Bartleby Character Sheet

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 07:30, 17 February 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Background about a failed monk here...



  • Intelligence +2 (bright)
  • Perception +1 (observant)
  • Strength -1 (skinny)
  • Stamina 0
  • Presence -1 (permanent scowl)
  • Communication +2 (eloquent)
  • Dexterity +2 (graceful hands)
  • Quickness -1 (deliberate)

Personality Traits

  • Loyal 0
  • Curious +2
  • Creative +2

Virtues & Flaws

  • Light Touch (minor virtue, general)
  • Educated (minor virtue, general)
  • Weakness: Alcohol (minor flaw, personality)


  • Failed Monk (minor, flaw)
  • Covenfolk (minor, free)


  • Lost 2 (Monastery)

He ran away from a monastery for fear that the Abbot was close to discovering his drinking problem. While they may, or may not, have discovered his sinful binges, and the solicitous conversations he had with nuns whilst bolstered and enboldened by alcohol, he nevertheless has a poor reputation in the local area and within the church. He is no longer required to observe his monastic vows, though he does do so occasionally out of ingrained habit.


Childhood (45 points):

  • Living Language 5 (expansive vocabulary)
  • Athletics 1 (running) (5)
  • Awareness 1 (alertness) (5)
  • Brawl 1 (dodging) (5)
  • Charm 1 (nuns) (5)
  • Folk ken 1 (monks and priests) (5)
  • Guile 1 (feigning interest) (5)
  • Stealth 1 (woods) (5)
  • Survival 1 (farmland) (5)
  • Swim 1 (crossing rivers) (5)

Adulthood (15 years x 15 points, +50):

  • Dead Language: Latin 4 (church terms) (50)
  • Folk ken 3 (monks and priests) (+25)
  • Profession: scribe (copying): 6 (105)
  • Bargain (writing materials): 2 (15)
  • Artes Liberales (rhetoric): 2 (15)
  • Theology (history): 2 (15)
  • Church Lore 3 (monastic orders) (30)
  • Etiquette 1 (monks) (5)
  • Ride 1 (mules) (5)
  • Awareness 2 (alertness) (+10)
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