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(Where's all the n00bs?)
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This is to get any n00blet questions out of the way. All questions are answered by the person whose name is next to the answer. More than one person may answer a question, but do not delete any without permission. Feel free to add questions and answeres, though.
This is to get any n00blet questions out of the way. All questions are answered by the person whose name is next to the answer. More than one person may answer a question, but do not delete any without permission. Feel free to add questions and answers, though.
==What the hell is this?==
==What the hell is this?==
Line 6: Line 7:
Grim: Resistance is Futile, NEDM can save you
Grim: Resistance is Futile, NEDM can save you
Sandman: You have no chance to survive make your time.
==What are the general rules on the forums?==
Akira: (This is actually important, so listen up) Talk on anything you wish in the appropriate forum, on an appropriate topic. Trolling of any kind is not tollerated and any moderator will have power to take action against the relevant comments and user. Don't go too off topic for too long, as this will result in a topic close for maintanance purposes. Other than that you're free to do as you wish so long as you don't annoy the others. That is all.
Break: Or we'll shoot/eat you.
Tydraad: Tch. Sticks in the mud. They're right though. Though I always thought Break was more of a katana person...
Break: I am a katana person. I already explained the godly powers a katana has - a katana can both shoot and eat things.
Tydraad: So can I, but I don't come with weapon regulations.
Break: My katana shall taste your blood tonight. =_=
Tydraad: The body is a weapon, a katana is but a tool.
==Why is everyone insane?==
==Why is everyone insane?==
Line 14: Line 33:
Grim: Its not me that's insane it's everyone that thinks I'm insane that is insane, right?
Grim: Its not me that's insane it's everyone that thinks I'm insane that is insane, right?
Tydraad: I got lost in the intricacies long ago. But my therapist assures me I'm mostly sane.
Redman: Insanity defines my life, without it I would be nothing but..........nothing.
Tydraad: In terms of relativity, you're already as close to nothing as you will ever get. Life is insignificant. Humanity is insignificant. Existance is insignificant. Death is insignificant. Everything you have ever done or ever will do is meaningless. The universe lacks purpose and intent. Set society ablaze with the purging flames of revolution. =_=
Break: No thanks. I'll keep my admin position just so I can keep changing your username.
Tydraad: You are the man.
Break: Thank you for acknowledging my clear superiority as "the man". Now if you'll excuse me, I will strike down "The Man"...
Axanthisis:  Some of us might actually be halfway normal in real life, but we choose to let loose online. w00t!
Tydraad: Suicide is never the answer, Break.
Break: I was emphasizing the difference between being "the man" and "The Man", but clearly your ignorance will not allow you to comprehend such a thing.
Tydraad: And now, for something completely different!
Break: Notice how Tydraad is trying to downplay the fact that he just got owned. =P
Sandman: Sanity is for the weak, anyway.
Break: So says the relatively sane one.
==Is Break a girl?==
==Is Break a girl?==
Line 34: Line 79:
Grim: No, Break is definately a guy, thanks to some interrogating by Arcana we now know that Break likes the top-heavy girls XD
Grim: No, Break is definately a guy, thanks to some interrogating by Arcana we now know that Break likes the top-heavy girls XD
Break: You just assumed that, I tried speaking in my defense. But what happened? "Break likes big boobs!" Idiot. And now I realize that Tydraad will now come flocking back to this question...
Grim: You should have just left it, would you rather have people think you like big boobs or have people think you are a girl
Break: The answer is obvious. NEITHER!
Tydraad: Top Heavy women!?!?
Break: If this, uh, subject continues at this rate, this answer is never going to end -_-
Tydraad: Like forum topics. And I was gone until you all but called me in.
Break: We never wanted you answering this question in the first place. Go home, Tydraad -_-
Redman: *loads shotgun* Alright, who did it?  What idiot was idiotic enough to ask a question of such idiocrocy?
Break: Caper, perhaps? o_0
Axanthisis:  The Avatars can be misleading, but if you read up on some of HIS posts, HIS gender is fairly obvious.  (let me make the BOY part about this apparent)
Break: However, the above statement was coming from a person who thought Arcana was a guy. >_>
Axanthisis: True, but I had only seen one of her posts, and that was in the debate forum nonetheless.
Tydraad: Arcana is female? O_o
Break: Uh, yeah, she is. Why do you think she's been swooning over the members of Avenged Sevenfold?
Tydraad: I didn't want to ask?
Sandman: Yeah, Break's male.  Not that he's very manly, but he's male alright. =_=
Break: *cough*
==What's with Tydraad?==
==What's with Tydraad?==
Line 42: Line 121:
Grim: Grim thinks the Lawn Nin just needs some Mentos
Grim: Grim thinks the Lawn Nin just needs some Mentos
Axanthisis:  He needs professional help...
Sandman: Tydraad is everything you want to be... yar.  J/K
==Who is this 'Lawn Nin'?==
==Who is this 'Lawn Nin'?==
Line 58: Line 141:
Grim: I am King of the Machines
Grim: I am King of the Machines
Redman: He's about as human as I am an xbox fan.
Break: Grim's as human as....crap, no witty metaphor comes to mind. Jeez, what this place does to your mental focus...-_-
==Where's all the n00bs?==
==Where's all the n00bs?==
Line 74: Line 161:
Break: ....and the moment is ruined.
Break: ....and the moment is ruined.
Grim: Akira, Caper take it elsewhere, the arguement does not belong here, akira's first comment was fine, but I am highly tempted to remove caper's comment and akira's second comment
Redman: Pfft, n00bs, nuff said
==What's with the Art of War?==
Break: Gaspeth! You don't know about the Art of War?!
Tydraad: It's ''extremely'' short. And ''extremely'' sexy. Chicks ''dig'' the Art of War.
Axanthisis:  That pretty much sums it up hehe.
==How sexy is Tydraad?==
==How sexy is Tydraad?==
Line 92: Line 191:
Grim: I'd say Lawn Nin is just full of himself
Grim: I'd say Lawn Nin is just full of himself
Tydraad: If you're the best, is it so wrong to admit it?
Break: *sigh* You damned megalomaniac...-_-
Tydraad: You people just don't see how great I am...
Break: You're not great. End of story.
Tydraad: Tch. Denial. The first stage of acceptance.
Break: Psh, assholeness. The first stage of...actually, the only stage of being an asshole. And you're not sexy. At all. We'll show a picture of you to Arcana and Nel, and they'll be the judges...
Tydraad: Get a girlfriend whose name doesn't end in .jpg and then you can talk. *Zing!*
Break: Look who's talking, admirer of Haruko and Hinata! *Zing-Reflect!*
Tydraad: Those are anime characters. And I don't admire them that way anyhow.
Break: And the same with me and Tifa. Where's your case now, little man?
Axanthisis:  Tydraad can look very sexy... if you are blind in one eye and have the milky film in the other.
Break: Ouch. Ice burn, there...
Tydraad: Somebody has never seen me. This charisma mod doesn't just improve my intimidation mod, ya know?
==Does Redman really eat, sleep, breathe, and even sweat Nintendo?==
Redman: Do you expect me to say no or something?  I abide by a healthy daily serving of the three main food groups: mario, samus, and zelda.  However, call me a fanboy and I will BRUTALLY MURDER YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Tydraad: Fan...girl?
Break, from behind a blast shield: FANBOY!
==Does Tydraad eat babies?==
Break: As batshit insane as Tydraad is...wait, I actually have to think about this one. Does he eat babies?
Tydraad: No idea.
Break: The fact that you have no clue as to what you eat scares me. Very, very much.
Tydraad: Who keeps track of what they eat? It's not healthy.
Moritsune: What's worse than 8 babies in a blender? One baby in eight blenders! What's even worse than that? The English Naruto dub!
Axanthisis:  Definatly
Break: And Axanthisis needs no proof that Tydraad eats babies, because he's awesome. Trust him on this one.
Tydraad: Well, if Axanthisis says it, it must be true.
==So what happens now?==
Axanthisis:  Wtf?
Sandman: Whatever.
==What are your genders, respectively?==
Axanthisis: Male
Tydraad: Never before has there been so much man been concentrated in one location. I'm a phenomenon unto myself. That's male, if you're on the slow side.
Break: Male, as much as Tydraad wants to deny it.
Axanthisis:  Do you have self esteem problems in real life Tydraad?
Break: No, he just thinks he's the greatest being in the universe. Oh, wait...
Tydraad: I guess it depends. Is narcissim a self esteem problem, or a total lack thereof?
Break: That's actually a very good question. We'll let our neighborhood kensai answer that one.
Sandman: Male.  And narcissism is an excess of self esteem.
==Where did Break obtain his Psychic Katana?==
Sandman: It was from freak accident that occured when Break tried to merge my genius with his katana.  Yar.
Break: Since when did I ever have a need to merge your "genius"? I are teh more smartleez. o_0

Current revision as of 17:20, 19 December 2008

alletoc4 This is to get any n00blet questions out of the way. All questions are answered by the person whose name is next to the answer. More than one person may answer a question, but do not delete any without permission. Feel free to add questions and answers, though.


[edit] What the hell is this?

Break: Read the title. Azure Chaotic. This is hell, and you aren't getting out, weakling.

Grim: Resistance is Futile, NEDM can save you

Sandman: You have no chance to survive make your time.

[edit] What are the general rules on the forums?

Akira: (This is actually important, so listen up) Talk on anything you wish in the appropriate forum, on an appropriate topic. Trolling of any kind is not tollerated and any moderator will have power to take action against the relevant comments and user. Don't go too off topic for too long, as this will result in a topic close for maintanance purposes. Other than that you're free to do as you wish so long as you don't annoy the others. That is all.

Break: Or we'll shoot/eat you.

Tydraad: Tch. Sticks in the mud. They're right though. Though I always thought Break was more of a katana person...

Break: I am a katana person. I already explained the godly powers a katana has - a katana can both shoot and eat things.

Tydraad: So can I, but I don't come with weapon regulations.

Break: My katana shall taste your blood tonight. =_=

Tydraad: The body is a weapon, a katana is but a tool.

[edit] Why is everyone insane?

Break: You'd be insane too, if you had to deal with these people.

Tydraad: I really prefer mentally unstable and chaotically aligned...I guess the others just try to mimic me in an attempt to look hip and sexy.They're all lost causes.

Grim: Its not me that's insane it's everyone that thinks I'm insane that is insane, right?

Tydraad: I got lost in the intricacies long ago. But my therapist assures me I'm mostly sane.

Redman: Insanity defines my life, without it I would be nothing but..........nothing.

Tydraad: In terms of relativity, you're already as close to nothing as you will ever get. Life is insignificant. Humanity is insignificant. Existance is insignificant. Death is insignificant. Everything you have ever done or ever will do is meaningless. The universe lacks purpose and intent. Set society ablaze with the purging flames of revolution. =_=

Break: No thanks. I'll keep my admin position just so I can keep changing your username.

Tydraad: You are the man.

Break: Thank you for acknowledging my clear superiority as "the man". Now if you'll excuse me, I will strike down "The Man"...

Axanthisis: Some of us might actually be halfway normal in real life, but we choose to let loose online. w00t!

Tydraad: Suicide is never the answer, Break.

Break: I was emphasizing the difference between being "the man" and "The Man", but clearly your ignorance will not allow you to comprehend such a thing.

Tydraad: And now, for something completely different!

Break: Notice how Tydraad is trying to downplay the fact that he just got owned. =P

Sandman: Sanity is for the weak, anyway.

Break: So says the relatively sane one.

[edit] Is Break a girl?

Break: What the hell? What gave you that idea?...the avatar? You deduce peoples' gender by their avatar? My god, you're dense.

Tydraad: "Katana >>>> moon lasers > guns > swords > daggers > naked women." -Break. It's not natural...but we're afraid to check. In case it's only half right...And you'll notice he didn't answer. We're on to you. =_=

Break, in defense of himself against the above statement: You said he, man. That should answer the question. Or at least I'd like to think that it did - people can be idiots and refuse to believe something that's right in front of them. Shitwipes.

Tydraad: This is what I get for giving you the benefit of the doubt? XD Fine, you're "it" from now on. And ya still haven't answered. =_=

Break: I'm male, you bastard.

Tydraad: Sure, now you are...

Break: Shitwipe.

Tydraad: Note the lack of denial. Asshat.

Grim: No, Break is definately a guy, thanks to some interrogating by Arcana we now know that Break likes the top-heavy girls XD

Break: You just assumed that, I tried speaking in my defense. But what happened? "Break likes big boobs!" Idiot. And now I realize that Tydraad will now come flocking back to this question...

Grim: You should have just left it, would you rather have people think you like big boobs or have people think you are a girl

Break: The answer is obvious. NEITHER!

Tydraad: Top Heavy women!?!?

Break: If this, uh, subject continues at this rate, this answer is never going to end -_-

Tydraad: Like forum topics. And I was gone until you all but called me in.

Break: We never wanted you answering this question in the first place. Go home, Tydraad -_-

Redman: *loads shotgun* Alright, who did it? What idiot was idiotic enough to ask a question of such idiocrocy?

Break: Caper, perhaps? o_0

Axanthisis: The Avatars can be misleading, but if you read up on some of HIS posts, HIS gender is fairly obvious. (let me make the BOY part about this apparent)

Break: However, the above statement was coming from a person who thought Arcana was a guy. >_>

Axanthisis: True, but I had only seen one of her posts, and that was in the debate forum nonetheless.

Tydraad: Arcana is female? O_o

Break: Uh, yeah, she is. Why do you think she's been swooning over the members of Avenged Sevenfold?

Tydraad: I didn't want to ask?

Sandman: Yeah, Break's male. Not that he's very manly, but he's male alright. =_=

Break: *cough*

[edit] What's with Tydraad?

Break: Don't ask. You act like any of us have a clue.

Tydraad: You're going to need to be a lot more specific for me to even start. The main problem is modern society has warped your sick twisted minds even further over time in a conspiracy to convince the world I'm the one sick twisted and off. Overthrow and slaugher those who would imprison you with the shackles of conformity! ~<3 *wubs* ^_^ Happy Jig! ^_^ *wubs* <3~

Grim: Grim thinks the Lawn Nin just needs some Mentos

Axanthisis: He needs professional help...

Sandman: Tydraad is everything you want to be... yar. J/K

[edit] Who is this 'Lawn Nin'?

Grim: That's what I call Tydraad since I decided that he was a Lawn Ninja one day (kinda like a lawn gnome but ninja style)

[edit] Is Flamuck emo?

Break: No, just insane. The fine line is there, trust me.

[edit] So Grimlock isn't human?

Break: We don't like to think so, no.

Tydraad: Define human...

Grim: I am King of the Machines

Redman: He's about as human as I am an xbox fan.

Break: Grim's as human as....crap, no witty metaphor comes to mind. Jeez, what this place does to your mental focus...-_-

[edit] Where's all the n00bs?

Break: We don't allow n00bs here. WE shoot them right at the door, keeping AC effectively idiot-free.

Akira: Well... sometimes one does pass by every now and again, but he hasn't posted for a while after I gave him Swift Judgement.

Tydraad: The voices told me to stop them. Pieces of noobs are in here, but that's all the cops will find. =_= And your grammar sucks...

Caper: god akira! i argue out of boredom no matter how you think of it as "non-sense"

Grim: I EAT noobs

Akira: Oh, for the love of- You don't argue stuff out of boredom, you do it because it's of real concern not because you want to troll around (I'm using that term in the loosest possible form). And I do believe that it was a unanimous decision to deem everything on that record non-sense. That wasn't on a whim. It was because everyone agreed putting an end to that. I just happened to be the acting judge at the time. Oh, if you keep up that act or general trolling completely out of boredom, I will send recommendation for further, possibly permanant, review actions.

Break: ....and the moment is ruined.

Grim: Akira, Caper take it elsewhere, the arguement does not belong here, akira's first comment was fine, but I am highly tempted to remove caper's comment and akira's second comment

Redman: Pfft, n00bs, nuff said

[edit] What's with the Art of War?

Break: Gaspeth! You don't know about the Art of War?!

Tydraad: It's extremely short. And extremely sexy. Chicks dig the Art of War.

Axanthisis: That pretty much sums it up hehe.

[edit] How sexy is Tydraad?

Tydraad: Very, very sexy. You really can't measure it, because nothing can compare. *Finger snap! Engage! Ladies! Amass!*

Break: I forgot to mention that Tydraad's currently within a self-contained area of oppositeness. Nice try, bastard.

Tydraad: This sounds like a good time to take note of Break's overwhelming envy of my gorgeous body. I'd post a picture on the forum or something, but it's hard to find a picture of it that isn't covered by ladies...

Break: You do realize that those were men, right?

Tydraad: Harsh. There goes that bitter jealousy again. Leave your sick fantasies out of this. XD j/k. Break, we can't all be vertible sex gods. We'd all look identical to me. And there just aren't enough women in existance...assuming you're into women, as your gender is still in question...^_^;;;

Break: Look, I know those were men. No woman should have that much body hair. EVER.

Tydraad: Hey some guys go for the natural look.

Grim: I'd say Lawn Nin is just full of himself

Tydraad: If you're the best, is it so wrong to admit it?

Break: *sigh* You damned megalomaniac...-_-

Tydraad: You people just don't see how great I am...

Break: You're not great. End of story.

Tydraad: Tch. Denial. The first stage of acceptance.

Break: Psh, assholeness. The first stage of...actually, the only stage of being an asshole. And you're not sexy. At all. We'll show a picture of you to Arcana and Nel, and they'll be the judges...

Tydraad: Get a girlfriend whose name doesn't end in .jpg and then you can talk. *Zing!*

Break: Look who's talking, admirer of Haruko and Hinata! *Zing-Reflect!*

Tydraad: Those are anime characters. And I don't admire them that way anyhow.

Break: And the same with me and Tifa. Where's your case now, little man?

Axanthisis: Tydraad can look very sexy... if you are blind in one eye and have the milky film in the other.

Break: Ouch. Ice burn, there...

Tydraad: Somebody has never seen me. This charisma mod doesn't just improve my intimidation mod, ya know?

[edit] Does Redman really eat, sleep, breathe, and even sweat Nintendo?

Redman: Do you expect me to say no or something? I abide by a healthy daily serving of the three main food groups: mario, samus, and zelda. However, call me a fanboy and I will BRUTALLY MURDER YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Tydraad: Fan...girl?

Break, from behind a blast shield: FANBOY!

[edit] Does Tydraad eat babies?

Break: As batshit insane as Tydraad is...wait, I actually have to think about this one. Does he eat babies?

Tydraad: No idea.

Break: The fact that you have no clue as to what you eat scares me. Very, very much.

Tydraad: Who keeps track of what they eat? It's not healthy.

Moritsune: What's worse than 8 babies in a blender? One baby in eight blenders! What's even worse than that? The English Naruto dub!

Axanthisis: Definatly

Break: And Axanthisis needs no proof that Tydraad eats babies, because he's awesome. Trust him on this one.

Tydraad: Well, if Axanthisis says it, it must be true.

[edit] So what happens now?

Axanthisis: Wtf?

Sandman: Whatever.

[edit] What are your genders, respectively?

Axanthisis: Male

Tydraad: Never before has there been so much man been concentrated in one location. I'm a phenomenon unto myself. That's male, if you're on the slow side.

Break: Male, as much as Tydraad wants to deny it.

Axanthisis: Do you have self esteem problems in real life Tydraad?

Break: No, he just thinks he's the greatest being in the universe. Oh, wait...

Tydraad: I guess it depends. Is narcissim a self esteem problem, or a total lack thereof?

Break: That's actually a very good question. We'll let our neighborhood kensai answer that one.

Sandman: Male. And narcissism is an excess of self esteem.

[edit] Where did Break obtain his Psychic Katana?

Sandman: It was from freak accident that occured when Break tried to merge my genius with his katana. Yar.

Break: Since when did I ever have a need to merge your "genius"? I are teh more smartleez. o_0

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