
From Asaction

Revision as of 21:22, 28 February 2009 by Cidthekittyisfun (Talk | contribs)

Your a Bum

psh a sexeh bum! ;)

trybz you need something in your wiki! i know.. ill fill it in, cuz that is what a creepy stalker i mean future wife would do :)

trybz is a total nerd that looks like jesus in fact he probz is jesus its okeh tho its kinda kinkz tho ya? i mean if hes jesus then i guess that means that im mary magadelen? lolol im a wh0re.. hawt >_>

anywyas he gasms over warhammer and some pirate metal band i dunno he totz gasms over that shet srsly! im not kidding! i mean thats ALL he talks about on AIM.. hes like goes back and forth between saying something about warahmmer then spouting random pirate lyrics...

also hes mine betches so back the eff off! >___< i mean it, im crazy yo.. like this one time.. some betch was all up in his grill! and well your prolly wonderding "cid i dont remmber that" well of course you dont, its cuz i took care of that betch so fast she didnt leave a trace in anyones memory.

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