Talk:Story : The road to Hockstow Forest

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 06:08, 19 April 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

BTW, I kind of figured I was out of action for too long to change this, but Longinus' stated plan was to travel along the Mynd - 'I too would prefer to traverse the Mynd. I would head to the North, and if possible scout at least the outskirts of Hockstow wood.' I had expected that we would probably be travelling with the other Mynd party to the top ('I too') and then split with one party heading north and one south. I was under the impression there was some sort of track or road more or less along the top? If there are sensible reasons why we appear to be travelling along the vale road (or are my impressions mistaken here?) - things that the characters might know or guess but I don't, then that's ok. I guess its also a bit late anyway. :-) --Corbon 05:00, 6 April 2006 (PDT)

You have the furthest to travel, and the biggest area to explore for signs of a vague rumour. I thought in-character it would be expedient for you to take the road, and out-of-character, I didn't want you to get distracted by all the ruins and interesting things to be seen atop the mound and I wanted this thread to be running in tandem with the other thread for the sake of speeding the game up. Anyway, hurry on inside, there's interesting stuff to be found within, and there's not much I can do with the thread until someone acts. --James\\Talk 13:39, 16 April 2006 (PDT)


Erk... I completely missed that grog listing somehow. Erm... if you'd like to establish Lleweyln then that's fine, but ordinarily, I'd prefer it if players played either Magi or Companions or Grogs if possible. The more people involved in a thread, the better. --James\\Talk 13:43, 16 April 2006 (PDT)

Flying around

If Eirlys is very close to a boundary, with a significant amount of luck, she could percieve a regio. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work while she is in animal form when her gift evidently does. Remember that she is as graceful at flying as she is at walking, so I'd be careful around trees, and the like. :) --James\\Talk 01:32, 5 April 2006 (PDT)

Skinchangers take on the physical characteristics of an average specimen of the animal they change into (p. 49). This Muto Corpus spell works identically to the cloak conferred by the virtue. At the end of the day though, I'm tired of arguing, and I shouldn't have to. --Eirlys 18:34, 17 April 2006 (PDT)
I looked up Shapeshifter, which said nothing about it, despite being the first such power, and the greater of the two. It didn't occur to me to check Skinchanger. Thankyou for the information. --James\\Talk 22:12, 18 April 2006 (PDT)

Owl Eyesight

Her owl form can see better than a human, but only in black and white. She has to move her entire head in order to look at something, as the eyes cannot move independantly of the skull. She can turn her head through 270 degrees, and nearly upside down, too. :) She is long-sighted, and therefore has trouble looking at objects in close proximity. --James\\Talk 01:44, 5 April 2006 (PDT)

Really... "Black and white," eh? So why would this owl be different from average snowy owls? There are some who believe owls are color blind because they hunt primarily at night and would not need to have color vision; however, their eyes do contain cone cells, just in a lower overall percentage than the human eye. The presence of cones indicates the ability to perceive color; whether or not their color vision is [inferior|superior|comparable] to that of, say, humans, is still a matter of scientific debate.
I must say that your eagerness to arbitrarily impose penalties unsupported by either game mechanics or real-world fact, certainly puts a damper on one's enthusiasm for participation. Once or twice I could have chalked up to coincidence or being careful, but it certainly appears to be a trend now. At this point, I doubt whether I'll return to either this thread, or the game at all. --Eirlys 18:34, 17 April 2006 (PDT)
I don't simply make decisions off the top of my head; whenever you have asked me something, I have hit the books/net. In this case, I read a source which declared owl's to be colour blind and looked fairly reliable. If you have a better informed source, then that is always fine. I am happy to be wrong. If you like I shall post references for your edification in future.
I have tried to run the rules of the game strictly by the Ars Magica 5 books. I also adhere to the standard rules common to pretty much all roleplaying games regarding [min-maxing], [powergaming], [metagaming], and[munchkinism]. As I make mistakes, and I will continue to make them as I'm only human, I am always happy to recieve feedback on anything I post.
Limit or define? Any definition is also a limitation. Rather than rely on me to come up with a good reference in order to make a decision regarding your character, you can always provide a link or two to some relevent information with your question, thus making it quicker for me to respond, and greatly reducing the likelihood of an appeal being necessary.
This thread will continue to remain open and updateable until the other exploration threads have reached a conclusion, at which point I would like to see it wrapped up. --James\\Talk 23:08, 18 April 2006 (PDT)
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