Fanboy Laws

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Revision as of 19:41, 13 August 2007 by Real AirCooledMan (Talk | contribs)

A list of laws proposed and ratified by various ADers and codified by Gaynor79.

The Fanboy laws:

1. No one shall ever ruin anyone's Fanboying over a hot anime character. (i.e. posting that "Shattred Dreams" motivational poster about Talho)

2. No posting of Man-Faye. EVER!!

3. No more posts about what the new anime in March is gonna be. It's more than likely gonna be Blood+. Deal with it. [1-3 by Gaynor79]

4. A Yuri is always fine, as is a Yaoi. A futanari is never alright. [by Kohikki]

5. People are obligated to explain to others what a "futanari" is, should they be asked.

6. Ed/Winry fans are not allowed to rip on Ed/Rose fans. [5 and 6 by america_loves_anime]

7. Everyone must fanboy Amon. [by Jyuuchirou_Ukitake]

8. Gluttony is not allowed to be the subject of fanboying. If one admires Gluttony, it is an "appreciation of his character," NOT fanboying. [by Jyuuchirou_Ukitake]

9. People aren't allowed to say "I was dropping a deuce" in the opening posts...or ever [by LirpaYamEnujYluj]

10. There shall be no referring to Inu Yasha fans as RIF's. This is a hurtful term and we are a friendly group. [by Gaynor79]

11. (InuYasha) No more complaining about our guys and their show. [by Xenon1]

12. This one says it all. [by Gaynor79] (This linked to a poster of Orihime, but the link was since broken.)

13. Evangelion is allowed to be called confusing and just plain weird, but it is not allowed to be bashed just because you didn't take the time to watch all of it at least once to try and understand.

14. Akira and the original Ghost in the Shell movie are two of the holy works of anime. Thou must watch both of these to be considered a true fanboy of anything

15. All fanboys must recognize that anime boobs will be in size from flat to big enough to use as flotation devices for all time, and no matter how many times thou sees scantily clad women, you musn't complain or they'll go away forever.

16. Try to come up with some original cosplay ideas for once you lazy bums! I'm sick of the Inuyasha, Naruto and FMA people who are 75% of all the cosplayers at all cons! [14-16 by Iowa CubsFan] 17. If you find out about an anime convention, you are required to post all info about it so all fanboys can go. [by Gaynor79]

18. No matter how hard you analyze it, no one will EVER know what Gendo said before shooting Ritsuko in EoE. [by HeeroYuy139]

19. You will maintain a well-stocked Photobucket, or know where to find one. [by Cille]

20. Eva fans are no longer allowed to call Eureka 7 or any other anime a rip-off of Eva. [by EdSpikeSesshyGirl]

21. Do not be afraid to have a fetish for female characters who are 15 or 16 years of age; in Japan, the legal age of consent is 14, so there's so shame in it. [by america_loves_anime]

22. Do not complain about the subs or dubs of anime series' unless you know for a face that the entire sub/dub just plain stinks to everyone you know [by Iowa CubsFan]

23. Have some tact. If you feel the need to look at porn, just assume no one cares. After all, some thngs are better left unsaid [by LirpaYamEnujYluj]

24. It's okay to skip ahead. [by NuRm667]

25. Don't fanboy/girl if doing so involves unmarked spoilers. [by Unmarked_Spoilers]

26. Remember that somewhere out there, someone hates the show you find the best ever. It is best to try to peacefully coexist rather than fight on the forums all the time. [by Magil]

27. Do not leave Action until you have finished fangasming.

28. All fangasming must be performed once every week to remain official. [27 and 28 by Unmarked_Spoilers]

29. If you can think of it, there is porn of it SOMEWHERE on the internet.

30. Never sleep with the boss's daughter. [29 and 30 by Magil]

31. If you break rule 30, FOR GODS SAKE, DONT LET THE BOSS FIND OUT!!!!!! [by wolfpriest]

32. Spoilerz so mark them, or don't post 'em. [by Wyotech_Material]

33. Thal shalt not overly critisize [as] for not having enough anime. They could just as easly have all crap by Retard Tim & Moronic Eric. (search your feelings you know it to be true- Darth Vader)

34. All comedy is completly critizizeable.

35. Fanboys/girls are not obligated to have perfect grammar and spelling skills (especially applys to me if you have seen my other posts.) [34 to 36 by Wilhelm of Coal]

36. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.

37. Thou shalt never refer to an anime character as thy wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, family member, or lover. It's one thing to be a fan, then there's over-obession. [37 and 38 by Magil]

38. Thal shalt not question the fanboyness of a fanboy, for your fanboyness for something you fanboy about may be the target of critisism. [by Wilhelm of Coal]

39. If you don't remotely look like the character you're trying to cosplay as, DON'T. [by HeeroYuy139]

40. Write all the fanfiction you want, just don't try and find real justification for your wierd pairing in the show itself (this means you, you insane Inuyasha yaoi people)...

41. The amount of Japanese loanwords you use is inversely proportional to how much non-internet human interaction you recieve on a daily basis.

42. For god's sake, leave Sephiroth alone. The man has been through enough...

43. Same as above, but regarding Sesshoumaru, Ed Elric, and Roy Mustang. Seriously, their asses are tired...

44. There's a fine line between "cute" and "pedophilia". Lolicon is that line...

45. There's a fine line between "cute" and "pedophilia". Shotacon left that line in it's dust 20 years ago... [41 to 46 by Lord_Schmekie] 46. Inuyasha-haters are free to refer to the show as "DBZ for fat chicks", while fans of the show are free to ignore them. [by america_loves_anime]

47. should legal action take place, all Inu haters will become the Democrats, will the Inu fans become the Republicans.

48. it is considered unsportsmanlike conduct to 'H4X' a fellow AD'er. [48 and 49 by Kagomes_Luver2789]

49. Being a stalker/rapist wannabe is incompatible with being a fanboy. [by lordadmira]

50. No one can "claim" a certain character. Because there are more people who would love to do the same thing. [by HeeroYuy139]

51. Impure thoughts about women in video games is only acceptable if said woman is also in an anime of some sorts, even if the anime is no good as well. Example, Chun-Li from Street Fighter, Morrigan and Felicia from Darkstalkers. [by Iowa CubsFan]

52. Odds are, 99.9% of everything Zeni says has a chance to be invalid. [by HeeroYuy139]

53. The Fanboy Laws are unique and sacred. No one shall make another thread to attempt to contend with them. [by Gaynor79]

54. If a fangirlfriend asks you to stop something, you have to stop it (unless it's a 911-scale emergency). [by Unmarked_Spoilers]

55. No Posting of Man-Rei. EVER!!!! [by Gaynor79]

56. No posting of Man-Kagome!! EVER!!!!11 [by lordadmira]

57. All hot anime girls are considered boneable and you should not be ashamed to admit it. [by Black_Swordsman]

58. No man is pretty enough to play sechroumo

59. If someone dosn't know who the character is you are fanboy/girling you are obligated as a fanboy/girl to explane and describe who the character is in question you are fb/g-ing. [59 and 60 by Wilhelm_of_Coal]

60. The only excuse for a straight man doing yaoi is if he's trying to score with fangirls. [by HeeroYuy139]

61. Fanboy the hell out of every forum you go in while doing so [by Mann_Gegen_Mann]

62. U lose ur fanboy status when u turn to live action hentai.

63. A fanboy must make sacrifices for his anime babe, including wanting the best for her in the future, respecting her space, respecting her choice of clothes, watching and buying her DVD's, buying her merchandise, and respecting the artwork.

64. No fanboy shall put a fangirl or his fangirlfriend ahead of his devotion to his anime babe.

65. A fanboy must respect his anime babe as she is and fanboy over her for who she is.

66. A fanboy may not try to turn his anime babe into something she's not, especially his personal sex toy. [63 to 67 by lordadmira]

67. The only suitable way to defend the honor of the one you fanboy/fangirl over is...

MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!! [by Gaynor79]

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