skills: Diplomacy (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Jump (Str),

Knowledge -arcana- (Int), Decipher (Int), Knowledge -military- (Int)

Abilities: Wisdom is the core stat of the Templar, as it affects many of their

special abilities, and adds to their AC. Dexterity is important for accurate

strikes and to also add to the Templar's AC. Consititution is important to add

more hit points to further add to the Templar's already impressive defensive


Alignment: Any, though Templars have a slight tendency towards law.

Base Attack Progression: Medium.

High Saves: All. Low Saves: None.

Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier


Guardian's Armor: Templars apply their Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers, if

positive, to their AC. They also gain +1 AC dodge bonus every five levels.

Guardian Force: For an amount of rounds per day equal to their Dexterity

modifier, Templars add 1 + Wis Mod to their current AC (minimum 1). At 3rd level,

this goes up to 2 + Wis Mod. At 7th level, this goes up to 4 + Wis Mod. At 10th

level, the Templar also radiates an aura whenever Guardian Force is used, causing

all allies within 10 feet of the Templar to gain 1 + Templar's Wis Mod AC for as

long as Guardian Force is active. Activating and deactivating Guardian Force is a

swift action.

Synergy Defense - Beginning at 4th level, if the Templar is within 5 feet of an

ally(s), both the Templar and all allies within 5 feet of the Templar gain +2 AC,

due to the empathetic link the Templar shares with his comrades, allowing them

both to cover for the gaps in the other's defense. If any of the allies within 5

feet of the Templar are also Templars, the Synergy Defense bonus goes up to +3 AC

for all under the effect. This Synergy Defense bonus is lost if any of the

involved characters cannot properly defend against the attack, or are somehow not

aware of the attack. Excepting this, this is constantly in effect assuming the

conditions are met.

Weapon Magnetism - Beginning at 5th level, if the Templar's energy weapon is

somehow thrown or knocked away from him, and is within 60 feet of him, he may

instantly recall it to his hand as a swift action.

Spirit Rejuvenation - At 6th level, the Templar can heal an amount of hit points

equal to his Templar level times his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 for modifier), at

an amount of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This is a

standard action.

Focused Attack - At 8th level, the Templar may make a focused attack, allowing

him to add one attack at his highest base attack bonus to his full attack option.

Telekinesis - In progress. Starts at 8th level.

Dragonheart - At 9th level, the Templar may add temporary hit points to himself

equal to his Templar level for an amount of rounds equal to twice his Wisdom

modifier (minimum 2). At 12th level, this improves to 5 + the character's Templar

level temporary hit points. At 17th level, Dragonheart produces an aura when

used, allowing allies within 10 feet of the Templar's position to gain half of

the character's Templar level in temporary hit points (rounded down) for as long

as Dragonheart is active. This is a swift action.

Focused Defense - At 10th level, the Templar may choose to activate any or all of

these abilities at once as a single swift action - Guardian Force, Dragonheart,

and Royal Guard (once it is learned at 11th level). This counts as one use for

the day for any activated abilities when using Focused Defense. Activating and

deactivating Focused Defense is a swift action.

Royal Guard - At 11th level, the Templar may gain damage reduction 2/- for an

amount of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 2). At 16th level, this

improves to 5/-. At 18th level, the Templar projects an aura when Royal Guard is

activated, giving all allies within 10 feet of the templar damage reduction 2/-

for as long as Royal Guard is active. Activating and deactivating Royal Guard is

a swift action.

Phoenix Soul - At 15th level, the Templar gains spell resistance equal to his

Templar level. This is constantly in effect.

Indomitable Spirit - At 20th level, the Templar has become the very definition of

the guardian, even perservering through the mightest of attacks. He may reroll a

failed save due to spell or spell-like abilities once per day, taking the higher

result. He may also use this ability to survive any killing blow from a spell to

HP damage once per week, leaving him with 1 HP. Both of these actions are

immediate actions.

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