Companion B Character Sheet

From Ars Magica


These are the most important things I want out of a companion. Unless you have these at least, Mnemosyne's not likely to hang out with you.

  • To be able to use some sort of weapon in a reasonable fashion. Either hand to hand or missile is fine, or even better both.
Mnemosyne has no combat skills at all and would like someone who knows how to use the pointy end of a stick around, in case anyone ever needs sticking with it.
  • Must be able to interact in social settings with a minimum of problems. Hence, no trolls, giants, arabs, evil-eyers or drooling gibbons please.
Mnemosyne is reasonably social for a maga without Gentle Gift and may do a lot of travelling, probably mostly amongst covenfolk, but very possibly amongst mundanes too. As such, a fairly normal appearing person who isn't likely to be burnt for being the spawn of the devil would probably be a plus, if she is going to hang out with them on a regular basis.


These are the things that I would like and make you more desirable as a companion, but if you really object to can ignore.

  • To be female.
Have this Curse of Venus thing going on. While being female doesn't neccessarily protect against it, Mnemosyne probably doesn't want too much prolonged close contact with men.
  • To be good with at least some sort of weapon.
Being able to use a pointy stick is good, being able to wave it around with panache is better.
  • To be adept in social situations.
Not being a total social leper is nice. Actually being rather adriot in social settings is a bonus.
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