The Blacken Syndicate

From Asaction

Revision as of 06:26, 15 September 2007 by Cille (Talk | contribs)

A revolutionary group created by Landon Blaken after his parents were killed by the Actionia military for protesting against Ozzal's unjust laws. The Syndicate consists of a menagerie of people (mainly AD board members) who share a similar hatred for Ozzal and the corrupt Actionia government. It is assumed that their eventual goal is the overthrow of Ozzal and the creation of a fairer government. Now, if only they could get their act together. Oh, and according to a chapter by mgangel, they disguise themselves in Mardi Gras outfits, but this has yet to actually happen in a chapter....

Syndicate Members

Name Counterpart/

Show of Origin

Landon Blaken Blah_canbespanish The man who founded the Blacken Syndicate. Has been missing for almost a year, during which time he has apparently been working on his own nefarious schemes as the true leader of the Cool Mexicanos (who are apparently after the secret to eternal life). Reappears to reassume control of the Syndicate along with future!Cille, whose knowledge he is using to become more powerful before he bumps her off.
Hikki Follet Kohikki French baker and de facto Syndicate leader during Blaken's absence.
Samson Monroe MasterSamson Comes to the Syndicate to serve as an advisor to Hikki, and has become his right-hand man (and love interest). Wants to create a better future for his younger sister.
Clarice Rowe QueenoftheDorks Joins the Syndicate at the same time as Samson. Tries her best to maintain order and keep Hikki in line.
Spice Spamton spiceweasel228 Syndicate member who wants revenge on Ozzal for destroying her family's spam factory. Is captured by Ozzal's forces and given the Stimulant drug, after which she attacks Cille in prison and is subsequently sent out to track down Jake Thompson. After being defeated by Hikki's team at the cafe (and later squishing Legato), she returns to her old self.
Harold P. Gottel lgott23 Syndicate member who wants revenge on Ozzal after having his ass mutilated by her troops. Is captured (or sliced up, or something...) during the big raids and was subsequently turned into an Assborg by Matrix.
Angel Sarcasta mgangel1124 Relatively new Syndicate member whose father was killed by Ozzal's head scientist (and Angel's ex-boyfriend) Matrix. Can always be counted on to whore herself out for the good of the group.
Captain Yemman myname A veteran Syndicate member who has believed himself to be a pirate captain ever since his mind was warped during an unfortunate torture experience. Is killed after going on a berserk tank rampage, but is resurrected as a zombie robot or something. I think he's teamed up with Kazuma now.
Cowboy CowboyCadenza Syndicate member who likes singing and playing his stolen chello (at least until it gets smashed up during a raid).
April LirpaYamEnujYluj The Syndicate's resident undercover agent, scout, and transvestite.
Real Coolman Real_AirCooledMan Syndicate member who likes German, yuri, and grumbling about other people's spelling. Is killed during the Syndicate raids.
Wyatt Matthews Wyotech_material Syndicate member who is really a mole for the police. Is killed by Captain Yemman, whom he once betrayed.
Norman Burg Big O Member of the Syndicate who guards their meeting place. Killed by gunfire during the raids on Syndicate hangouts.
Heero & Riza "Hawkeye" Yuy HeeroYuy135 & Riza Hawkeye Married freelance snipers who join the Syndicate's cause after being hired by Hikki. Heero is killed by Emiri, and later Riza commits suicide. Their bodies (or what's left of them) are currently in Matrix's lab.
Raef Compton Maenos After Landon left his fiancee Cille and her adopted son Raef, the boy followed after Landon and became involved in the Syndicate. Has since dropped out to pursue his secret courtship of Ozzal's daughter.
Lucille "Cille" Compton Cille Landon's former fiancee who is brought to the Syndicate by Straight Cougar after Raef is kidnapped. Is captured during the Syndicate raids and killed by Spice, but Cougar turns back time to rescue her. Everybody still thinks she's dead, though. Is currently hanging out with Cougar and his HOLY peeps in a secluded cabin, recovering and waiting for a suitable time to make a reappearance.

A future version of Cille has come back to help the Syndicate defeat Ozzal. Landon plans to have her killed, though, since he's evil like that.

Syndicate Allies and Sympathizers

Name Counterpart/

Show of Origin

Eric Ominae OMNI-Enforcer Friend of Cille's family and also of Landon Blaken. Isn't directly involved with Syndicate dealings, but knows how to contact Landon and was asked to watch over Cille.
Straight Cougar s-CRY-ed Former HOLY member and friend of Landon, who uses his military connections and general awesomeness to aid the Syndicate as he can. Becomes more involved in the rebellion after he takes Cille under his wing, having been asked by Landon to protect her should she ever be in danger.
Libra Ghost_of_a_Librarian Proprietress of Ghost's Book Shop, who makes her shop available to Syndicate members for their covert purposes.
Dino SwimOdin An informant in Ozzal's security team.

See also The Order of Glass.

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