List of Characters in Towards the New World

From Asaction

This is a list of characters in the fanfic Towards the New World, with accompanying biographical information from the fanfic. Those listed are those who are in some way relevant to the primary plot. They are listed in Alphabetical order, based on first names and grouped by profession or affiliation.



Angelina Ahren

main article: Angelina Ahren

Self proclaimed shameless flirt, Angelina is a photographer and the assistant of Herve Abott. She has no immediate family, was an only child and her parents passed away of natural causes a few years ago. While usually laid back, she can get violent in dangerous situations. She enjoys lifting.

Herve Abbott

main article: Herve Abbott

An effeminate young photographer who travels with his boyfriend; Roy Alty, dog; Heffy, and assistant; Angelina Ahren in search of stories. Is overall a pretty sunny guy with no significant problems who enjoys cooking and sewing along with taking pictures.

Lucas "Lucky" Jackson

main article: Lucas Jackson

A 21 year old war photographer who likes to get inside the cockpit of an ace LFO pilot and take pictures of the LFO and military battles. He enjoys lifting and is a pretty good lifter, but doesn't share his skills with anyone other than Zalia. Why he doesn't lift in public is an unknown secret. A mostly serious guy, Lucas isn't a fan of sarcasm and isn't quick to trust others. He hates the scub corals an everything to do with them due to the fact that his mother was killed during the Scub Coral incident.

Roy Alty

main article: Roy Alty

Relatively jovial and reasonably ambitious, Roy Alty is a journalist constantly looking for the next big scoop. He enjoys dying his hair every colour imaginable, collecting stuffed animals and playing handheld video games. He travels with his boyfriend; Herve Abbott, Herve's assistant; Angelina and Herve's dog. And is the kind of person who can go on with long winded speeches of a scientific or psychological nature, but often has trouble telling left from right and simple math.

LFO Pilots

Morgan Rigelus

main article: Morgan Rigelus

Morgan Rigelus is an LFO Pilot in his late teens. He's cold and calculating and smarts off to just about everyone, but acts nice and friendly with his clients. His family was killed and thus had to depend on himself during the last few years of his childhood. Through simulators, he quickly learned he had a talent for piloting LFOs, and sought to make a living by doing it. He likes to play video games and cooks in his spare time. He's also a skilled savateur

Reena Sickle

main article: Reena Sickle

A fun loving 17 year old girl who likes to get along with everyone and has a fondness for bubblegum, french vanilla coffee and music, Reena Sickle is an LFO pilot. She left her home and family but still comes back to visit on occasion, rare as it may be.

Ryder Kale

main article: Ryder Kale

Ryder Kale could be described as "a reluctant pilot". Her skills are superb but she loathes every minute of it. Aside from that, she's what could be described as your average girl. Sort of awkward, clumsy, self-conscious, mild-mannered, Intelligent, but her knowledge consists mostly of random, obscure facts, rather than anything practical. Thus, she often doubts her own abilities, despite being independent and fully self-sustaining.

Vincent Hughes

main article: Vincent Hughes

Vincent is a freelance LFO pilot and as a hobby he lifts pretty much when he feels like it and doesn't really like being a competitive lifter because he finds it boring and stupid. Vincent is overall a friendly a somewhat silly man. He loves to talk to/help people and tries to make friends everywhere he goes. He's also often sarcastic and his one weakness is candy. Vincent was once part of the Vodarek when he was a young kid as well as his family. When he was younger an incident left him without his family and home until he found an adoptive family to take him in. Since his adoptive family were of old age when they took him in, they passed away due to old age. Upon this, Vincent took his adoptive father's LFO and started traveling from place to place. Is Currently traveling with Blake Scott.


Claire Papelion

main article: Claire Papelion

Claire Papelion is a competitive lifter in her early twenties. She's a fairly happy person but gets extremely pessimistic when stressed or under pressure. Slightly loud and over the top, she enjoys telling people to shut up. She also tends to fall for clearly cheap/false advertising when it comes to romance and she tends to be broke a lot. Fails at hip lingo despite the fact she's surrounded by it all the time.

Jayson "BJ" Madison

main article: Jayson Madison

BJ is a new wave freestyle lifter that is slowly becoming famous in the sport for his unique style of lifting called Body Lifting. His style completely throws away the lifting board and instead, he relies solely on a special pair of boots and gloves made for "body-lifters" as they are called. He's quite often a complete airhead, doing whatever he pleases and whatever whim he goes off on. "BJ" is short for "Baby Jay"


Evan Clancy

main article: Evan Clancy

An 18 year old mechanic, Evan Clancy is a boyish looking girl who charms women and robs them while they're distracted. She was an only child growing up. Her mother died when she was about 10 or so, but her father is still around, and he taught her everything she knows about fixing up LFOs. She's sort of popular around her home town, being that she can also fix up cars or toys and such things. She also has a Gulliver-type animal named Oswald that she found on the roadside when she was 5. She is childhood friends with Samson Masters (although she is the only person to call him Sammie), and still keeps in contact with him. He used to hang around the shop with her until acquiring his military status. They're incredibly close, and she's always complaining to him about how she hardly ever gets to see him anymore.

Varien Ahkor Kantri

main article: Big V

A mechanic, a tinkerer, an odd jobs doer, jack of all trades, a ref board maker and designer and a blacksmith. Pretty much if as moving parts it and be fixed by Big V. he likes helping out and rarely turns down work, even if he doesn’t know a thing about it, but he will study his project and soon understand how to go about it. He loves to invent things, albeit, those inventions may often fail, and by fail, potential death trap is meant.


Jameseru Bonderu

main article: Jameseru Bonderu

As an only child, he grew up in an orphanage after his parents were killed in the war. He's very good at poker, chess, reading people. Once he was old enough and out of school he enlisted in the military and achieved a middle rank before he went AWOL and became a mercenary for hire. He's a very accomplished reffer/lifter and LFO pilot.

Rick Spade

main article: Rick Spade

A 22 year old LFO pilot with a love of hard boiled crime fiction and pizza who likes to smoke when he drinks. At an early age he was cast out by his family and grew up alone spending his days switching between school and doing deliveries for crime organizations and back room dealers where he made lots of connections. His family was eventually murdered by a rival gang of the one he made deliveries for after the package he delivered turned out to be the body of one of their members and has struggled to deal with frustration he feels towards his family and the sadness from their lost. He quickly took off on his own after school and attended military training looking for order in his life but after being disillusioned with the military's brutal practices ran off on his own and started taking deals as a gun for hire. Rarely takes jobs from the military as a result of his past experiences with them and hesitant to trust them.

Stewart Castrada

main article: Stewart Castrada

A freelance mercenary who operates from the back of his restaurant and home, Castrada is smart, funny, and polite most of the time, though he can seem very pessimistic at when in combat. He's been known to throw people out of his restaurant for insulting his cooking and has never had a serious relationship with any women because of his dedication to his restaurant and taking care of his sister.

Valencia Fitzgerald

main article: Valencia Fitzgerald

Valencia is a bounty hunter, one of the best; since one of her best skills is seduction. She uses her feminine wiles to get information about her targets and sometimes even snare her prey. In her free time she likes to hit up the bars, practice shooting and attend high class parties. She is a deadeye shot and loves what she does. She also does a little bit of smuggling work here and there for some extra cash. While her true age is a mystery, she's old enough to be mature, but young enough to be beautiful.


Alice Carroll

main article: Alice Carroll

A woman in her early thirties, Alice Carroll works in the military believing if everybody followed the rules and obeyed orders, the world would be a much better place. Alice is obsessed with neatness and tidiness to the point where everything in her life must be neat and tidy lest she panic about it. When she is stressed she will start reorganizing whatever is in front of her, closet or books or files, she'll move everything around just to make sure it's all put right again. I guess you could say she has OCD. She also reads obsessively, and has a photographic memory.

David Gray

main article: David Gray

Captain of the Grey Squadron (stationed at the Mackinac Military Base), David is currently en route to the headquarters of the Voderac cult with his loyal subordiante Martha Paul and a few others. While on the surface he may be stoic, underneath the bravado he is an emotional man who cares for others. As a military officer, he understands the rank and position he holds and expects those under him to act accordingly. In that regard, he is a bit distant and is often perceived as the brooding type. But overall he's a good guy. In his spare time, David enjoys drawing and lifting, though he isn't as avid a lifter these days. When he was an adolescent, David was a lot more brash and fiery-tempered; military life has cooled him down a lot. He still retains a bit of that impudent vigor, though.

Elric Conrad Fletcher

main article: Elric Fletcher

Elric is a 42 year old Sergeant Major in the Military's classified operational task force. He served the state since the age of Thirteen, he was an orphan at birth. He flourished under the military training and was recruited at age 18 into a special ops division. At age 24, he married and had a daughter less than one year later. He served in the military, protecting the city and State from until, at the age of 29, he became involved in the pacification of a Voderak settlement. As he was returning home, the events of the first summer of love occurred, and he arrived just in time to see his family killed by a Voderak sympathizer whose suicide bomb resulted in his injuries. After nearly one year in recovery, he proceeded to rejoin his original unit, now re-tasked with eliminating the dangerous Voderak and Scub Coral menaces. After the events of the second summer of love, and the failure of Col. Dewey to fully destroy the alien menace, he has remained in the military to put an end to this conflict once and for all. He will use any and all means to complete this task.

Henrik Langstrom

main article: Henrik Langstrom

Henrik is a LFO weapons engineer for the military, a position which carries with it the rank of Captain. He sometimes sells his knowledge to rebels and freelancers to supplement his income. He also enjoys lifting... when he's not drinking. Henrik used to be pretty upbeat, but he became more and more morose after the Second Summer of Love when his parents died. He was ambitious enough to make captain quickly, but had little desire to take higher command positions. He blames the military for the Second Summer of Love, and by extension blames himself. He has also become prone to anger over small problems with his co-workers and subordinates. At the same time, while he was once cool under pressure, he has become completely aloof in tense situations. He hates when people call him "Hank."

Martha Paul

main article: Martha Paul

Lieutenant of the Grey Squadron under David Gray, Martha is a woman in her mid twenties whose hobbies include astronomy and classical music. Friendly, out-going, and possessing a strong sense of duty, her outspoken personality perfectly compliments her captain's stoic bravado. Though her assertive nature sometimes leads David to question whether he really carries rank over her, she remains ever faithful to her captain. In fact, she's more loyal to him than to the military itself. An only child, Martha joined the Federation military primarily out of family traditon. Growing up, she admired her father; to her, he represented everything a man should be.

Michael Santos

main article: Michael Santos

20 years old, Michael Santos is a Military Sniper, 1st Lieutenant, who's has not been assigned to a unit. His main weapon is a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle, .50 calbur; sidearm is a FN P90 submachine gun. Rumor has it that Michael's father shot down 3 LFOs all in a row with a single well-placed bullet from the M82A1, the same one Michael is currently using. Is a very decisive person, can make decisions within mere seconds. He doesn't like to be distracted when doing important stuff. If you get on his good side, he can be very friendly; but if you get on his bad side, expect bad things to happen. Can somewhat appear to be arrogant, given how confidant he can be at times.

Samson Masters

main article: Samson Masters

Samson is a younger military officer who becomes easily flustered in certain situations. For the most part Samson is a by the book personality, he feels that rules are there to be followed for the better of all human society. This often leads people to look at him as naive. He has a strong sense of justice, but that doesn't stop him from breaking the rules if he feels he must do so to help someone close to him. Samson's background also earns him a certain amount of scorn from people. While on the job he's very comptetive and works very hard. He is also competative with David Gray, as Samson's noble background often puts him ahead of David in the military causing a lot of friction between the two and causing them to compete to prove who is really better at their job. But while off duty his overall his general personality is very cheery and earns him friends in lots of places. Samson is of noble background, When he was young he found himself wandering the city one day and happened to enter a shop that belonged to Evan Clancy's family. He met Evan and they became fast and very close friends.

Other Civilians

Abeland Kreigrard

main article: Abeland Kreigrard

Abeland is a human experiment and knows a little bit about the world but after being abducted and experimented on he is very nervous, jittery, and timid around large groups of people and especially women. As a result of the experiments Abeland has the ability to fly on trappars, much like an LFO or reff board.

Ella Sutherland

main article: Ella Sutherland

Ella is a recent university graduate who grew up on a farm in a small town on the outskirts of one of the tower states. She has always been a fan of Gekko State (reading her lifter friends' ray=out magazines and developing kind of a crush on Holland) and became sympathetic to the plight of the Coralians, but her sympathies were strained when her parents, their farm, and her entire community disappeared with the portion of the scub coral layer that departed Earth during the Second Summer of Love. Now that she has completed her university studies, and without any home to go back to, Ella finds herself adrift in life and still trying to cope with the loss of her family and hometown.

Isaac Solon

main article: Isaac Solon

An eccentric scientist and self proclaimed "fallen angel". He was raised as a firm believer in the Vodarek teachings, and at a young age(around 6 or 7) he joined up with the more misguided members(the terrorists). In a fight with the military, he was shot in the eye and captured. He was used in an experiment to see how an anti-body coralian organ would react with that of a human. (a precursor to their eventual plans to create their own coralians) The experiment was fruitful; they learned much of how the human body reacted. His body initially rejected the coralian, and it caused him much pain and suffering. His body eventually grew to accept the eye, and for some reason the scientists could not explain, the coralian eye seemed to be somehow adjusting itself to it’s new environment, as if it wanted to be part of a human. The scientists believed the experiment worked, and they had a grand stepping stone to further coralian research. Things did not all go as planned, though. One day they did not properly lock his cell, and that night, he tried to escape. He was caught by security, and the scientists questioned whether they should kill him. It seemed as if his role was complete. Scared for his life, the coralian inside his body reacted, and space began to distort and disappear. As for hobbies, he enjoys keeping up on whatever is happening. Fashion, science, cooking, fads, it doesn’t matter to him. He just enjoys the new information. Doesn’t care for fictional books, he’d rather be shaping his own life story than reading about some fake one.

Jon Talbot

main article: Jon Talbot

A voderac priest, Jon is usually smiling and manages to put pretty much everyone at ease with his warm, friendly face. Although he tries to see the positive nature in everyone and everything, he can also be surprisingly realistic for someone so optimistic, often expecting and even preparing for the worst, but still believing that things will turn out alright in the end. This applies, most especially, to the current situation with the Voderac cult and the new rise in resentment towards his faith. He likes talking with people about their families and personal lives and helping them through whatever issues they may be dealing with, even though it’s usually none of his business. Very little is known about Jon before he joined the Voderac faith. Even what Jon has mentioned about his family can’t be taken at face value, since his family members and who they are tend to change with each of his stories. It has been inferred by many that he might in fact by a former member of the military, as is evidenced by the disciplined way he carries himself in a crisis and his “plan-ahead” way of thinking.

Maurus Brainerd II

main article: Maurus Brainerd II

A loner with a big heart, Maurus (age 20) is an Archeologist with military and LFO experience. If he can, he's always willing to help anybody and has a darkside, but likes to avoid violence if possible. Grew up in a military family and was exposed to the military and LFOs at an early age. In his free time, he enjoys reading. For six years he traveled the wilderness, living in solitude. He continued his studies, and quickly learned how to survive. At age twenty he decided it was time to return to the world after making a amazing discovery in a remote cavern in the north.

Scruffy "Scruff" Rikochet

main article: Scruffy Rikochet

Scruffy Rickochet is a 48 year old Janitor. Has five o'clock shadow at 11, 10, or any other time. Has brown eyes. Wears red hawaiian shirts all the time. He' s usually in the backdrop but occasionally pipes in with some witty remark or something. He's the janitor. He's a pretty good Reffer an he has a grudge against one of the main characters.


main article: Zalia

Zalia is a seamstress, Her clothing, much like herself could be described as weird or eccentric. She often wears her own creations and has her own boutique. She's bubbly and friendly, and always carries around with her a little stuffed penguin named Pingu that she made as a kid. She's very childlike but can act her age when she wants to. She may come across as ditzy, but is actually quite intelligent. Not much is known about her past, her dad was in the military and died during one of the summer of loves and her mother suffered from desperation disease since Zalia was 13, so she's had to raise herself for awhile but she doesn't mind too much. She's close with Lucas Jackson.

Crew of The Raven

Brian Zephyr

main article: Brian Zephyr

A 23 year old Mechanic and part time alcoholic. He likes to gamble some and write here and there. especially when he witnesses verbal confrontations, making up his on satirical version of the argument. He's mostly laid back, often sarcastic, even under pressure, can get angry in high-pressure situations if being hassled by someone. He's also really defensive about his personal affairs of his past. His parents died when he was a young teen when the caralians attacked. He found a friend to hang out with to get through the death of his family, her name is Renee Jones, They met while he was drinking, both underage. He became a mechanic doing miscellaneous jobs to get by, until he worked his way up to fixing LFO's for Mercs that made the town he lives in a pit stop because he fixed things no questions and was able to name his own price. Since then he has bought his own ship and LFO, and shares his ship with Renee and her LFO she uses to do the spy work as free lance. He still does free lance mechanic work when he has time. Rescued Svan Korpson from death after a battle and has been on the team ever since. Just to clarify, no surviving family, all dad, but is really good friends with Renee Jones, and also on good terms with the rest of his crew.

Danny Fletcher

main article: Danny Fletcher

A Freelance Mercenary/Bounty Hunter, Danny is laid-back and Laid-back and rather jocular. He Doesn't want to get too into things that don't concern him, but will always fight for what he believes is right. Always calm and light hearted, even when in a battle situation or a life-threating position. He loves Shepherd's Pie and smokes.(A lot) Naps and sleeps a lot - is very lazy. Loves to drink and get drunk. Danny is completely reckless, and will do anything to achieve his goal, even if that means bodily harm to himself. Loves battle - laughs out loud while in the midst of a skirmish because of the adrenaline. Coincidentally he is very skilled at it as well. Was born in a tiny town, and didn't think he could make much of himself. Started lifting because there was not much to do in the town and became rather talented and skilled at it. He joined the Military as a way to get out of the small town he lived in, where he was an LFO pilot and a soldier in the Special Ops division, which was mainly a stealth force. He was betrayed by his best friends in the military who left him for dead because he questioned what Dewey was doing, after uncovering some of the evidence that the military had caused the death of many innocent civilians. Because of this, he is afraid to be TOO close to anyone, but still has friends.

Hannah Kamio

main article: Hannah Kamio

Hannah Kamio is a doctor whose dry, self-deprecating humor keeps her from taking anything too seriously. She has little sympathy for those with minor injuries, often teasing that she can't waste her time over such trivial things. She keeps to herself and prefers the familiar comfort of the infirmary, seldom venturing out to the rest of the ship. Hannah purposely avoids any unnecessary contact with the crew and never socializes with them. Hannah lost both her husband and daughter under circumstances that she hasn't described to anyone. She never talks about her family, except with Renee Jones, and then only in general terms.

Kendrick Summers

main article: Kendrick Summers

Assault leader for "The Raven", LFO squad and mechanic, drunk and a conman, Kendrick Summers is a smooth operator. He is very calm and collected and looks out for everyone but looks out for himself first and foremost. He's friendly with just about everyone, especially the ladies when he is drunk which is most of the time. He is kind of a neat freak because of his military training. He has a sick sense of humor bordering on raunchy. In his LFO, he is like a madman unleashed; Sneaking up on them and cutting them down before they know what hit them. Growing up in a military family, he traveled a lot and had a rough upbringing. His was killed by the Vodarek in an assault when he was 10. Later, when he was 18, he joined the military, fighting long and hard for them. He got injured in the leg during a skirmish with the Vodarek and almost didn't make it back but fought them off to make it back to base. He was dedicated to the military and made Master Sergent in 6 years. When he was 30, Dewey Novack forced him to retire from the military due to his age and "disability". He then became a mercenary and met Bryan Zephyr. They struck up a conversation and became friends. When approached about joining the Raven and asked if he would like to join, He jumped at the chance, if only to get back at the military for discarding him so soon.

Renee "The Firebird" Jones

main article: Renee Jones

22 year old pilot of a "wild weasel" a specially outfitted spying and sleath LFO named the "Firebird", she works with Brain Zephyr and Sven Korpson on Zephyr's ship "The Raven". While generally happy most of the time, Renee can tend to get angry and blow up over stupid stuff, like the bathroom seat being left up or the guys leaving the ship a wreck. Very cool in battle situations and other crisis, but tends to fall apart afterwards, gets shaky with the adrenaline reaction, and then retreats to her room to cry in private, which drives Brian and Sven crazy. She also I have the ability to take and correlate a bunch of random facts and other info/data, see the pattern, and project a accurate outcome, long before others get there. Loves to read and do puzzles.

Svan Korpson

main article: Svan Korpson

Svan Korpson, a "Lifting Suicide Commando" (essentially a man who does what could be considered exclusively suicide missions with only a board, parachute and gun.) Works as a free-lance for whoever pays and depending on how he feels about them. Crazy, like probably should be locked up crazy. Suicidal but would never take his own life. Generally a nice “normal” person but twitches a lot. This twitching can be anything from a minor eye twitch to his fist coming up and punching someone, although the latter could just be him saying it was a twitch. Jokes constantly, even when he shouldn’t, this is his worst trait for the most part. Is often found leaning against a wall cracking his knuckles and talking to himself late at night when everyone else is asleep. Nice normal childhood. Learned to lift at an early age and got very good at it. Spent teenage years training with weapons of all sorts and wanted to become a LFO pilot. His early years as an adult knocked this right out of him. He met a woman and settled down to have a family. He continued to enjoy lifting and some smaller weapons competitions. All was well with his life until a scub coral shift took his wife and young son from him. In essence, he snapped. He went out with his board and a parachute, bought a large man portable anti-LFO weapon off the black market and became a mercenary. His hopes were that this would end his life without the shame of a suicide. Life once again kicked him in the teeth by seeming to almost protect him from harm. The more insane and suicidal the mission the more he seemed to crack up at it’s success. He was too far gone by the second summer of love to even notice or care. He joined up with the crew of the Raven recently. After being found in the desert by Renee’s sensors and picked up by Brian’s mech he was taken to the nearest town suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. After recovering he found they had already left. He immediately hopped on his board and chased after them. In one of his usual suicide maneuvers he latched onto their ship and boarded it. He was caught fairly quickly, but instead of fighting them he asked for a job with them. They accepted, and most likely regretted it later. He now works with them in much the same manner as he always did. He has little or no involvement with the recent influx of crew onto the ship.

Violet Stone

main article: Violet Stone

Violet Stone has a talent for working with and fixing anything technology related, even if she's never seen the technology before, she just has a knack for understanding it. but she also loves to paint, and is also into photography (nature/artistic not necessarily journalistic) as hobbies. She'll take any job doesn't matter if it's for the "good" side or the "bad", she goes where the money is, especially if it's a chance to work with a new kind of technology. She is a bit of a loner. The family she has left all live very far away and she is fiercely independent, as her parents raised her to be. She is very loyal to her friends, but only has a handful of close ones. She finds it difficult to really let people get close to her, that way when they eventually leave, it doesn't hurt as much. Being in the middle of life threatening situations tend to bring out the best in her. She's the kind of person who will do what needs to be done without hesitation, even if it's extremely unpleasant. She had a pretty normal childhood. The only hurts in her past are losing her father, Thomas Stone, during the fighting against the military, and a broken heart, when the only man she had ever loved left her. Violet joined up with the crew of the Raven because the pay was too good to pass up, and she was ready to hit the skies again for a while anyways. She gets along with the crew, but still keeps a bit of distance, since she is newest to the crew. She enjoys the occasional drinking game with the guys, and if any of them get too fresh she isn't above threatening to breaking a finger or 2 to get her point across. Not that she is against a love interest, but the guy would have to really sweep her off her feet, and she tries not to mix that kind of pleasure with business if she can help it.

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