Code Geass

From Asaction

Revision as of 06:59, 24 August 2008 by Cidthekittyisfun (Talk | contribs)
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ok so its about some guy name lelouch and he like.. plays chess or something and hes totally pwned some royal dude at chess cuz hes like "babeh i gotz teh skillz to pay teh billz" or something.. then hes like.. oh hay! ima go like somwhere with my frend and then totally saw this hawt chick and some guy being alll terrosit like and stuff and they tip over and hes like "omg im totally the main char. of this story i must save them! which will inevitably lead me to wacky hyjinkx!" totally said that.. anyways, so he did.. and then he gets locked inside the tank thingy.. or whatever it was they was driving.. and then some chick pops outta this thingy and its like "oooh i thought it was poisnous stuff" but it totally wasnt.. it was some green haired chick whose rumored to really like pizza hut.. also pizza hut, thats important, you must realize the signfanctce of pizza hut.... or not.. anyways... ok so like... lelouch like got outta the cartank thingy of terrosim and then ran into his friend and hes like "oh hay suzaku watsup?" and suzaku whines or something.. and then gets shot.. and then lelouche is like OHSNAPZ! and runs and then a buncah military people come and its like "yo dude, we gotz you cornered give it up maynz!" and hes like "NOWAI!!!!" and green haired chick is like "yeah i know im lying on the floor like.. dead or something.. i think.. buuut like.. ill totally give you these super awesome powers of SUPER AWEOSMENESSS!!! imean.. its totally awesome... and super... oh but you gotta like do something for me" and then lelouch was like "wats taht? do you.. cuz thats all he heard.. hes a teenage boy.. and we all know how perby teenboys are." and hes like "yeah sure sexeh ladeh O_o" and she gives him the powers, and hes like OMGNOWAITWTFUTHISISAWESOMETOTHMAX!!!!!! and it turned out it was some hypno thingy with his eye and his eye gets all glowy and he uses it and its like brrraaaaainnnn controll of d0000mmmzzzzzz!!111 ooOOooo FANCEH! o_O!!! and it works.. and hes like "awesome.. so babeh.. how about you and me go get a room? ;)" to green haired chick but shes lying there like.. dead or something.. and hes like "aaawww come on!!! you think your the first one to use the im totaly dead and using my brain powers to talk to you telepathicaly trick on me? cuz your not! give it up babeh!!"

or not, that whole him being a perby cudda been something i made up or my own ammusement which wouldda been awesome if he was toatlly like taht.. totally..

also that was like just the first ep. and i totally left out the part where they introed like 38493728254058383 char. in like 20 mins. NO JOKE! gawd...

aaannnd yeah, tahts about it.. so like lelouch dude wants to use his powers to get laid... ok no but he totally should.. i mean.. what guy his age totally wouldnt use it for that? nope instead hes gonna detroy britannia! oh yeah which i forgot to mention the part about britannia like invaden teh japanez which is now called area11.. waaaay lame name guys, really? area11. gawd couldnt it of been something awesome like OMGSPACE OF D00MZ AND DESTRICUTION AND ST00F THAT IS TOATLLY RIDDLED WITH SPACE C0AWZ!!11!!ONEONECAPPZZ!11!! or soemthing...meh watever..

also thers hawt chicks, and hawt menz, and ZOMFG BLUM AND CRISPIN LIEK NO WAI!!!!!! and its made by clamp..

also table seckn.. oh yeah! thers some hawt rascist lesbian on table humpage goin on in thar!

yeah.. there.. cidz version of CG.. awesome huh? meh prolly gonna get like.. redone anyways..

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