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Revision as of 06:10, 5 December 2006 by Pierrot-le-fou (Talk | contribs)
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mookielady: SWF, loves sad movies, long walks on the beach and mookies (wtf!)

Mookie enjoys Amon. Yes, Amon. She is the biggest fangirl in AD. Her love for him is able to defy gravity, move mountains, and make people see Jebus in donutz. Oh, she is also a HUGE Inuyasha fan. She's a proud RIF. Liek, I bet she would burn those who dislike teh Inuyashaness of the Inuyasha! Mookie makez teh bannerz telling those haters to Buzz off. Also she iz liek s00pah kewl and st00f.

Oh, ya....and her dislikes include school work cuz they deprive her from her AS viewing experience. Mookie has also been in teh viewer bump thing four times and st00f! She also has powerz and she can turn buttah into milk. OooOOoOOoOOoOo

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