
From Asaction

Revision as of 21:52, 5 December 2006 by Matrixman124 (Talk | contribs)

Believe it or not, Matrix has had his name as an AIM screenname since 2000. He is an obsessive fan of the Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye pairing.

Also, he's a closet pervert that likes downloading doujinshi for free. And he's a cheap-ass internet pirate.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: He coined "bherm." That's right HE did. And he met Seiji Mizushima, the director of FMA, and Vic Mignogna a.k.a. Ed Elric. And he's king of the Motivational Posters thread. And best of all, he's married to mgangel1124, who pwns all other women.

>__> <__<

matrixman124 > rubber duckie

matrixman124 > a well cut slice of ham

matrixman124 > matrixman124 evil twin, evilmatrixman124

mgangel1124 <<<<<<<<<<< matrixman124

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