Hooks and Boons Wish List

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 20:15, 14 February 2006 by OldNick (Talk | contribs)

This is the Hooks and Boons discussion list.

  • Please write down which hooks and boons you would like the covenant to have.


Consensus and Condensed Wish-list

General Consensus


  • Protector (Minor) (Listed by 3 players.)
  • Roads (Major or Minor) (Listed by 5 players.)


  • Aura (minor) X2 (Listed by 5 players.)
  • Hidden resources (Listed by 3 players.)

Boon or Hook

  • Regio (Major or minor) (Listed by 5 players.)
Condensed Wish-lists


  • Mutable (minor, site)
  • Road (minor, site)
  • Mercer House (major, residents)
  • School (major, residents)
  • Ruined Covenant (major, surroundings)
  • Faerie Court (minor, surroundings)


  • Magic aura of 5 (two minor boons).
  • Regio (site, major)
  • Exceptional book (major, external relations)
  • Vivid environment (minor, site)
  • Wealth (major, resources)


  • Regio [Major]
  • Road [Minor] or Urban [Minor]
  • Monster [Major]


  • Buildings [Minor]
  • Wealth [Minor]
  • Hidden Resources [Minor]


  • Fortification - Free Choice - Manor House


  • Road
  • Outbuildings
  • Gender Imbalance
  • Centralised Kingdom


  • Aura x 2
  • Minor Residents Boon- Missile Weapons (Bowmen)
  • Minor External Relations Boon - Local Ally


  • Beholden
  • Politics
  • Protector


  • Protector
  • Beholden
  • Road
  • Urban
  • Ruined Covenant


  • Aura x2
  • Building or Fortifications
  • Hidden Resources
  • Regio


  • Regio
  • Beholden.
  • Road.
  • Protector.


  • Aura x2
  • Wealth


  • Aura x2
  • Buildings
  • Hidden Resources
  • Regio


  • Contested Resources
  • Politics


Current Hooks/Boons wish list


  • Mutable (minor, site): The covenant grounds are susceptible to change based on the inhabitants; "the covenant incarnates their passions as guides and mentors, or beautiful songs can change the time of day, the color of cloth, and the attractiveness of the singer." (p10, Covenants)
  • Road (minor, site): The covenant is near a major road travelled by Redcaps and mundanes alike.
  • Mercer House (major, residents): We have a building dedicated for Redcaps' use, and offer generous hospitality to travelling Redcaps.
  • School (major, residents): There's a learning institution on the covenant grounds. "The younger sons of many rich farmers and lesser lords congregate at the covenant to be taught letters and something of philosophy... [which] prepares them for later, university study and marks them as gentry." (p19, Covenants) Gives us a good place to troll for apprentices, and gives the Gentle-Gifters ample opportunity to interact with the mundies. Besides, everyone loves having smart people around.
  • Ruined Covenant (major, surroundings): "The covenant is near the site of a powerful covenant, which has fallen into ruin. The younger covenant controls some of the previous covenant's resources, but has not discovered them all, nor explored the central site of its predecessor" (p24). This could be the source of the hidden resources so many of us are looking for, and add some adventure and excitement in the mix too. The ruined covenant could easily be within a neighboring regio. I'd like to see this in lieu of Hidden Resources, as it can still yield resources in the future, but is more interesting, I think.
  • Faerie Court (minor, surroundings): There's a faerie ring from which unseelie emerge during autumn and winter. They may be interfering with the local lord's hunting, on a magical faerie hunt.


  • Magic aura of 5 (two minor boons). I'm a big fan of a faerie aura, but that's only good for me, for everyone else that'd be amusing at best and annoying at worst.
  • Regio (site, major): The covenant can only be entered by those who know how to navigate the regio. I'm a big fan of this being a faerie regio, but I don't think we can have a magical aura in a faerie regio, so, magical regio is probably closer to being something we can all agree on.
  • Exceptional book (major, external relations): "The covenant has, legally and legitimately, gained possession of a copy of the finest summa ever written on one Art. This book is an excellent addition to the library, of course, but it is also a powerful diplomatic tool and source of prestige. If you select this Boon, you need not pay Build Points for the book. The book's (level + quality) = 35, with a maximum quality of 25 and a maximum art level of 20" (p20). I see this as being the #1 awesome boon we could take, as this (combined with a good scribe!) gives us the bargaining power we'd need to flesh out the rest of the library. I'd suggest that we shoot for this boon and consider spending fewer build points on summae, as we can make adventures out of wheeling and dealing to whore our exceptional book out for copies of other stuff. One art summa per mage plus what we could negotiate for with the book from this boon, would be the makings for one damn fine library, indeed. Vim would likely be too common to be of much bargaining power; Mentem would be of particular interest to Quaesitores, who would be most likely to come up with good trades we want; Corpus, Terram, and Ignem are popular, and would also be likely to make us popular. I'd be a fan of Muto or Animal, personally, but Corpus, Mentem, or Ignem would be best.
  • Vivid environment (minor, site): The covenant is on land which is exceptionally beautiful and pleasant.
  • Wealth (major, resources): Perhaps this might even be faerie-related; air-spirit sheep made from clouds, which can be fleeced for a material which, once woven properly, is as warm as wool but light as silk.


Current Hooks/Boons wish list


  • Regio [Major]
  • Road [Minor] I'd like to see an intersection of a major and a minor road
  • Urban [Minor] This choice would be in lieu of Road
  • Monster [Major]


  • Buildings [Minor] Tower with appropriate outlying buildings
  • Wealth [Minor] Personally, I'd like to see this manifest as an iron mine
  • Hidden Resources [Minor]

I prefer road to urban, and there are two very interesting roads nearby. Monster is a great hook. :D --Admin 05:41, 11 February 2006 (PST)


Current Hooks/Boons wish list

  • Fortification - Free Choice - Manor House. Conventional for area, without going to the level of threat / local involvement implied by a castle


  • Minor Site Hook - Road (mundane)
  • Minor Fortification Hook - Outbuildings.
  • Minor Residents Hook - Gender Imbalance (rough count 24:6 at the moment)
  • Minor External Relations Hook - Centralised Kingdom (reflecting English situation)


  • Minor Site Boon - Aura x 2 - As stated, benefit of power
  • Minor Residents Boon- Missile Weapons (Bowmen)
  • Minor External Relations Boon - Local Ally

I like your choices, but need to see a definition for "Bowmen", "Gender Imbalance", and "Centralised Kingdom" - especially "Bowmen". I am especially keen on 'Local Ally', have a good idea for how the bowmen boon can benefit the covenant and grow with it, and the "Kingdom" hook sounds like something that will keep Marcus amused. :D --Admin 05:38, 11 February 2006 (PST)


Current Hooks/Boons wish list

Ideally, Marcus (and Jeff) would like a Covenant with some reasonable mundane connections. Here are two ideas which sort of reflect my thinking.

1) A Priory established by the Abbey at Shrewsbury. A Priory is a satellite establishment of a larger institution. This would come about if there was some immediate need to have some force of magi at the site and would have to be at the behest of either the Abbot of shrewsbury or possibly the prior at the Priory. This would get us in bed with the Church, which I think provides some interesting complications, although YMMV. This would work nicely with a regio, since the magi would live mostly in the regio while the covenfolk and monks lived outside, and in some cases might not even be aware of the presence of the magi. So, one complete possibility here is that the priory is established near some magical threat (Major Road, Ruined Covenant, etc.) and the Abbot, who does not believe that magi are evil, decides to install them there since they are best suited to protecting his monks. The monks themselves would be innocent of knowledge of the magi would live near/with/in the regio but not be part of the priory itself.

2) A more mundane set up. Several companions have links to various nobility and one, Lily, specifically mentions giving land to the covenant in her background. Given that, the follow-through is much like option 1, only without the need for a specific threat and instead a need for some sort of fuedal contract. "Giving us land" isn't really a fuedal concept, I would suggest that if this option is pursued that we are instead given a charter like a town, which probably means our true nature is known to the granting noble, or that we impersonate monks or hermits and the land is "given to the Church."

Be warned! Marcus is built to interact with the world, so most of my boons and hooks will reflect that. Bearing in mind some of the comments on the mailing list, I will not say that we should have Mercer House, School and so on. Instead, I will suggest that some of those could be built in game as we move along. If there is a threat, then we could find ourselves in the fuedal hierarchy, perhaps through Lily or another intermediary, and actually serving as fuedal overlord of the area.

I don't have Covenants, but those of you who do can probably see where I'm going with this and figure out other good ones.


  • Protector - Priory, village or both.
  • Beholden - to the Abbot, the noble, or both.
  • Road - either minor or major, or both
  • Urban - as an alternative or adjunct to Road.
  • Ruined Covenant - this could also be the source of the problems that force the Church or the Nobility to call us in.


  • Aura of 5 - why not if we can afford it?
  • Buildings or fortifications - depending on the rationale of how we get started this might fit. If we are protecting an existing priory or being made Lords of a village, then buildings might come with the job.
  • Hidden Resources is always fun
  • Regio - I sort of like the idea of hiding the magic side of thing in a regio in the middle of either the village or the priory. In fact, the idea that the Priory was founded on the ruins of a covenant where the mundane ruins are now in the dominion, but the magical ruins are in a regio on top of the same space kind of sings to me.


Current Hooks/Boons wish list

  • Beholden, minor hook
  • Politics, minor or major (or both) hook
  • Protector, minor hook


Current Hooks/Boons wish list


  • A Magical regio to explore.
  • Beholden. Preferably minor and towards someone/thing local.
  • A faerie road. (For Eirlys to handle.)
  • Protector. The local willages has been bothered by faeries and other "wierd stuff".


  • High non-warping aura, minor boon(s)
  • Could we get a bonus to aging rolls to help us keep our specialists?
  • Wealth? I would prefere to have this in a "Hiden resource" type of way, fighting for money does not seem very interesting as a major part of the saga. A bunch of stories to establish ways to get good suplies (and expanding them when needed) and the like could be interesting.


Current Hooks/Boons wish list

  • Boons: A good, high magical aura (though not enough to cause Warping).
  • Boon: Building (a tower or great hall or something)
  • Boon: Hidden Resources (Maybe a store of magic items, a secret vis source or even some books, - possibly hidden in the regio or somewhere)
  • Boon: Regio (Yay... who doesn't like having their own pocket realm? Alteratively we could make this a hook and make it part of the story to uncover it, perhaps tying in with the hidden resources)
  • Hook: Contested Resources (maybe a new vis source or some cash resource).
  • Hook: Politics (minor one, as the major one is going to be VERY difficult to hide from the Quaesitores... namely Mnemosyne).

  • Protector (Minor)

How ever we got the ground to build on whoever granted it to us had a problem with "Wierd stuff" in the area that we should protect the surounding willages from. Boons

  • Aura (minor) X2 (Listed by players.)

::This will raise the aura from the baseline level of three, to five, which is the highest aura that doesn't warp grogs. Could someone describe the hooks/boons from Covenants:

  • Healthy Feature - It's +1 on aging rolls, and provides the Healthy location on ArM5 page 170 - can be taken up to three times. (tot +3 for first, +5 for three?)
  • Minor Fortification Hook - Outbuildings. Bedo asked for it, I do not know what it means...
  • Vivid environment - Sounds interesting (after a few hidden resources) should go well with Healthy Feature which I realy want us to have.
  • Ruined Covenant (Major hook) - Sounds interesting, we could place it in a Major Regio to get some really involved stories. But for it to qualify as a _major_ hook there has to be something special about it...
  • Whatever could represent "hidden" sources of wealth, especially wealth that our suroundings benefit from. (A toll-both is just glorified robbery.)

If we get some hidden resources, could we please spend one or two pawns of Vis income on making sure _all_ our summae have good quality and lvl? ;-) Someone mentioned buying Summae for Vis, are there any established prices? (The characters should know...)

Boons and Hooks - Definitions and Arguments

  • This is the list that Nick kindly typed out on the forum. I suggest that anything you would like a proper description of be put in bold writing, so that the people with a copy of Covenants can add one if they like.
  • Also, regardless of whether or not a description has been added, players may add arguments for and against a specific Boon or Hook, so that all the arguments for any given Boon/Hook are in the same place.


- link for some definitions. I'll hunt the rogue small text command when I get back tomorrow. J


Major Site Boons:

  • Aura

Pro: This will raise the aura in the laboratory areas, whilst leaving the grog-areas unaffected. Intended for raising the aura about five without affecting the grogs.

  • Conscious space
  • Fantastic environment
  • Immunity
  • Natural Fortress
  • Regio
  • Time Dilation or Contraction

Minor Site Boons:

  • Aura

Pro: This will raise the aura from the baseline level of three, to five, which is the highest aura that doesn't warp grogs.

  • Difficult Access
  • Healthy Feature
It's +1 on aging rolls, and provides the Healthy location on ArM5 page 170 - can be taken up to three times. (tot +3 for first, +5 for three?)
  • Hostile Environment
  • Immunity
  • Mystical Portal
  • Regio
  • Seclusion
  • Unnatural Law
Some natural laws suspended in covenant's aura.
  • Vast Aura
Aura fills an large area, perhaps up to five miles across. Explanation implies tends to be on edge of unknown area.
  • Vivid Environment

Major Site Hooks:

  • Constantly Mobile
  • Highly Mutable
  • Magical Disaster
  • Missing Aura
  • Monster
  • Road
  • Regio
  • Urban

Minor Site Hooks:

  • Corrupt Area
  • Cursed
  • Evil Custom
  • Erratically Mobile
  • Faerie Aura
  • Flickering Aura
  • Haunted
  • Mutable
  • Poorly Defensible
  • Regio with Unexpected Entries
  • Regio
  • Resident Nuisance
  • Road
  • Warping to a Pattern
Warping isn't random, but follows a theme, possibly tied in with the history of the site.
  • Weak Aura
  • Uncontrolled Portal
  • Unhealthy Environment
  • Urban


Free Choices:

  • Island
  • Manor House
  • Castle (Major Hook)
  • Ringwork (req Castle)
  • Small Tower

Major Fortification Boons (alternatives to default Castle):

  • Curtain Walls and Mural Towers
  • Magical Fortress
  • Superior Engineering

Minor Fortification Boons:

  • Artillery
  • Bedrock
Built on bedrock, rather than soil / loose stone. No well,s hard to have cellars, but hard to undermine in a siege
  • Edifices
  • Important Buildings
  • Shell Keep (req Castle)
  • Tower Keep (req Castle)
  • Vast & Labyrinthine
  • Writ of Crenellation

Minor Fortification Hooks:

  • Crumbling
  • Outbuildings
Minor hamlet of buildings around about, with servants, peasants, not walled or pulled down to improve defences.
  • Wooden


Major Resources Boon:

  • Wealth

Question: How does this differ from the Minor boon in the basic rules?

Fabulously wealthy - live like kings. One Typical income raised to Legendary.

Minor Resources Boons:

  • Hidden Resources
  • Right
  • Secondary Income

Question: how does this compare to Wealth?

Two independent Typical sources of income. Diversification reducing vulnerability, as well as increasing income
  • Vis Grant
  • Wealth
Wealthy even by standard of nobles. One Typical income is upgraded to Greater.

Major Resources Hooks:

  • Indebted
  • Indiscreet Resource
Gathering one local resource involves overt criminal acts.
  • Natural Disaster
  • Poverty

Minor Resources Hooks:

  • Contested Resource
  • Dwindling Resource
  • Flawed Resource
  • Illusory Resources
  • Indebted
  • Indiscreet Resource
Gathering one local resource the covenant's resources attracts unwanted attention amongst a certain group.
  • Natural Disaster
  • Poverty
  • Regional Produce
A local produce is remarkable - bring in money and Reputation. Wines, cheeses, luxury meats.
  • Vis Salary


Residents Free Choices:

  • Hunters or Sailors
"The covenant's people live by hunting, fishing, or certain other professions that give them useful skills for certain types of limited military action"
  • Peasants
"The covenant's defenders live as farmers for the rest of the year. They do not practice at weapons during the year, but most are competant with an inexpensive weapon and are extremely fit".

Major Residents Boons:

  • Heavy Cavalry
  • Magical (Soldiers) req Soldiers
  • Tame Nobleman

Minor Residents Boons:

  • Cavalry
  • Crossbowmen
  • Criminals
  • Famous Resident
  • Inhuman Residents
  • Literate Covenfolk
  • Local Language
<i>"The local people speak a language that is somehow useful to their masters."
  • Loyal Covenfolk
  • Missile Weapons
The covenant's mundane tenants include large numbers of people who are highly skilled with missile weapons. Examples include English peasants, required by law to practive the longbow"
  • Strong Community
  • Useful Curse
  • Veteran Fighters

Major Residents Hooks:

  • Chapter House
"The covenant owns and controls a second, smaller site, far from the covenant's main buildings"
  • Diabolic Corruption
  • Divided Loyalty
  • Fractured Council
  • Mercer House
  • Rebellious Covenfolk
  • School
  • Superiors

Minor Residents Hooks:

  • Alienable Land
  • Dark Secret
  • Distorted Covenfolk
  • Dumping Ground
  • Fosterage
  • Gender Imbalance
"The covernant has a deeply unbalanced gnder division. This is common in new covents which tend to have many male servants and those that have lost many men to war. Surrounding communities judge the covenant by their own standards, and so expect a group that is mostly male to expand its territory as a way of claiming wealth and women. A community that has few men will be considered leaderless, ill-garrisoned, and vulnerable. These stereotypes are usually inaccurate for covenants, leading to nasty and unnecessary confrontations with expansionist nobles"
  • Guild
  • House Church
"A fervent group of Christians practices the sacraments in one of the houses within the covenant. Left unchecked, this may affect the aura."
  • Incompetent Covenfolk
  • Indigenes
  • Inhuman Covenfolk
  • Infants
  • Possession Victim
  • Refugee
  • Rights and Customs
  • Seed of Madness
  • Spies
  • Suffrage
  • Superiors

External Relations

Major External Relations Boons:

  • Autocephalous
Some areas of Europe are not ruled by any nobleman, or are ruled by smallholding nobles who have never bent the knee to an outsider."Suits isolated places, not needed if Isolated.
  • Dedicated Covenant
  • Exceptional Book
  • Favours Owed
  • Hedge Tradition
  • Prestige
  • Powerful Ally

Minor External Relations Boons:

  • Benefice
"The covenant owns the land on which the local church stands, the church building itself, and the cottage in which the priest lives." Implications - coventant can refuse an individual acccess, but bishop appoints priest.
  • Felicitous Tribunal
  • Informants
The covenant has a small network of helpful people who provide the covenant with useful information about its rivals"
  • Local Ally
  • Prestige
  • Promised Favours
  • Ungoverned

Major External Relations Hooks:

  • Beholden
  • Centre of Excellence
  • Ceremonies
  • Hedge Tradition
  • Hermetic Services
  • Mundane Politics
  • Rival
  • Tribunal Border
The covenant lies outside of any Tribunal, or in the disputed borderland between two Tribunals"
  • War Zone
"The covenant lies between two powerful noble holdings that are at war. Each side requires the magi to join it."/i>

Minor External Relations Hooks:

  • Ancestral Error
<i>"One of the magi who founded the covenant made a grave error that harmed many people, or willingly committed a deeply sinful act"
  • Centralized Kingdom
In some parts of Europe, England for example, it is perfectly clear who owns every bit of land. A newly founded covenant in such an area will need to explain its presents to, and come to terms with, uts putative noble lord"
  • Church Territories
"Large parts of Europe accept a representative of the church as their mundane noble."
  • Favours
  • Hangout
  • Hermetic Politics
  • House Covenant
  • Infamous
  • Itinerants
  • Missing Founder
  • Public Vis Source
  • Rival
  • Slavery
  • Undemocratic Tribunal
  • Unsafe
  • Unsubtle Predecessor


Major Surroundings Boons

  • Defensive Environment
  • Tithing Miracles
  • Mystical Allies

Minor Surroundings Boons:

  • Chase,
  • Hidden Ways,
  • Minority

Major Surroundings Hooks:

  • City
  • Demonic Interest
  • Enclosed
  • Faerie Landlord
  • Meddlesome Saint
  • Monster
  • Pagans
  • Pilgrimage Site
  • Ruined Covenant
  • Seat of Power

Minor Surroundings Hooks: :

  • Death Prophecies
  • Deathbed Visitor
  • Faerie Court
  • Fated Feat
  • Fallen Temple
  • Festival
  • Ford
  • Guardians
  • Heretics
  • Hermit
  • Legendary Site
  • Massacre Site
  • Missing Expedition
  • Monastery
  • Monster
  • Protector

Pro: How ever we got the ground to build on whoever granted it to us had a problem with "Wierd stuff" in the area that we should protect the surounding willages from.

  • Roman Ruins
  • Sanctuary
  • Site of Weakness
  • Ungarrisoned Castle

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