Talk:Eirlys Character Sheet

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 22:11, 21 March 2006 by Samuel (Talk | contribs)

I wanted to play a Diedne/Merinita of strong fey heritage, but I was at a loss as to what to choose. Sidhe has been highly overused in games I've played, so that wasn't an option. Undine was interesting, but most people can't swim in the 13th century, so it would only bring more suspicion on the character than there would be already. Goblin is cool, but I can't see giving a positive communication to one. Duarough would also be interesting, but I wasn't intending to play a mage focused on making magic items, and a dwarf who doesn't make stuff would be rather lame. That left satyr. Now, I'm not all that fond of the idea of playing a slutty character, but I figure some obnoxious come-on lines here and there might be funny.

I'd very much like to work towards enchanting Aloysius as a familiar early-on. The second of my two ferrets passed away this week, so I'm feeling their losses quite keenly; mostly I'm missing the first one, Sano, who passed away in November. In my imagination, at least, Sano can live forever.

I canned "Deficient Technique: Rego." While it fits her character concept very well, I figured the rest of the covenant would appreciate everyone being able to contribute to the Aegis every year. I'd like her to have a deficiency with creating anything new, but I don't want to make it a deficiency with Creo since she should be able to improve something which already exists just fine; it's only creating new things she should be all-but-inept at doing. Unless someone has a suggestion how to reflect this with a Flaw, I'll end up just roleplaying this until I think of a way to work it into a flaw later on.


What do you mean about the Aegis? I thought only one person was needed to cast it? Phaedrus should be able to cast the version he knows without trouble, by himself. --Samuel<Talk> 14:11, 21 March 2006 (PST)
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