Mnemosyne Information

From Ars Magica

Revision as of 13:35, 3 February 2006 by Perikles (Talk | contribs)

Physical Appearance

Of average height and slight, Mnemosyne has cornflower blue eyes, which sometimes look very cold, and wheat coloured hair which she binds back with a pair of plaits tied at the back of her head. She is quite pretty - not very attractive or beautiful, simply pretty - but it is seen best when she smiles. Usually, however she is quite serious and stands aloof from most others, for one reason or another. As a quaesitor she has higher standing than many other magi, as a mentem maga she beleives strongly in the power of her own mind to dominate others, as a woman who has suffered the advances of many unsavoury men she is cautious of the male of the species. However, once these barriers have been overcome or when focusing on one of her pet projects she is prone to smile often.

She has the pale skin of someone who spends too much time indoors and the delicate physique of someone who never does any excercise. Her hands are thin and sometimes shake when she is excited or nervous. She often fumbles with things, dropping them or knocking goblets and the like over if she is not concentrating carefully. As a result, she is particularly careful when it comes to laboratory work and is asiduous in putting things away after herself.

She usually wears... I'll get back to this later, once I've finished washing the dishes

Wizard's Sigil

Not entirely sure this is the best place to have this, but I'll use this to make a not myself that I need to sort this out too.


I guess I can store all the exciting stuff I manage to pick up along the way here too... Magic items, mundane ones too.

Mnemosyne Character Sheet          Mnemosyne Grimoire          Mnemosyne Background
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