From Azuwiki
[edit] Kensai
The kensai are a type of warrior that melds aspects of the fighter's martial prowess with parts of the monk's dedicated focus to their art. Kensai are by no means effective with a wide arrangement of weaponry - rather, they choose a weapon and master its use until the weapon is, in a way, part of their very soul. Kensai disregard armor, favoring a quick, accurate style over brute strength. The best of the kensai can match the best of fighters in combat - and their prowess often earns them the title of "sword saints".
Alignment: The path of the kensai may only be traveled by those of a lawful alignment, due to the sheer dedication necessary to master the use of one weapon.
Hit Die: d10. (perhaps d8?)
Profiencies: A kensai is only proficient with his or her weapon of choice (see Kensai Abilities below). Kensai are not allowed to wear armor or shields, or else they lose all of their Ki Strike-powered abilities.
Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
Abilities: Dexterity is possibly the most important stat for a kensai, as they achieve their combat prowess with fast, graceful movement rather than brute strength. A high Dexterity score also adds to the kensai's AC, allowing him to stay alive longer. A high Wisdom score adds to the effectiveness of some of the kensai's special abilities. (Considering allowing Nine Swords abilities?)
Special: A kensai cannot wear armor, so they apply both their Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers to their AC. This is a dodge bonus, so kensais lose this extra AC if they are caught flat-footed.
Saves: Reflex and Will high, Fortitude low
Base Attack Bonus: High
Kensai Abilities:
Weapon of Choice: At 1st level, the kensai must choose one weapon of choice. The weapon of choice must be a melee or reach weapon (an unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and if chosen, the kensai is considered to have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat). Because of this, bows, crossbows, and other ranged weapons cannot be chosen. The weapon of choice is the only weapon the kensai is considered proficient in - all other weapons take the normal -4 nonproficiency penalty. Kensai special abilities may only be used when he or she wields the weapon of choice. A kensai is considered to have the Weapon Finesse feat for their weapon of choice (even if the feat cannot be normally applied to that weapon).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the kensai gains the Dodge feat. At 2nd level, the kensai gains the Mobility feat. At 4th level, the kensai gains the Combat Reflexes feat. At 6th level, the kensai gains the Spring Attack feat. All of these feats are automatically gained - the kensai does not need to meet the prerequisites. (considering only having Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat)
Ki Strike: Starting at 1st level, the kensai may make a strike at maximum damage. The intent to use a Ki Strike must be declared before the attack roll - if the attack hits, the value of the damage die of the weapon plus the kensai's Dexterity modifier is the reulting damage. (Add on any other modifiers normally, and roll any extra damage dice as usual.) Therefore, a kensai with Dex 16 and Str 10 and a longsword would do 11 damage on a successful Ki Strike. If the attack misses, the attempt is used up. The kensai may make as many Ki Strikes per day as his or her kensai level. Ki Strikes cannot score a critical hit. Extra damage from weapon properties or special abilities are still determined normally, and not maximized. At 8th level, the kensai may also add his Wisdom modifier to his Ki Strike damage.
Flight of the Phoenix: At 3rd level, kensai gain a +10 ft. bonus to their speed. This extra speed is lost if the kensai is carrying a heavy load, or is somehow encumbered.
Time of Focus: A kensai cannot choose a feat at 3rd level.
Slashing Winds: At 4th level, kensai gain a +1 bonus to their attack rolls made with their weapon of choice. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +2.
Evasion: At 5th level, a kensai gains evasion. This improves to Improved Evasion at 11th level.
Fangs of the Dragon God: At 10th level, the kensai learns an ability known as seiryuga - this special training allows a kensai to focus, and improve their ability to make a critical strike with their weapon of strike. This improves the threat range of a critical hit made with their weapon of choice by +1 (applied after modifiers, such as for the one or Improved Critical). At 17th level, the damage multiplier of the critical increases by one. For example, a longsword, which would have a x2 critical multiplier, would now have a x3 multiplier.
Circular Heaven Strike: At 8th level, the kensai gains the Whirlwind attack. However, at 12th level, the Whirlwind Attack improves, and may be made as a standard action instead of substituting your full attack option. Only one Whirlwind Attack may be made per round. (considering removal)