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RPD is a cool dude, he gave me the nickname GMan CAC

hey ju need stuff in jur page!! RPD is lyk awesome lyk srsly lyk omg!! hawt! - ciddeh.

I know. I finally signed up, but I've gotta figure this shit out...

Real Name RPD
Registration Date July-16-2003
Rank SwimIcon
Regulars Action Discussion

In the Beginning

RPD was born a child prodigy. He created and learned to play guitar while still an infant. His guitar was created using a plastic bag and strands of twine with which he was allowed to play. At the age of 6 he rose to the status of GOD OF ROCK. He was offered a deal to tour with Aerosmith, but turned it down to attend Grace Christian Academy with the goal of becoming a preacher. When RPD hit puberty, he decided that life devoted to God was not his calling. After "leaving" GCA, he was actually kicked out for having a girl in his room past curfew (true story from my life, not his and it was a dude not a girl and curfew was only 9pm, so I didn't... n/m, back to him) RPD spent the next two years living in the 1974 Honda Civic he won at a dof fight. He toured the Western United State and Canada playing at honkey tonks and saloons to pay for his gasoline and booze.

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