Lily Information

From Ars Magica

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Lily is a young woman, handsome rather than beautiful, with her mother's black hair and her father's blue eyes. She has an athletic physique, a quick wit, and a generous smile. Her cheerful exterior belies an inner sadness which she takes great pains to conceal.

While she's a skilled politician, the real strength of her power lies in her ability to delegate. She has a keen eye for competence, and has no qualms about giving shrewd subjects the leeway to perform the functions of their office. She is kind-hearted and generous, and as such is quite popular among the commonfolk.

While skilled in swordplay and archery, these skills have been learned entirely from masters-at-arms in controlled environments; she has never engaged in a real battle, and is very green. She is quite soft at heart and will likely be incapable of actually killing another human being, unless the lives of others are in great danger. Her weapons of choice are a longsword and heater shield, and a fine reflex bow, masterfully crafted of ash wood. She has a small suit of chain armor, wrought from lightweight steel. Lily's horse is more suited for speed than battle, however, and both horse and rider are untrained in mounted combat.

The hub of her lands is Stokesay Castle, but she spends very little time there, as she prefers to avoid suitors. At 19, and still widowed, there are many who seek to claim title and wealth with her hand, but Lily is uninterested in marrying. She prefers to spend most of her time travelling, reading, visiting with smallfolk, or hunting at her countryside manor. As a wealthy noble, Lily can afford to read for pleasure, and prefers to read biographical accounts of famous historical leaders. She has something of a fascination for Church history and reads as many religious texts as possible, though the interest is more academic than pious.

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