
From Asaction

Revision as of 03:33, 28 July 2007 by JDWitchdoctor (Talk | contribs)
JDWitchdoctor is a fine, handsome Ader that lurks around at every corner, asserting his laziness at the slightest provocation or even at the very mention of his name. He is truly a curse upon the living, a veritable FALCON ready to swoop down on any unsuspecting topic and PURGE it of all topicness!
Real Name Not Given
Registration Date August 3, 2006
Rank SwimStar
Regulars Action Discussion
Favorite Show The Big O
Catch Phrase Anything with the word "Lazy" in it.
Most Common Word Used The
Hobby Derailing Harmless Spam Threads
Nose Size Medium



JDWitchdoctor is a known Tomatoe, and a professional ranter. He can be seen joining in petitions and such, merely for the sake of complaining, his favorite activity.


The legend of JDWitchdoctor began in a humble landfill which turned out to be a phone boothe in Memphis. The rest...is a secret.

Annoying Habits

-Enjoys venting teenage frustrations on random passerbys, even though he is no longer a teen. -Never goes to a hotel unless it has Mini Fridges in the rooms. -Tends to give up easily in arguments. -Tends to leave on long hiatus, then come back and complain about how no one missed him. -Enjoys pointing out poorly explored plot devices whenever possible. -Does not own a puppy. -Is easily manipulated due to his fear of pictures of him playing Tennis is shorts. -Believes that school bullies are chopped into cheap meat and sold to elementary schools by the government.


JDWitchdoctor is a known believer in Crispin Freeman. He continually cites the fact that Crispin Freeman is the God of Voice Acting.

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