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== cidz ==
cid likes deleting her wiki page on whim and redoing them.. its fun.
soo like cid is totally some wierdo hippy chick or something.. that sometimes says she created teh interetn and teh ppl in it just for her ammusement and gives ppls souls away on a whim to dubzeh (haha ICWATUDIDTHAR :P) who is totz her BFF.
shes also rabidly and obssessivly fangirlz ovar trybel and TOTZ LUVZ HIM FOREVAR OMG!!!!
cid is also the result of a crazy lab experiment.. totz true. thats why ppl are all like "we iz related we iz ur parentz" and st00f.. cid has no real parents or sibz.. she jsut wonders around liek the stray kitteh she is lookn for homes and stuff.. its kinda betchn :)
== altz ==
cidz many altz:
#ScaryGermanGuy (for the ASMB masquarade ball)
#fooIycooIyman123456 (mirror alt)
#spring (first acct. got it bak)
#MisaBrandLipstick (furions DN alt game)
== cidz wacky board love life ==
cid grew bored of polygamy and on a whim divorced everyone in [ this post] it wa fun while it lasted :)
she still has a list of everyone she married on wordpad tho.
sooo anyways, cid has decided she wants to try monogmy and with a dude. shes hoping tryble will ask her to marry her buuut hes avoidig that. psh.. NotTryble wants to marry her but everytime cid comes close to saying yes he leaves.. psh. figures.
cid is currently married to tryble becuase her father, the new king of IB or so he says, [[vadernaraku]] made it so. and he said since hes the king he can do watever he wants (including marrying ppl without thier consent.) cid doesnt mind of course, but shes still contemplating where she should let tryble know cuz hell weasle his way outta it. :(
and now more to add to cidz wacky board luuuuveerrzzzzz!!! YAY! so liek.. one day in teh gossip thred namey was all like "i dun get this trybleXcid st00f" and cidz all like on a whim " i could tell you or i could say screw it MARREH ME NAMEEY!! ILY!!!" and he was all like "YEEEEAAASSSS" soooo now cidz and namey are board engaged. and we was gonna get married and had everyone but on that night we both got compz probz T__T.. like nameys interent crapped out and cidz computer just turned ghey! totz >_< sooo now idk wen cid and nameyll get married.. probz soon idk.. but namey iz lyk totz teh aweosmenesss!!!!! also were gonna totz wear teh matchn weddn dresses too! cuz thats hoa we rollz :)
== tryble ==
one of these days cid should fill this space up with like.. the whole cid&tryble thing. probz is she doesnt rly understand it herself.. luuuuurrveezz is something one cannot explain ~ <33
is cid srsly in luv with tryble? is cid just kiddn? its, as tryble would say, a secret to everyone. ;)
also tryble is totz teh smex hes like.. utter smex!!!!!!
== dubzeh ==
hes gansta yo! he bust a cap in ur azz no joek! dun mess with him f00l he be all like 'BAM' hao u liek dem appelz betch! >_<
== umm.. board famz ==
i got board kidz. most abandoned me.. :( all but 2~!
<strike>pokenirvash is me and trybles kid</strike> unfortnally i lost him when we got divorced... cuz im an unfit board mom.. hes currently in teh board shelter up for adoption.
saucey (CAC) is me and champys kid.
she also has several parents.. her first board parents are furion (dad) and atsume (mom)
her royal family is [[vadernaraku]] (dad) and rukiasoul (mom)
and her totally normal laidback parents are RPD (dad) and exFM (mom)
she also have genis sage and champy as her bros.. and she still thinks shanky is her bro to. and latinagansta or nyree as she calls her, is her lil sis.
fooly (foolycoolyman123456) is her twin. shes not sure if twinzeh (noproof) is still her twin but shell still cal him twinzeh anywyas.
== random stuff ==
i like penguinz and zombies and kiwis and kirbies and i think moaty is hawt and so is erotic trutle and so is tryble.. and dubzeh told me i wud find RACM hawt so i will think he is hawt too :)
moar on hawt boiz - cid findz boiz in glasses and/or suits hawt.. both just = totall fangirlgasm oh my gawd.
so anywayz, ciz recent hawt maynz is matt from DN and hes lyk FOJDUEGIGIORJGG SOOO HAHWWETTT!!!!! she also thinks mikami and geovani is hawtz and donest telll dubzeh this but she stares at his icon sumtimez for awhile drooling ready to pounce it cuz its of geavoani and hes hawtz!!! she did teh same thing with ara too.
also renji with long hair is hawt and once tried to get into fools pantz wen she saw him wearing an icon of renji with long hair >_> <_<
cid is a such an icon skankz :(
cid also like reading ppls wiki its true.. she likes stalking you betches and learning about j000zzz.. liek.. she probz read everyones wiki by now.. but still reads them anyways... also will randomly rainbowize your wiki just for the hell of it like srsly shel write like a sentece and itll rid your wiki with like TOOONNNZZZZZ or HTML no lie. she thinks rainbows sexifeyh pplz wikiz.. cid lieks sexified wikiez.
'''random fact not about cid but about cidz stuff''': ice fishing pingu is gansta yo! he'll stab ya with his ice pick if ya look at him wrong! dont be messn with ice fishn pingu betch! >_<
== cid likes facts! ==
* cid is bored and wants to write facts about herself.
* fact 1: cid likes her icon to match/compliment her rank color.
* fact 2: cid likes no LUUUUUUVVVZZZZ tryble. cant get enough of him srsly.
* fact 3: cid likes to try and see if she can get winzeh to talk to her. she know he wont which she finds quite ammusing now and takes advantage of that by saying watever she wants to him. but evnetually he'll crack, and when he does cid WILL rub it in his smug little face for al of eternity. srsly she will. just you wait!
* fact 4: there IS a four. so shush it you non belivers!!!!! >_<
* fact 5: cid ran outta facts.
* fact 6: man fact is a wierd word.
* fact 7: cid has alotta alts. most of them she lost the emails to.
* fact 8: cid luvvvs luuv she thinks hes a secksgod. <33
* fact 9: cid luvs karman and someday he will come alive and marry her! but until then she has to settle for printing out pics of him and makn out wiff em. ^_^
* fact 10: cid does not liek papercutz. T__T
* fact 11: speaking of papercuts, cid once convicned naryu to write fanfics and print them out and maek sweet luvn and have paper fanficy babiez... she said so. cidz still waiting on that fanfic >_<
* fact 12: cid doesnt know why shes still writing facts about herself that no one will read.
* fact 13: cid thinks...... no she doesnt. cid is a ditz v__v
== fangirling is a wai of liyf!!! ==
ZOMFG!!! HOA CUD I FORGETZ!!! cid fangirls HARDCORE!! lyk.. srsly... espeically with teevee liek.. wenever teevees around tehier powarz are UNSTOPPABLEZ!!!! and usually end in foley telling us totake a old shower XDDDD
cidz in luuuuveee with hawt menzzzz!!! and always tries to get guiz to admit to thier innr gayness actually she duzent care she just wants an excuse to fangirl and pichowrinz >_> O_o
cid luvz lots of boyz! but umm... her main squeeeezzzz are: L, matt, hisagi, karman, mugen, spike, anyone voiced by blum, also blum.. she wants to like marry blume GY7E7323HFH BLLUMMM!!!!!!
evereonez doinetz! write naoz!!!!
*(can't think of anything at the moment) - [[J-Dubb]]
*You suck. - [[moat]]
*(Writes stuff) - [[Tryble]]
*wow, and i thought i was a whore, but youve married A LOT more than i have O_o -not justice
* *hugs j00* - [[PokeNirvash]]
* ILY!!!! *huglez j00* [[CAC]]
* Straighten Up Ciddy- [[Vadernaraku]]
* (thought of something) - [[J-Dubb]]
* OMG!!!  You are lyk, totally one of the most nicest peoplez on teh boardz! - [[WarFalcon]]

Revision as of 01:13, 25 September 2008

Real Name spring
Registration Date June 19,2006
Rank Order of the Owl
Regulars Action Discussion

cid likes deleting her wiki page on whim and redoing them.. its fun.

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