Phaedrus Character Sheet

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Character sheet for Phaedrus ex Bonisagus

Born: 1196
Gauntleted: 1220


Int +3 (Inventive) Per +2 (Alert)
Str -3 (Skinny) Sta +2 (Good lungs)
Pre +1 (Enthusiastic) Com -1
Dex 0 Qik +1

Personality Traits:
Generous +2
Thoughtful +2 (Prefers to have a plan)
Silent +1 (Dislikes making unnecessary noise, he has a ~20 year habit of sneaking.)


Affinity with Rego (minor, hermetic)
Affinity with Intelego(minor, hermetic)
Affinity with Magic theory(minor, general)
Affinity with Finesse(minor, general)

Book learner (minor, general)
Cautious Sorcerer (minor, hermetic)
Inventive Genius (minor, hermetic)
Learn Finesse from Mistakes (minor, general)

Puissant Intelego (minor, hermetic)
Puissant Rego (minor, hermetic)
Puissant Magic theory (minor, hermetic, Bonisagus)

Chaotic Magic (major, hermetic)
Magic Addiction (major, hermetic)

Driven (personality, major) - Establish the best library in the tribunal (at least) and promote the written word.

Magical Animal Companion (story, minor) - Small-ish bird of prey.



Creo 0 Intelego 4 + 3 (11, spent 7) Muto 0 Perdo 0 Rego 12+3 (78, spent52)


Animal 1(1) Aquam 0 Auram 0 Corpus 5(15) Herbam 0 Ignem 0 Imaginem 0 Mentem 5(15) Terram 5 (15) Vim 5 (15)


English 5

Athletics 1 (5) Awareness 2(15) Brawl 1 (5) Stealth 2(10) (5) Survival 1(5) Swim 1 (5)

Bargain 2 (15) Charm 1 (5) Chirurgy 1 (5) Concentration 2 (15) Etiquette 1(5) Hunt 1(5) Intrigue 1(5)

Profession (Scribe) 1 (5) Artes Liberales 1 (5)
Civil and Canon Law 0(1) Common Law 0(1) Latin 4 (50)
Medicine 1 (5) Order of Hermes Lore (Libraries) 1 (5) Philosophiae 0(2) Theology 0(2)

Code of Hermes 0(2) Faerie Lore 0 (2) Finesse 2 (15, spent 10) Magic theory (Inventing spells) 3 +2 (30, spent 20)
Parma magica 1 (5)
Penetration 1 (5) House Acclaim 0 (0) (title-less)


  • ReAn(aq) 15 (Touch, Ring, Ind) The independent quill
  • ReCo 25 (Per, Mom, Group) Quick march! 500 paces stride.
  • ReIm15 (Per, Diam, Group) Illusion of the Sinking Party The mage appears to sink into the ground (or 15 paces below himself, at any rate) for a couple minutes. The ilusion is not broken by small movements or "Quick march!".
  • ReMe 20 (Voice, Mom, Room) Scent of peaceful slumber.
  • ReTe 15 (Voice, Mom, Ind) Wielding the powerful sling. (A magnitude extra power to damage.)
  • ReVi 30 Aegis of the Hearth.

Spell descriptions

The independent quill ReAn(Aq) 15

R:Touch, Dur: Ring, Target: Ind

An arcane connection from the source quill (usually in the form of one "hair" of the feather) is fastened to the target quill. Then each quill is brought to its own writing surface and placed in identical position and a ring is traced around the target:s writing surface. The target quill copies the motions of the other quill exactly, relative to the writing surface. The Aquam requisite makes sure that any ink flows in the same way as on the original. The same spell may also target a "knife" of bone, which is used for the quick removal of ink. (Substituting "Writing implement" for quill in the description made it read badly.)
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Ring, +2 very precise movement, +0/1 Aq req)


Willie grew up hunting with his parents. When the Gift surfaced, hunts became more dangerous, and he tried his hand, without success, at several other occupations before his Parens found him. The only person not avoiding him during this time was a bird that found him shortly after the Gift surfaced.

Reading was a real success after he managed to overcome some severe prejudices against books which he had held for a long time. This was interesting things that did not avoid him. Any book that he could find was devoured. The most noteworthy troubles during the time as apprentice was when he found new hiding places to read in. Phaedrus Parens probably still has a hair-lock somewhere to use during "The inexorable search".

When the end of apprentice ship approached Phaedrus came back to social life, and being generous at heart, decided that everyone else should also have the opportunity to meet Books. To promote this (and his own love of books) he should build a Great Library where people can study and learn to read.


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