A Lesson In Chaos

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The Very First Space RP - A Lesson in Chaos - Various Selections, Quotations, and Analyses by B. Miyama, K. Tydraad and T. Sandman



RPer Analysis

Written by: The Sandman

(in alphabetical order)

Break - The one who was the most serious about the RP, his posts were a careful balance between humor and drama.

Flamuck - A different kind of character, Flamuck played the anachronistic cultist in the RP. He occasionally provided comedic relief.

Grimlock - The one who posted the least in the RP, Grim brought a few Halo references and some broken continuity. He usually had short posts, and overall did not contribute much to the story.

Tydraad - In my opinion the funniest RPer, Tydraad kept the RP funny, simple as that. He was also (probably) the best writer.

Zero - The reason I'm writing this. Zero's posts and character were extremely unbalanced and filled with more overrated anime references than I thought were possible. On the whole, his posts were the best examples of poor writing, utter lack of originality, and were generally an offense to every decent human literary aesthetic.

In Teh Beginning...

Narrator: In AD 2006 great war was beginning.

Sandman: What happen?

Break: Someone set us up the bad literary technique. We get signal !

Sandman: What !

Break: Main monitor turn on !

(Break turns on monitor.)

Sandman: It's you !!

Zero: How are you gentlemen !! All your RP are belong to us. You are on the way to mind FAQ.

Break: What you say !!

Zero: You have no chance to survive make your Rei. Ha Ha Ha Ha ..!

Sandman: Fire every spell checker! (To Break) You know what you doing. Go good RPers... for great justice ! (Cue the Captain Planet theme song.)


Sandman: Okay, that's enough fooling around. For those of you who don't know, my name is The Sandman. Or, if you don't want to call me that, you may call me The Sandman. Or, if you prefer, The Sandman is also an acceptable thing to call me.

Break: Thanks for stealing my intro, you 'tard. Hello, I'm Break, subbing in for Mr. Lack of Originality.

Sandman: Thank you for also rudely interrupting me. To start this off, let me first give you the history of why this RP was started in the first place. It all started when Tydraad decided to record Captain's Logs on his PDA ranging from jabs at aliens to stealing Break's Chinese food. Moritsune decided to grab a drink at the time and read that the lemon-lime drink was "Now Potable." In fact, it actually read "Portable," but this is still funny anyway. This would account for the oft-used references and jokes about potable water and edible food in the RP.

In case you did not know, both Break and Tydraad's characters were insane during this first portion of the RP. Back then, the RP was of a much less serious nature, with semi-disturbing concepts and some broken continutity.

And of course, Katana Porn....

Break: Which, I might add, was not my idea...

Sandman: Tydraad and I liked to make the joke that Break was not interested in women because he listed katanas above women in list comparing his favorites. Heh.

Break: Of course, you bastards read too far into that...

Sandman: Overall, though, the beginning was a great time, as it was reallly just Break and Tydraad playing off of each other's absurdist humor. Tydraad favored a megalomanical-captain type, complete with dry wit and an infinite aura of omnipotent sexy. Break's character started out as a parody of the all-powerful silent warrior with a katana (except that he was actuallY a good RPer), able to perform such feats of magic such as blowing up the ship, surviving in the vacuum of space, and playing Jesus by generating pasta out of nowhere.

Zero Hour

Tydraad Signs On, the Death of the Captain's Log

Of Bad Plot Twists, Overrated Anime References, the Beginning of the End, and Other Such References Not Worth Mentioning at the Moment

The Great Leap Forward

The Fat Lady Warms Up

The Death of Originality

The Universe is Screwed

Ze Denouement and Death

The Mind FAQ

And The Moral of Today's Story Is...

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