Ars Magica:About

From Ars Magica

What is Ars Magica

Ars Magica is a collaborative storytelling game in which the players take on various roles as they work together to tell the story of a settlement and its inhabitants. As a hobby, group story-telling ranks amongst the very oldest, and as a highly creative and communicative pastime, it is quite removed from the relatively passive world of computer games and television.

The characters range from the boy who carries water from the well, to the head of the settlement, and every player plays a variety of roles in telling the story. The players must contend with the inhabitants need for simple things like food, shelter, and warmth, whilst tackling issues like politics, trade, and conflict.

The game takes place in a quasi-historical setting in the thirteenth century, where fantastic and magical things do happen, as told in the myths and tales of that period.

This site uses the fifth edition of Ars Magica, currently published by Atlas Games.

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