From Ars Magica
Development Notes
One of Gruffydd's outlaw band, Arvel was 5 when he was adopted and even at this tender age had a vastly over-inflated sense of of his own abilities. Hence, his nickname, Big Britches.
- Virtues: Strength of Will seems good for someone with an ego.
- Flaws: Overconfident seems fun as the flip side of the coin.
- Characteristics: -4 on all of them due to youth, so they are all pretty cruddy. I figure presence should be emphasised. Bit of stength seems reasonable as well, with lower perception and intelligence for someone who is so single minded.
- Early Childhood: (45 points) Welsh 5(free), Brawl 2(15), Stealth 1(5), Survival 1(5), Guile 2(15) Wales Lore 1(5).
- Later Life: (2x15=30 points) Carouse 2(15), Charm 1(5), Folk Ken 1(5), Hunt 1(5) - Hey, how much crap can a 7 year old know? The carouse skill amused me though. Image of him pissed on cider, picking a fight.