Kohikki and Teh Rise of Argenobots

From Asaction

Revision as of 08:57, 29 August 2008 by Cidthekittyisfun (Talk | contribs)



basically it starts out with argeno and kohikki being totally happy and stuff.. but then argeno gets killed lotsa OHZNOZ and drama happens.. kohikki is grief striken. so anyways what happens is gets his totally awesome robo friend, maenos to help him make argenobots.. thats right you heard right.. argenobots. sammy is also involved in teh wacky antics.. hes a dective that liked wearing hats they all liked wearing hats.

however since cid has ADD and cant keep a solid storyline going it kinda just... changes each chap. like right now there totally after nathan cuz supposidly hes the one that killed argeno not ashmel.

so like wanna know more? read the chaps. there totally there linked for ya below!


ADers: Kohikki - goes by kohikki or kiki when im lazeh :P MasterSamson - sammy, chu~ Maenos - Maenos.. yeah hes a robit he gets to keeps his name :)

Chars.: Argeno - married to kohikki killed thought by ashmel later on revealed nathan killed him. (blood+) Ashmel - killed argeno, but not really.. wants to be a super aeosme evil villian but fails at it.. miserably. (blood+) Nathan - totally aewsome faaaabulous dude.. but like he killed argeno yo. thats messed up. or maybe he didnt i dunno. (blood+) Wedy - thief that did some investigating for sammy (Death Note)


misc. info

none that i can think of.. except that cid is working on the 5th (and finale) chap. but shes lazeh and has her moments... shell finish it. lets just say itll have wacky antics! id say more but why ruin the suprise ;)

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