
From Asaction

Revision as of 23:10, 22 March 2008 by Kiraralove (Talk | contribs)
Real Name not a real big secret
Registration Date September 25, 2005
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Regulars Action Discussion


General Info

kiraralove joined the ASMB in 2005 after one of AS' famous random schedule changes put Inuyasha (the only AS show she watched then) on at a different time and she wanted to see if board members got any kind of info on schedule changes ahead of time. She now watches most of the shows on the AS block, including some comedy and her favorite shows ever to grace AS are Eureka Seven, Fullmetal Alchemist and Samurai Champloo. She posts mostly in AD, but is also seen in OA, Babbling and occasionally other folders. She is a huge Crispin Freeman fangirl and adores almost all of the characters he plays. She is Cille's apprentice and frequents Trunks' Watching the Anime Block Experiment threads. kiraralove has a medium-ish post count, as she tends not to really spend that much time on the boards in favor of having an active social life and not taking anime that seriously.

Lovey Dovey Junk

Kirara was board married to Shatter after he proposed to her one night in an AIM chat but then he forgot they were married 20 minutes later and denied the whole thing happened, so she divorced him and CowboyCadenza proposed to her and so she married him instead but he was already married to _Boxers_ so he said it would just be a threeway marriage that she would be probably fine with and Kirara decided that was probably okay because she likes Boxers but then Boxers divoced Caddie because he didn't ask her if it was okay to add Kirara to the marriage first so Kirara and Caddie were board married for a while and then Caddie kept proposing to other people like Mookie and Cille without really consulting Kirara first and then finally Kirara decided she was sick of it and divorced Caddie and is now flying solo but is sometimes seen flirting with boy toy Samurai_Champloo_Fan but doesn't really want any commitments even though Shatter proposed to her again but she did decide that gesture probably warranted an anullment of the first marriage.

Samson's Quest Kirara (by Kohikki)


Kirara can be found in several fanfics including Samson's Quest as one of Samson's comrades and main love interest, La Révolution as an Order of the Glass character who very seldom ever shows up and J-Dubb's AD Bleach Fanfic as Katrina, member of Squad 11.

Other Garbage

Kirara is a bored college student who has an impressive list of extracurricular clubs and activities. She's obsessed with shopping, particularly for shoes and makeup, and likes to watch movies, cook and work out in her free time. She lives near the beach but is a really bad swimmer. Her favorite ice cream is peanut butter chocolate and her blood type is O+. Her favorite places she has ever been to in the world include San Francisco and Paris and she intends to live in both through the course of her life. She also likes to read and her favorite authors include Kurt Vonnegut, Jane Austen, Victor Hugo and Tom Wolfe.

Guestbook Dealie

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