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Revision as of 01:36, 29 June 2008 by Trunks378 (Talk | contribs)
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Name Nick
Registration Date May 30th, 2003
Rank SwimIcon
Regulars Action Discussion
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Trunks, his epic Trunks' Watching The Full Block Experiment thread, and his musical taste are made of sheer kickassery and win. He's Akari's favorite partner in musicky crime, and together they fanperson Keith Olbermann, Damon Albarn, Jonny Greenwood, Radiohead, Blur, Death Cab for Cutie, Portishead, Interpol, Modest Mouse, Joy Division, The Smiths, Classic Films, Foreign Film, Indie Film, Britcoms and other pwnsome things. Trunksie is a loyal boyfriend, a kickass word maker-upper, and an all around swell fella.

He's also the uber-hawt board hubbie of Q_chan. The two met in the summer of 2006, and hit it off rather quickly. For serious, it was like pizza meeting cheese. Q_chan and her (then) boyfriend married Trunks and his awesomesawce girlfriend sometime in November or December (neither of them are sure, exactly). It was a match made in heaven (or, um, somewhere else, since Trunks is an atheist), and rawked the shit. And even though Q_chan's boyfriend has since left the picture, it is still the most bitchinest board marriage evar, full of love and happiness and hawtness and sex and candy and pretty things.

Comment from Alastour

Trunks is like.. the man.. when it comes to music.. Also: He's quite tall.

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