The Chronicles

From Ars Magica


This is a pulsed saga, which means that a story might cover a mere week, which might then be followed by, for example, twelve seasons of game time prior to the start of the next story. The intense bursts of activity give companions and grogs ample opportunities for play, while the long periods of downtime allow characters to study, and magi can advance to high levels of power.

What follows is a list of the stories created thus far.

Spring, 1220AD In response to letters regarding the formation of a new covenant, a number of young magi gather their chattels, and travel to the Three Lions Inn, in the little manor of Church Stretton.

Other Documents

Diaries and Letters The Letters in the library are pieces of correspondance between characters that are exchanged during a pulse in the saga, rather than during a story. Letters sent during a story are detailed as part of the story.

In addition to the stories and letters, the players also keep diaries in which they record their mage character's downtime activities, and if they wish, the private thoughts and aspirations of that character.

While the diaries do exist as physical objects in the game's environment, as a game mechanic they are utterly inaccessible to other characters within the game. This enables their use to be broadened from simply containing activity records, if the player wishes, without the risk associated with anyone else reading them.

Mailing List We have a Yahoo! Group called "Arcanum Magica" where we discuss the game. The contents of this discussion group are purely out-of-character, and a second list will be set up if we start playing by email, for in-character posts.
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