Main Page

From Arne Olavs Wiki

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The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin. You should log in and change this now!
The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin. You should log in and change this now!
On this page: [[Arne_Olav_logo_url]] put just the url for the logo.
On this page: [[image_logo_url]] put just the url for the logo.
Please see the [ User's Guide] for other usage and configuration help.
Please see the [ User's Guide] for other usage and configuration help.

Revision as of 19:24, 13 February 2006

Wiki successfully set up.

The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin. You should log in and change this now!

On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo.

Please see the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.

Dette er ein test-tekst frå Arne Olav. Bloggen min er her

Eg har berre laga eitt oppslag, og det er om romantikken. Ikkje om realismen.



Her er samlesiden for ulike typer skoletekster, analyser osv. Her kan du også finne analysemodeller for analyse av ulike typer tekster, med lenker til eksempeltekster.

Link til Skoletekster.


dette er overskrift 2

overskrift 3

så er det overskrift 3

overskrift 4

og dermed var vi på overskrift 4

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