Lithium green

From Asaction

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! style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |Rank
! style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |Rank
| style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |[[Order of the Owl]]
| style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |[[Order of the Owl]Bounty Hunter]
! style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |Regulars
! style="background:#99CCFF" align="left" |Regulars

Revision as of 13:19, 29 September 2007

Real Name Not Given
Registration Date August 18, 2005
Rank [[Order of the Owl]Bounty Hunter]
Regulars Action Discussion

all you need to know here is that LG is a uncool and that he likes to do funky things to computers!

but he's so fly and wants to wear grillz like Nelly.



Things he has destroyed

Three butterflies with a bazooka.

An already-broken chair.

People's original conceptions of "OH SNAP!".

Other Motoko fanboys around the world.

Recurring Dreams


Eating a hamburger the size of a pizza... or IS it just a pizza? 0_o

Being Gendou and killing his own son (who wouldn't?)

Getting punched in the face by Charlie Sheen

Something involving Motoko, a shark, and flames...

The Pirate Story

In yet another weird dream of his, LG was a mere bartender when evil pirate queen Captain Spice raided his bar and killed everyone in it except for him, for he managed to make her life by throwing a brick on his head. He joined the pirate crew with her but was kicked out after failing to garner and money for her - Spice loves her money afterall. He was later taken back by Spice because she wanted a good drink.

My thougths on my peeps in AD

Cille: I always think of you were a cross between a ninja, a police woman, a textilist, a cow, and a forest nymph ala Zelda...

Moon: No, I can't lay you some golden eggs. I'm, well, yeah...

Spice: *chomp!*

Blah: If you're reading this, I give you your soul back. I'll even through in Rob Corddry's soul to pay you interest.

Shadow: I shall defeat you in Brawl come December-ish.

OMNI: Peyton Manning is going to visit you this Saturday in the park... you wish! Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Ghost: You're the most mature person on the boards, and I have nothing but the utmost respect to you.

Lacks: Lina could use some polish...

Maenos: *upgrades you*

Starry: *makes you upgrade Maenos for me* =P

Lirpa: For the longest time, I thought you were a girl... then a boy... then a girl again... I don't know what to make of you anymore.

Queen: Do me a favor and kill Light for me, please?


Zeus: Are you really an angry god, or are you just not happy to see anyone?

Luna: You rock, girl! ^_^

Trunks: *piercing stare*

Lgott: I don't know what you do to make Moon and Spice nuts, but keep it up.

Justice: JoJo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he knew it couldn't last. JoJo left his home in Tuscon, Arizona, for some California grass. Get back. Get back. Get back to where you once belonged.

Meta: You're not the boss of me, Mr. Smarty Pants!

Alastour: I shall call you a gazelle from now on.


mgangel: Every time you flash online, I get blinded. But I still can see. =P

CombatC: Hope the Cards do better next season.

Cowboy: How come I never see you post anymore? Are you a phantom of the boards? o_0

Comedyswimfan: Thanks for keeping it honest. You are probably the model [as] viewer and I give you props.

Jade: You gotta chat with me on YIM more often, girl!

KL: Hope the Samus pics kept you happy.

Kohikki: As long as you keep the Moe to a healthy fandom-level, you're cool in my book.

Orochi: If you ever need help destroying ne'erdowells, I'm your man to call for backup.

Muffin: COME BACK!!!

Reborn: You're always getting banned, yet you always come back. =D

Shaleko: Nothing I say here will ever be smart enough for you to read...

Rek: You crazy. Seriously, you are.

Happz: Please don't hump me again like last time...

Shikon: Hope Mickey and company aren't keeping you too preoccupied in Orlando. I envy you, my friend. =P

SesshoumaruBebop: *gives you a plushie*

PenguinBoss: I shall also defeat you in Brawl when I get it.

Pierrot: Maybe you should put on some lotion before you jump on women...

Nurm: Keep the CIF power strong!

Mookie: See you in the football thread!

Myname: You shall always be Greed to me (except if Maenos ever changes his icon to him again).

LoST: *high fives you*

DBZ: I give you a sword - it's not mine, but I figured you would need one for some reason... just don't call the police on me.

Space: How did you get more posts than me in such a short amount of time? That's insane...

Sweet: You know you need to come back here and have some fun with all of us again.

Wolf: Hope you kick a$$ in Halo 3.

Zeni: I give you Kohaku. Now go and leave me alone.

Matrixman: I hear stuff about you, but I don't get any of it. And I don't want to either - there's enough weirdness on teh boards.

Boxers: You're going to love Death Note, if you haven't seen it already... >.>

Loves: Where did you go? I missed seeing you and Boxies going all lesbo on the boards...

dudeco: How did you come up with that name anyway? It's such a strange name...

Akari: Like everyone else on the boards, I say "kawaii" to you.

Jeff: It's alright, man - nobody hates you, and you're a valued member of the boards. =)

FMM: Even though we may disagree with shounen stuff, you're still cool in my book.

Heartless: FREE BEER!

InuFan213: Your fanfic was great - you're a pretty good writer.

Heero: Don't get discouraged - just be yourself.

MasterSamson: You should try to beat Halo in Legendary mode for kicks...

Adaya: I love you. =)

That is all.

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