From Asaction
Real Name | spring |
Registration Date | June 19,2006 |
Rank | SwimLegend |
Regulars | Action Discussion |
Cid's Origins!
does anyone else think origins sounds a lot like oranges? hahah cid's oranges! yumm...
i love you
i really do :) YAY!!!
i dunt wanna
lol im lazeh to write in mah wiki.. ju all can make up mah wiki do et!! :)
imagination creation
youre all part of my imagination, the whole darn interent.. its true.. mind blowing huh? anyone who says otherwise or tries to claim that you all are part of thier imagination is a bold faize liar..
anime history and other useless stuff
i never watched AS anime for awhile, because i thought it was lame. i like it now....
my bf first got me into to anime... 5 years ago, wen the first started dating.. they watched a lot of movies and older animes... also bootlegged stuff from jpophelp (ya know before they got caught)
i like a lot of older animes from like the 90s and older.. i havent seen very much of newer anime from like the 2000s.. its ok i like older anime.. also i guess im not really taht crazy of an anime fan.. i like it but i only watch what seems interesting to me unless its on tv.. then ill watch it just to watch it because i might like it...
i also hate downloading and streaming and watching stuff online.. it seems soo.. i dunno not real to me.. even tho i can cuz me bf has DSL... i rly rather not.. its hard to explain but something about owning it and having it in my hands to hold and display on my bookshelf (or floor since i gots no room) its just awesome ya know? its ok tho i dont care..
thats about all i can think of as far as my anime fandom.. not every itneresting...
random fact: i also think myspace isnt all its cracked up to be.. even tho i have one.. but i dont go on it much.. i rarely check my messages.. cuz i dont care.. and i just ahve one cuz all of meh frends thinks its the best thing ever and sucked me into it, also cuz its teh only way to talk to them and stuff..
plus i kind like some of the bands on there..
Cid needs closure
she really does, i dont know why though. anyways, if you wanna you can leave comments on me page, or write youre very own section below.. doesnt matter rly. yay! now go, go talk about me!
- "Always so lively." - WINBACK
- cid's oranges....awwwww, you're so cute. Also, you make an awesome Gidget. - Q_chan
- Cid's one crazy cat. and by crazy, i mean pretty schweet. -KL
- Cid is awesome because she's super enthusiastic, Cid is probably one of the most sincere and nice people on the boards. - Kohikki
- cid is liek the cutest little fangirl evar. - Cille
- LIKEZ ZOMG....TREZ Coolz...she tackles JOO LIKE HARD....BWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA O_O O_0 (^^)-MaryMagdelcyoius (aka Shins?) O_O
- cid is liek the bests twinzy eva shes liek awesome and she is the nicest person ive ever met on the boards - NoProof your anime twinz
- I'll beat you at that yay game someday... >_> J-Dubb
- Cid pwns j00 all!!!!! CAC
- Cid is super great!! She's so sweet and her taste in anime manz and in music is pwnsm ^__^ YEY FER KITTYFUNFUN<3 -ProudTelvisionAddict
- OMG! **Pirate-Tranneh-PandaHugging makes out wif meh Wife**~~Myname<3
- Cid is...well...she's Cid. No other description really fits, you know? Tryble
whos killroy? is that the safeword ju and kat use? lol.. perbs.
A Few Words from His Holiness, Capp_90
Cid is my queen, my life partner, my backseat bitch. I don't know what I'd do with out her. Probably go gay....AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!..............*goes in corner* Me and her, we're gonna get married and have 50 children. Yes, 50, exactly 50. I will tear her up!! But I will serenade her too, with words such as "Get out of my house, please", "I want to rape you, please", and "CAC's gay. I'm straight. You and I should make a baby." 'Cause that's how Capp rolls.
CAC addes stuff because i can
well cid is just fun, and she allways makes me laugh, YAY!, and she's allways so fun to talk to, now if only she didn't have a boyfriend, sigh
I HEARTS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J-Dubb says...
Cid is awesome. She has words of Wisdom. (even though the way she types it similar to Falche's) She has the power to make a madman (like myself) to not be mad anymore. Her pep talks Pwn. Seriously. Hear her and you'll feel like a million bucks.
And She's the only person i ever got hearts from and i give a BIG YAY to that. I hearts YOU TOO!!!
Please note that i am also her pervy sage. :p
I Blame you for the existence of Cid_Says_No! *Shakes fist* hey wait a minute.
NoProofs comments
yeah i tottally just made a section about my twinzeh cid big woop wanna fight about it? anywayz me twinzeh is liek teh uber awesome so mcuh she can even get me to type lieks this INO RIGHT?! anywayz sh'e liek a rave machine and alwyas wants me to rave and i is likes wooo O_O chills outs gurls but thens i dos its anywayz
- please note that following statement about me having a problem with rvaing was a lie because j00 knows i likes to rave*
so liek cid is teh awesome and deserves a cookie so give her one >:(...because I don't haves anys
713 adds something
Cid is so awesome I made an alt after her:Cid_pwns_j00,cause we all know she does,am I right?yeah,you know im right,cause I'm always right,right?right?yeah,I am,wait,Cid's usually more right than me...does that mean she also pwns me?'course she does,she pwns everyone,including him,you know him,he's always doing that thing yeah,you know......again,Cid pwns everyone,it's the law of nature here's solid and physical proof that she does:Cid>>>>everyone cant deny the truth a great man once said.
Maybe Shins should add something
eh nevermind
NoProof adds sometthin again
CID IS TEH AWESOME AD RULEZ.....that is all *walks away*
Icouldntmakeupanalias' paragraph
"a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!! a whole bunch of BS in me wiki!!"
There you go. Take me literally, and do enjoy!
Other Comments
- "WOO! first one here. Cid is awesome. she pwnz harder than an Owl. foserial." - KL
STFU,nooblet:|yeah,im gonna start off with that,weird,huh?oh well,lets see,um....oh yeah,wait no,,so I guess I'll say something about,well me and cid(and capp >_>)are board married,fun and kinkeh *wink wink nudge nudge*but she calls me a man wh0rez and a butterzskankz,which is hawt then j00 think aboit it,but cid calles me that cuz "suposidly" I was smexing other ppl up,when I didnt,it was all lies by CAC,he's the man wh0rez >_>he even tried to get me to cheat on cid with him,what a betch,pssh,cid is all the hawtness I need,j00 know?mmm,what else is there to say...oh yeah,cid is my spam queenz,betch,she's a better spammer than CAC,capp and me put together,and she's hawt like spicey chicken,maybeh hawter >_> gonna finish this off by saying I hearts j00 cid!!!!!!
I can't sleep:|
so i'm just gonna babble on about stuff,maybeh kinkeh and hawt stuff;)..nah,just stuff,like how pwnsome cid is,she's more pwnsome than Spike...fr00kin Spike from CB!!! I didn't think it was possible to be more pwnsomer than Spike but cid somehow is >_> maybeh cuz she's my spammeh queenz?nah,she's just natrualy pwnsome,like a Jebus vs Santa Claus fight!!...*is confused*,what was I talking about again?oh yeah,cid is smexeh in her kinkeh outfits;)...wait,I was talking about how pwnsome cid is,not about how hawt she is in those outfits <_< tho she does look fr00kin hawt in them;) um,I cant think of anything to say anymore,so im just gonna say what I think of cid: cid is possibly one of the nicest person in the world,seriously,I dont think I've ever known a nicer person,she's like 9,000 times more nicer than the Jebus,that's right,Jebus!!!!
- is really confused* I dont think anything I've said here made any sense,damn,I've failed yet again:(
oh well,too tired to think of anything to say bout cid,cept she's super mega PWNSOME!!!!! yeah,that's about it...wait,one more thing >_> *smexes cid on her wikipage* I couldn't resist her hawtness,sorry ciddeh:p I hearts j00 a bunch!!!!!!
The Awesomefullness of Cid's Melancholy or On the Origins of Cid by Charles Darwin
Yay!! Citeh is awesome and great and cool and a RIF at times, but we love her anyway!!! And I do have a story to tell of the one that is Cid, but I just can't get it out right now, soon, you will hear a tale of the epic adventures of the Cid and her awesomefulness and something about Darwin thrown in for fun.