
From Asaction

Revision as of 12:31, 21 September 2008 by OMNI (Talk | contribs)
Real Name Bob Sanders Jr.
Registration Date March 13, 2005
Rank Order of the Owl
Regulars Action Discussion

OMNI-Enforcer (born 1980 something) is a regular in AD who spends the majority of his time posting random and sometimes stupid comments in the various small/junk threads that appear. As a result of this he has a rather large post count and is known by most everyone in AD. He is an easy going fellow who tends to shy away from actually discussing shows that air on Adult Swim. (because he thinks that's lame) The majority of OMNI's posts are about Football and History with comments that make no sense to anyone sprinkled in between.


How OMNI Came To Post Here

OMNI used to be a bright-eyed enthusiastic anime fan who couldn't wait to see the shows AS aired. Watching AS was one of the highlights of the week to him. He would always make sure to be in his seat at 11:00 pm on Saturday night. He would sit glued to the chair (since his stupid two brothers always hogged the couch) for 3 whole hours until AS ended at 2:00 am, when at which point he would either go to bed or watch Toonami's Rising Sun hour long block. This went on for a while and he was happy. Sadly the 11-2 block was eventually replaced. He then learned however that AS would be on during the week, and proceeded to tape the shows that aired (since he had school every day then and couldn't stay up) and watch them the next day. After watching episode 23 of Trigun he decided he wanted to talk with other people about the series. He only had his two brothers to talk about anime with at the time and wanted to get other people's opinions, so he went on to Adult and registered to post on it's Message Board. He hasn't left since.

Early Time On The Boards

At first OMNI posted in AD a bit, but got sucked into the Black Hole of spammage and chaos that is IB. He spent more and more time posting there and made a couple friends who he wonders what the hell happened to today. Eventually however he grew bored of IB and wanted to post in AD again. The airing of FMA, an anime OMNI had seen prior, greatly influenced his decision as well. He had great fun discussing the show with others in the folder. Over time he had also gotten to know and like a lot of the other board members in AD. He increasingly stayed in AD and didn't leave the folder much.

From Then On

After FMA ended OMNI found himself not as interested in the anime on AS. Despite this he became even more enamored with AD and it's members. This resulted in OMNI being a usual face around the folder yet never engaging in long conversations with people. OMNI isn't a particular fan of IMs either so most people got to know him through brief and silly conversations in spam threads. He does that to this day and finds he is less and less interested in what AS airs on TV as compared to what goes on in the message board.

Relationships With Particular ADers

Blah: Good friend who he has known since first posting in AD. Kohikki is also convinced he and Blah are in love with each other. To date there is no proof of this outside of Kohikki's head.

Spice: OMNI had a sorta brief fling with her which didn't result in much. He has also known her since first posting in AD regularly.

Justice: A board member who sometimes hits on OMNI for no real reason. OMNI looks past this and considers him a cool person though. He has been known to ramble on with Justice about football at times too, Justice being a Packers fan.

Cille: Board member OMNI thinks very highly of despite her never-ending attempts to make fun of and "pwn" OMNI.

Moon: Fellow ABBA fan who OMNI spams with at times.

Angel: OMNI's kinda sorta Board Mother. OMNI himself doesn't exactly remember how it happened, but has rolled with it ever since.

  • this will probably be expanded in the future

Random Things You May Or May Not Know About OMNI

  • Favorite color is blue.
  • Favorite season is winter.
  • Can't stand the sound styrofoam makes when it's broken or scratched.
  • Works at a retail store in an outlet and is getting really tired of it.
  • Likes having a little noise in his room when he goes to bed. Radio, fan, etc.
  • Licks the spatula after using it to cut pizza when is told specifically not to.
  • Paces when he gets annoyed/angry.
  • Is the youngest of 3 brothers.
  • Is the only one of those 3 still at home.
  • Has lived in the same place his whole life.
  • Has wanted a pet his whole life but has never had one.
  • The only time he ever tried to cook/bake something he set a trashcan on fire.
  • Is an avid golfer, but is admittedly not great at it.
  • Played High School Football, but got too lazy to stay committed and started playing golf.
  • Loves trains.
  • Plans on enlisting in the Navy, but isn't so sure what to do with life after.
  • Has had 2 girlfriends before, but has never been in a meaningful relationship.
  • Uses work and school to sometimes justify his less than stellar social life.
  • Can't snap fingers.
  • Has 3 step sisters.

Other Places OMNI Spends His Time

OMNI occasionally posts in the .com and WSC folders as well, but spends the majority of his time elsewhere posting in the NFL Picks and Discussion thread in Babbling. He was talked into joining the thread originally by Lithium_Green, and has since become a regular there. He met many other football fans who he has become good friends with.

In particular he finally found a fan of the New England Patriots (team he hates) that he actually likes named Quizibuk. OMNI is a die hard Indianapolis Colts fan, and as such was used to taking loads and loads of crap from other fans because the Colts had at the time been horrible in the Playoffs, losing the most to the Patriots, who seemed to win the Super Bowl every damn year. At the end of the 2006 season OMNI was excited that his team had seemed to of finally over come their choking ways and made it to the AFC Championship Game. In their way however was the Patriots. OMNI found that Quizibuk didn't trash talk in a mean and offensive way as so many other Patriots fans he had seen do. In the end the Colts ended up beating the Patriots in a thriller of a game and winning and Super Bowl two weeks later. This was easily OMNI's happiest moment ever on the boards and high up there in life in general. The polite and classy way Quizibuk handled the conversation after the game made OMNI re-think his position that all Patriots fans are jerks. He then came to the conclusion that simply most were. OMNI himself made it a point to congratulate Quizibuk after the Patriots beat the Colts in the regular season the following year. This year he hopes to have polite yet intense debates with other fans again, and has tried his best not to trash talk in a mean (WE WON THAT GAME COMING FROM OVER 20 DOWN AND MADE FOOLS OF YOU ON NATIONAL TV NEW ENGLAND! NOTHING YOU DO WILL EVER TAKE THAT AWAY SO GO SUCK IT LOSERS! LOL LOL LOL) and impolite way.

Guestbook/Spam that was funny and I didn't wana delete


Fine whatev. You guys ruined mah totally serious informative page here. Now I will recite the ABC's:


  • throws glitter*

More evil bullets. STOP IT!


OMNI... go make my page...

I'm not trying to make bullets... It keeps messing with the narration asterisks... :(

Which Page? I may do it. if I'm in the mood. Lolercakes.

Awwww.... we'll have to use narration equal signs... =h00gs=

Spice's, st00pid.

How was I supposed to know that was you? There are names here or anything. You could be Frank Sanatra for all I know. Are there any specifics you want?

You can go to recent changes... and it'll have my name by this page. =D And like whoelse would secks joo? REALLY?

...And what if I am Frank Sanatra? What then?

No, no specifics. Just write something.

Then I ask how the hell you're typing when you're dead. YOU'RE A GHOST SEE? I KNEW IT!11!!!1 Ok I'll go write something short, very short for Spice. Keep up the talking here though.

That would make you a necrophiliac. Gross, OMNI.

Short?! Well, it had better be good...

I had a cow named Sinatra once.

Gawd, did anyone ask you, Cille?

What, is this an invitation-only edit party?

Anyone can edit my page. It's fine. Was Sinatra cute Cille? In the Cow sense anyways.

Awww... I thought it would be just me and yOoOoOoou.


No it's for everyone. Duhhhh. Well regardless I'm sure the Cow was adorable. I say we let this die for now k? No more edits. I'm happy with the way it turned out. It actualy gives a good idea of what kinda person I am. Which is what these are for. So yeah.

-there is nothing to write about here. the title of this section is good enough-

also, people need to edit this page more. OMNI needs teh repz, yo.

LOL OMNI I'm in your wiki editing your page. <--this guy's a fr00t

OMG...we cant have narration equal signs either!!! ghey!!!

Yet again, nothing has been taken seriously on this wiki... oh well: Omni <3's Peyton Manning

Uhh.. Colts > Pats..

because.. they do..


made my own section. how's that for editing your page!?!?


..............KAGOME...that is all.

Umm.... do i know you? You're always invisible to me. :| j/k

that is all.

OMNI is an awomes Spamming Bear.

Or at least it did the last time I checked. It's a Freudian thing.

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