Geraldous the Seargent

From Ars Magica

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Geraldous the Seargent, a grog.


A veteran of many a minor border skirmish Geraldous is one of the most respected senior grogs. Despite his relative youth, he is a born NCO, having a natural tendency to guide and watch over his juniors. He was custos at another covenant but has followed a young apprentice as they strike out into new territory to form a covenant. He felt his skills were becoming dull through lack of use at the older, well established covenant, and hopes that this new venture may provide him with the opportunity to see some combat.


Geraldous is tall and strongly built with dark hair and grey eyes. He is missing an ear, his left, though this fact is often covered by a helm. His customary 'adventuring' garb is a scale hauberk, leather-coifed helm, leather gauntlets and boots over a red shirt and grey hose. He adds additional armour if he has time to prepare for a battle.

Character Sheet


Intelligence +0

Presence +1 experienced

Perception -1 hard of hearing

Communication +1

Strength +1 muscular

Dexterity +2 smooth

Stamina +1 tough

Quickness +1


year born 1196

current year 1220

actual age 27

Size +1

Confidence 1(3)

Personality Traits

Brave +1

Shepherd +3

Pragmatic +2



Custos +1

Warrior +1

Large +1


Weakness (stories) -1

Poor student -1

Missing Ear -1


  • Athletics running 2 (15)
  • Awareness alertness 2 (15)
  • Bargain food 1 (5)
  • Brawling fist 4 (50)
  • Charm women 1 (5)
  • Carouse singing 2 (15)
  • Chirurgy pox 2 (15)
  • Climb walls 2 (15)
  • Folk Ken soldiers 3 (30)
  • Leadership fighting 4 (50)
  • Speak English curses 5 (75)
  • Single Weapon Mace 5 (75)
  • Speak Latin with magi 4 (50)
  • Stealth Hiding 2 (15)
  • Survival woods 2 (15)
  • Swim stay afloat 1 (5)
  • Great Weapon Long Spear 4 (50)

Age-related Afflictions


Combat Traits Weapon/Init/Attack/Def/Dam

  • Brawling (Armoured): Fist (Gauntlet) -1 / +7 / +5 / +3
  • Brawling (Unarmoured): Fist / +1 / +7 / +6 / +1
  • Single Weapon Mace / 0 / +11 / +7 / +9
  • Single Weapon Mace w Heater Shield / -1 / +11 / +9 / +9
  • Full Battle Armour, Mace and Shield / -2 / +11 / +9 / +9
  • Great Weapon Longspear / +1 / +11 / +7 / +7
  • Full Battle Armour, Longspear / +0 / +11 / +6 / +7

Armour Partial Metal Scale Prot 4, Load 4 or full scale Prot 7 Load 7

Soak Unarmoured 1, Partial Armour 5, Battle Armour 8


Miscellaneous Details

Equipment Mace, Dagger, Longspear (not usually carried), Heater Shield, Partial Metal Scale including a helm with leather coif and hardened leather gauntlets. If he knows he is about to fight he will add scale vanbraces, chauses etc.


Combat Encumbrance 3, 2 if no shield, 0 if unarmoured, 4 if in full battle armour.

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