Talk:Group Alpha

From Ancient Ways

Revision as of 17:02, 25 February 2007 by Marius (Talk | contribs)
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Backstage Hijynx, eh?

I indeed have been admiring your "subtle" additions as inquired by your e-mail. Very nice! This really had been a really instructional and fun toy. Keep up the fun!

Admin 08:03, 25 February 2007 (EST)

Always! ...Although that time I had to wonder whether it was the Fun keeping me up! >({|8-)
I've had those characters for years; I originally came up with them (one at a time) for the Champions superhero roleplaying game--except for Fimbria, who is an AD&D character and also my RenFaire persona.
Glad you like 'em! -- MariPere' 12:02, 25 February 2007 (EST)
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