Story : Atop the Long Mynd

From Ars Magica

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Bodbury Ring and the Burway

As the magi Ambrosius and Mnemosyne, accompanied by Geraldous, Alicia, Llewys, Blathmac and pack animals, set off up the Long Mynd, their pace was matched by the rise of morning sun. Geraldous had chosen the easiest, most direct route up, a simple track known as 'The Burway' which began fairly close to Church Stretton. The fresh spring air, and bright sunlight brought cheer to the company. Blathmac lagged behind and he kept up an almost constant stream of quiet nonsense sounding braying and neighing sounds to the mules. He paused now and again as they made their characteristic sound, and seemed to be listening to them thoughtfully. All in all, it looked almost as though he was conversing with and cajoling them up the path.

It took less than an hour for them to get partway up The Burway, and as they neared the top, they were able to appreciate two of the better known features of the Long Mynd. The most prominent feature, from the point of view of the villagers, was a large valley adjacent to Church Stretton replete with a river and waterfall. However, it was clear from above that the valley was well-visited, numerous signs of human industry including paths, a flock of sheep, and some drystone shelters for them. To the north lay a more interesting prospect. On the crest of a hill overlooking Church Stretton and the valley was some kind of defensive earthwork.

Visiting the earthwork would evidently require descending and gaining the other summit by a different route, while The Burway continued on in a mostly north-westerly direction.

Mnemosyne took the opportunity of a short halt, to slide off the horse she had been clinging to grimly. She staggered over to a patch of gorse and threw up noisily. It was mostly dry wretching as she had not eaten anything yet that morning - which made her feel all the more awful. Blathmac ran to the horse that Mnemosyne had abandoned and with a nod to the maga which was respectful but perfunctory, neighed softly to the horse which neighed back somehow managing to look annoyed. Blathmac chuckled softly neighed again and began to adjust the horses saddle and trappings.

Alicia approached Mnemosyne, "Salve maga. I wonder, if the riding makes you so sick, why you do not walk?"

Mnemosyne shook her head silently, not trusting herself to speak yet. Eventually she recovered enough to respond. "You make a good point, Alicia. While even with my affliction I can ride faster than I can walk, we are going as fast as our slowest members. Perhaps the lad would like to take a spell on the beast. It has been ensorcelled to make it more bidable."

"I'm not slow!" cried Llewys, brandishing his walking stick in mock indignation and flashed a cheeky grin at Mnemosyne. As she dismounted, he ran past giving her a wide berth, and took up position next to Geraldous at the front.

Mnemosyne tottered back to the horse and took off a waterskin to wash the taste of bile from her mouth. Feeling slightly more human she approached Ambrosius. "I suggest we continue along this route and investigate further. It is likely there will be other sites to survey once we reach the top. We can visit the hill fort on the way back, without going all the way back down into the valley and back up again. In any case, I suspect that place will prove to be too close to the village for our purposes, unless it has some truely outstanding features to compensate."

Would anyone like to play Geraldous in this story?

The Portway

The path continued up onto the Long Mynd, appearing small, but well-used. A few tumuli lay off to the sides of the path as they ascended, while below, they could see the river and waterfall of the large valley winding its way down into Church Stretton. A flock of sheep and a shepherd idled close by the water in the morning sun.

Abruptly, they found themselves faced with three ways to proceed. The path the followed continued straight, with a turning winding off to the right, and a little further down, a similar turning winding off to the left.

A modest tumulus sat in the crook of the junction where a path split off to the right. Beyond, a wide greenway bisected the three paths, running north along the top of the Mynd. The center path appeared to run up to some sort of large tumulus. The right hand path wandered away and over the crest of the Long Mynd, while the left hand path passed through a boggy area at the top of a small, narrow valley, before continuing on toward some kind of ruin in the distance.

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