OOC Information

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 16:24, 15 February 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)



Discussion Board

While this wiki does have talk pages, it is probably faster and more convenient for players to discuss aspects of the game and the wiki on the following Yahoo! Group, which has been created for this game:

Arcanum Magica Yahoo! Group

Player Details

Eirlys Jeff
Wiki Name: Eirlys Wiki Name: JBforMarcus
Yahoo! Name: asha_greyjoy Yahoo! Name: jbforarsonline
Address: arya Email: nexus
Domain: mydistraction.net Domain: avigne.NOPHISH.org
Magus: Eirlys Magus: Marcus
Companion: Gruffydd Companion: Reynaldus
Companion Player: Perikles Companion Player: NAME(Cedric)
Timezone: GMT Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)

Tim Corbon
Wiki Name: Tim Wiki Name: Corbon
Yahoo! Name: rencheple Yahoo! Name: corbonjnl
Address: rencheple Address: corbonjnl
Domain: verizon.net Domain: yahoo.com.au
Magus: Ambrosius Magus: Longinus
Companion: Llewys Companion: Benjamin
Companion Player: NAME Companion Player: NAME
Timezone: GMT Timezone: GMT+8

Nick Samuel
Wiki Name: OldNick Wiki Name: samuel
Yahoo! Name: oldnickcov Yahoo! Name: saas2813
Address: nick.meredith Address: samuel
Domain: gmail.com Domain: update.uu.se
Magus: Bedo Magus: Phaedrus
Companion: Geoffrey Companion: NAME
Companion Player: NAME Companion Player: NAME
Timezone: GMT Timezone: GMT + 1

James Perikles
Wiki Name: Admin, Ars Magica Wiki Name: Perikles
Yahoo! Name: james_chenery Yahoo! Name: Perikles
Email: james_chenery Email: details on yahoo!
Domain: hotmail.com Domain: details on yahoo!
Magus: Magus: Mnemosyne
Companion: Companion: Lily
Companion Player: Companion Player: Eirlys
Timezone: GMT +9 Timezone: GMT+9

Cedric Player Locations
Wiki Name: NAME

<googlemap lat="0.0" lon="40.478799" zoom="17" controls="small" width="300" height="200"> 140.00074, 40.76735 [James] 140.01, 35.77 [Test] -1.535 52.402 [Nick] -2.807 52.539 [Church Stretton] </googlemap>

Yahoo! Name: fithelere
Email: fithelere
Domain: aol.com
Magus: Mnemosyne
Companion Player:
Timezone: GMT

Discussion regarding the map showing player locations.

Hmm... apparently, I live in Turkey. :D That's a far cry from Japan. Still, my last attempt put me slap-bang in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Ho hum. Apparently this is easy for UK and US people. James.

I don't mean to be a pain (well, Ok, sometimes I do), but the map shows Japan ans is in Kanji. I don't read Kanji. --Rencheple 04:17, 15 February 2006 (PST)

I've tried adding my location, and the location of the covenant, by putting in latitude and longitude figures above - but apparently nothing. How should I be doing it? --OldNick 07:00, 15 February 2006 (PST)

I was trying to use the centering function to work out my coordinates. For some reason it won't accept my coordinates, but I have verified them on a couple of sites. You don't need to read kanji unless you live in Japan and want to add yourself... :D Those of us who live in Japan will tell you what our place names are called.

I can recentre the map to any location and scale, and also change the size, btw. It is only Japan that is in Kanji - the rest of the world is in English.

If it says "We are sorry..." and shows an area of grey, then it is lying... zoom in and out to restore the area. It's very groovy, but it doesn't work very reliably.

Cheers, james.

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